0.9 - Pre-school

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I hadn't realized that so much had to be done with Ryan on race day until the race was over and we were heading back to North Carolina. Ryan didn't have the best of days, finishing in twenty-ninth place. I knew he was taking it out on himself but he couldn't have done much to change the outcome. He said that Talladega was always a wreck fest. Too bad for him because he had gotten caught up in the very last few wrecks.

Eleanor had cheered him up a lot after the race, and I knew he was trying to be happy for her but I could tell that this race had affected him. He was trying his hardest to do the team proud but it just wasn't showing in the end. I knew it wasn't his fault, just like everyone else did, but he just needed to sulk for a couple of hours. He was in the playoffs and he wanted to make sure the team's hard work all year didn't get squandered away.

Whenever we got home, I invited Ryan over for the night but he politely declined. I wasn't any bit sad about it or anything of sorts. I figured he just wanted to be alone for a while. It wasn't that late either, just barely passing eight when he backed his truck out of the driveway and left for his house.

I needed to bathe El and get her clothes ready for the morning.  Tomorrow was her first day at preschool and I was hoping that it would go okay.

Eleanor seemed to be just as tired as I was, so she went through her bath with no problem and was asleep before I even laid her down in her bed. After putting her to bed, I showered and made my way into bed myself. I noticed as I plugged my phone into its charger, I had a message from Ryan.

Sorry about earlier. I would have loved to stay but I hated how bad I did today that I just needed to calm down a bit. Hope you're not mad.

I smiled, knowing that he was now feeling bad for not staying.

Don't worry about that, Ryan. I'm not a bit mad. How about we grab some lunch tomorrow?

After sending it, I decided to go through my Instagram. I had seen the photo Ryan had posted earlier and about dropped my phone from the surprise of it. It was the sweetest thing, and I of course had to ask him to send me the photo. The comments on it were a different story. It didn't seem like anyone knew who the photo was of but people seemed adamant on wanting to know. I did notice a few comments from some of his family, wondering who we were as well. I knew that would be something that he needed to explain to them.

Right before setting my phone down on my bedside table for the night, I got another message from Ryan.

Sounds great to me. Want me to pick you up at noon-ish?

Without thinking about it much, I sent him back my answer of yes and put the phone away. My eyes were dropping closed and I couldn't keep awake to save me. Before I could even pull the blanket fully over me, I was out.



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Everything Has Changed //Ryan Blaney//Where stories live. Discover now