Prologue: Legends

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(This takes place 16 years ago. Before Georgia became Gregory.)

" Come kids, you heard a story? " Man asked to his children as they gathered around him. Then man has four children, but this man was no ordinary human. He was vampire, three of his four offspring were vampire. But one was hybrid of vampire and a pure soul, his youngest the hybrid. " Dad, what kind of story? " His youngest, who was 4 years old asked, " Well, Georgia, I will tell you all a legend. The legend of the vampires, " he answered. His children were in awe, " So, you will tell us about your kind, " said his second oldest, " Yes, Eliza, I will, " he said with happy tone.

" So, where should I begin? Oh, okay. Many, many, many years ago, Vampires, Bloodlust, Vamp-lust, Pure souls, and humans, lived in peace before the pure soul war. They lived in perfect harmony; vampires weren't allowed in sunlight. But they hunted at night, and they hunted for their prey. They attacked only the humans who are greedy or selfish. But when the pure soul war happened, which lasted for 500 years, they didn't help the pure souls or the bloodlusts. They were selfish themselves, but when they saw the damaged the humans did. They decided to help the pure souls and bloodlusts win the war. When they won, you think went back to harmony and peace. That's where you are wrong, the vampires turned against the pure souls after they found out pure souls' blood was rare and gave power to any vampires or bloodlusts. But the bloodlusts wanted to help the pure souls, so they help them. But we don't happen to the vamp-lust, no one know what happened to them after them, " said their dad, and they were fascinated.

Then their dad looked at Georgia, " Georgia, I know you were born a pure soul-vampire hybrid. I want to you, to promise me, you never leave the house without permission, " said their dad, and Georgia nodded in response. Then their mom came into room, " Michael, I told you to never tell them the legend. You are stubborn as your father, ugh, me and Noah been telling you, you can't tell the legend, yet. Well, kids, time for dinner, " said their mom to them. Then they went to the dining room to have dinner.

After dinner, the kids were playing with their toys while the adults were talking in the dining room. " Michael, you didn't have to tell them the legend. But we think Georgia should go outside for once, " said the mom of the four. " No, Lily, it's dangerous for Georgia. I don't want to lose her; she is the one of the last pure soul left in this world. I may be a vampire, myself. But I am not selfish, I want to her, when you two going to agree with me? " Michael asked to his partners.

" Michael, we know your right. But maybe we could Georgia out, but with someone to watch her. We don't lose her too as well, please agree with us for once, " said his other partner, Noah. Michael was thinking, then he made up his mind. " I guess you are right. As long she is being watch, I will agree with you for once, " Michael said, with serious tone. The other two smiled, at least the three came with agreement. " But I don't want Georgia going anywhere near my half-brother, Evan. He is dangerous, he changed, he is asshole now. I can't believe he became like this, " said Michael said to his partners.

" We will make sure she won't get anywhere near him. We promise, Michael!"          

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