Chapter 24: Overworking (Smut)

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So, yeah, I can write smut for those you who don't know. But I am not good at it, yet. But I will tried to my best. So, here's a warning now. If you feel really uncomfortable, you can skip all the safe part of this chapter. If you see this (-Safe zone-), you can read from there. And this is for my friend, Claire, if you are going to rad this. I suggest you read the safe zone. So, this is a warning for all of you readers. 

2 weeks later...

Gregory's POV:

It's been two weeks since the incident at the truce party. I was overworking myself, lately. My mental health is getting worse again. I kept putting on makeup on my bags, and I was really tired. I was putting myself into my work and the meetings I went to see Fable and the others, and I am surprised Evan haven't notice, yet. I was on my way to the main office, even if it's after my work hours. I need to get some things done, for tomorrow.

I entered the main office, and Evan wasn't there. I sighed in relief, and I sat down my chair. I opened my laptop, and I need to sort all the stuff on my laptop about the company. I was typing on my laptop; I haven't gotten a good rest from the last few weeks. I was typing away, and sorting assignments as I worked. After 4 hours of working for more hours, I looked at the clock, it was 12:08 am at night. I am so tired, but I need get this done. I yawned, you need to keep working, Gregory. You are almost done.

(Warning: Smut) 

I was in middle of sorting papers, then I heard the door opened. I looked up, and I saw it was Evan. He was looking pissed at me, " Why are you overworking yourself, darling~? " He asked, in pissed tone. Evan came towards me, and I back up as he came towards me. Until my back hit the wall and Evan had me pinned against it. " Why are you working late and overworking yourself? " Evan asked, again. I looked away from him, and he grabbed my chin, to make me look at him. " I was putting myself in work is because of what happened to me and my family, " I answered, and I started to tear up. Evan wiped my tears off my face with his hands.

Then he kissed me, and I didn't know how to react. I know he is my lover after all. I wanted to get out of his grip, but I can't. I just gave in, immediately. Evan lip bottom of my lip, and I denied it. Then I felt his hand my thigh, and I gasped. Evan took the advantage and slip his tongue into my mouth. I let Evan dominant me, and the kiss was so passionate. But it was longer one, and Evan broke the kiss. There was string of saliva, I was panting so hard. " How about we take this to my room? " Evan asked, and I was blushing so hard. " O-of course, " I answered, and he took my hand.

We went to Evan's room, and we entered it. " Wait here, darling~. I need to get some things, " Evan said, and I was blushing so hard. I know where this is going, my parents are going to be so mad at Evan and me. But at Evan mostly. I sat on his bed, and after a few moments. Evan came back, " I think you need a punishment for overworking so much, darling~. If you try to resist, you are going to make it worse, understand~" he cooed, and I was blushing harder, I nodded. Then he put something on my neck, and I realized it was collar and it was attached to a leash. I knew this is going to happened.

" After you overworked yourself. I think I will go really rough on you for your first time, darling~," he said into my ear, in seductive tone. Then he pinned me onto the bed, he started to kiss my neck. " E-Evan, w-we c-c-can talk about this, " I said, as I tried not to moan. " Do we now, if you haven't overwork yourself. Well, I make sure you won't walk for the next few days, " he said, and I was blushing mess. Then he bites into my neck, with his fangs, but he bit into my sweet spot on my neck. I moaned so loud, then he licked the blood that trickled down my neck. Then he tied the leash on the bedpost. 

Then he kissed me, roughly. I kissed back, but he was in control now. Then he broke it, " You are mine, and I make sure everyone knows, " Evan whispered into my ear, and then he bit into my neck again. But this time, I didn't feel the pain, it was pleasure. " Ahh~" I moaned, and that was music to Evan's ears. Then he started to unbutton my shirt, and he threw it at the floor. I was wearing a binder, because I don't like showing the feminine of me. " Can I take off your binder? " Evan asked, and I just nodded. Then he took off my binder, and he threw it aside. Then he bit into my shoulder, and I moaned really loud. " Don't be too loud or you will wake up the others in the building, " Evan said, as he bit into my shoulder again. I suppressed my moans, and he bit more into my skin. Blood trickled down my shoulder, and Evan licked it.

Then he kissed my chest, and down my V-line. Then he took off his clothes, and then my pants. Then he took off my boxers, then his own. Then he took something from the nightstand. It was condom, " We don't you get pregnant, do we? " Evan asked, and I just blushed. After he put the condom on me, he ask me prep or no prep. But I stay silent, " No prep, " I answered, while blushing. He smirked, and he took some rope from the nightstand. Then he tied my hands above my head. This is going to be a long night.

3rd POV:

Then Evan aligned his cock into Gregory's hole, and he started slower. Gregory tried his best to suppress his moans. It hurt at first, but when Evan pick up the pace. It was pleasure no, and Gregory tried his best not to moan so loud. " You are so tight, Gregory, " Evan said into his ear. Then Evan started slamming into Gregory, and Gregory moaned so loud, it could of woke some people out. " Ahhhh~" Gregory moaned, and he arch his back a bit. Gregory was in pleasure, and Evan kept slamming into him. Gregory tried not so loud, so not to wake up the people in the building.

Evan kissed Gregory, and Gregory kissed back. Evan kept thrusting into Gregory, and Gregory, well, he was in pleasure. " E-Evan I am going cum, " he said to Evan, and " So am I." Then Evan cummed, and Gregory passed out.

(-Safe zone-)            

Evan's POV:

Great, Gregory passed out. I guess, he stay here for the night. I kissed forehead, I guess I was too tired from the pleasure. Well, I am tired as well. Then I un-tied Gregory's hands and took the leash off the pole, and put the covers over us. Then I fell asleep. 

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