Chapter 26: Plan in action

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Gregory's POV:

After Fable parked the car, Fable warned me again about Evan. " Evan is dangerous, how are you not quitting yet? Plus, he is smarter than he looks, Ivory. I might he is the culprit, you never know, " Fable warned me, what if Evan's the culprit. But he won't never hurt me or my family. " But he will never hurt me or my family, Fable. He is so kind and he is sweetheart, " I said to Fable, and then I heard her mumbled something. " You still don't know, " she mumbled, and we entered the building. 

I knew Evan would roam at night because to check if everyone is their rooms. Then I signaled the others to got to the main office. Then I saw Evan, " Hey Ev, " I said to him. He looked up at me. " Hey darling, " he said, I hope they get that key soon.

Fable's POV:

After Gregory started to distract Evan, it was go time. The main office was locked, but I knew how to pick it. I took out a hair pin, then I started to pick the lock. After I got that done, I heard a click. Then I turned the doorknob, and the main office look the same since I last been here. Then I was about to go to Evan's desk. " Don't touch anything, we don't want to alert Evan and the security guards, " I said to the others, and they nodded. I went to Evan's desk, I remembered I saw a key once in the drawers of his. 

I opened one of the drawers, then I saw a key. The same key I saw when I was ' dating ' Evan. I took it, and then I heard crash. I turned around, I saw Claire pushed a bookshelf. " Shhh, we don't want to alert Evan, " I said, as I used my magic to put back the bookshelf. Then I saw something on Evan's desk. A notebook. I picked it, and I read one of the pages. I was shocked as I continued. Oh this is bad. " We need to tell Gregory about this, " I said, as I put the notebook in my bag. Then we left the main office.

I saw Gregory, then I saw him the key. He was happy, when I showed him the key. Then he signaled to hide because Evan was coming back. I used my powers to hide both Alex and Claire. Also myself as well.

Gregory's POV:

" Oh, Evan looked at the time. I got to go, see you tomorrow, " I said, and then went to the direction of the others. Then they turned visible, again. I sighed, " Let go to the door, " I said, as I led them to the location of the door. After we got to the location of the door. Fable looked shocked. " I remembered this door, Evan told me what was behind it. I will say it isn't pretty, " Fable said, I felt scared, but determined. Fable gave me the key, then I inserted it into the lock.

Then I turned it, then it unlocked. I opened the door, and we entered it. There was a lot of stairs we had to climbed down to. " This lead to the deepest parts of the VP. No one never seen this place except me and Evan. I was horrified by this place when we got the bottom, " Fable explained, I guess this is why she hates Evan. " This place gives me a bad vibe, " said Claire, and Alex agreed with her. There was a lot of stairs. " Wow, this is a lot of stairs, " I said to myself.

Then after we got to the bottom, there were three doors. I opened of them. It was some throne room, then I closed it. " This is just throne room, why is a throne room in this company? " I asked, Fable looked uncomfortable. " This place looked horrendous, " said Claire, as she opened one of the other doors. It was a room with experimentations, " Don't worry, they are all dead, " Fable said, with serious tone, that made me feel a bit better. " How many experiments are there? " Claire asked with horror. 

" I guess, there are a lot. When Evan took me down here, it's scared me, " Fable said, and I was shocked Evan took her here. " What do you mean Evan took you here? " I asked, and she looked scared. " I know I not suppose tell you this, but he did experiments down. I watched him do it, I wanted to help them, but I was forced to stay put and quiet, " Fable explained, and this gave me a shiver down my spine. I closed the door, then I opened the last down. I saw there prison cells, and we entered the dungeon. I saw there were a lot of people here. Most of them were asleep, then we kept walking. Then I saw there were a lot of creatures down here. " Who would of done this? " I asked, " Evan would, " Fable whispered. 

That sent a chill down my spine as well. Then I saw three figure in three cells, they looked familiar. So did their aura, then I realized who they were. " Evory, Eliza, Mike, " I said, then one of them looked at me. " Gregory, " said Eliza's voice. Then I walked up the cell, the one which had Eliza in. " Eliza, what happened to you, and Evory and Mike? " I asked with worried tone. She got up, and walked up to the bars. " Evan and his henchmen, they kidnapped us. Because we were so closed of putting him in jail, " Eliza answered, but this doesn't make sense.

" What do you mean? " I asked, " Evan is not what you think, he is manipulative. He is the one who did everything. I saw the visions, the chandelier incident, the poisonings, and Mark J's death. Evan is the mastermind of this, " Eliza answered, and I went to see Mike's cell. " She's right, Greg. The day you call us, was the day were captured. That's why I couldn't hang out with that day. That's why I texted you so quickly, Evan is the one who is doing all, " Mike said, as he leaned against the wall.

Then out of nowhere, I got visions. I collapsed onto the floor, and I saw all the incident at once. My older siblings getting captured, Evan was there. The chandelier being cut, Evan threw a dagger at it. The poisonings, Evan put nightshade powder in the drinks. And Mark J's death, it was all Evan. Then I saw Fable, holding me. " Fable, I know the truth now. It was all Evan, he was the one who caused all of this, " I said, as I sat up. " Finally, you believe me, " Fable said, as she helped me up. " We need to get my older siblings and the people who Evan imprisoned in here, " I said, and I went to unlocked my the cells of my older siblings. After I done that, I hugged all of them.

" I missed you guys, " I said, as they hugged me. " We need to- " " You need to what" Evory was cut off by a familiar voice. We turned around, I saw Evan and my friends, who were captured. " Leave them alone, you monster, " I shouted with angry. " Oh, is that how you talk to your own lover? " Evan asked, and my older siblings were shocked. " I didn't know at the time, " I said to them. " Let my friends go, Evan " I said, again. " Oh, you found out the truth. * Sigh * I thought I will do this later on. But I guess, you have to fight me to get your friends back."     

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