Chapter 15: Visions

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Evan's POV:

I was trying to call Michael, but he is not answering the phone. Then I heard a knock on the door, and I opened the door. I saw it was Michael, " Why were you answering me, Mike? " I asked with worried tone, and Michael looked surprised. " I never heard you been worried before after you know, the bite, " said Michael, and I let him in the room.

He gasped when he saw Gregory, " My son, " he gasped. He ran up to him, " Do you know why he has headache? " I asked, and he looked at me with worried expression. " His visions are back to haunt him again, as usual. It always happens when his birthday or something tragic happens. Like his older siblings disappearance, " he answered, and I was quite shocked by this information.

" I marked him, " I said aloud, and Michael looked at me. I know he was mad; he was always overprotective of his children. " I knew, you would mark him, because I knew you were his soulmate. I want you protect him, now from all the things he can't protect himself from. I will give advice to take care of him. Especially Gregory having depression, please just protect him, " Michael pleaded, and I nodded.

Michael touched Gregory's forehead, and I see Gregory was whimpering. " He is having a vision of the past and future at the same time. Plus, his powers are getting stronger. Please I want to you to protect him, " Michael said, and I was curious about something. " I have a question, " I said to Michael, as he got up. " Okay, tell me, " " Well, how does he know so much about the pure soul's history? " I asked, and Michael looked away from me. " I did I say something wrong, " I said, " No, you deserve to know. * Sigh* Well, Gregory knows so much of the past of the pure souls because he had a past life. He saw things, we didn't see. You see Gregory's soul is over 9 centuries old. But his body is still young because he was Ivory. He reincarnated as Georgia, then he changed his name. I was watching him very closely all time. He is Ivory, that why I want you to protect him from the vampires and the vamp-lusts. Please you need understand that, okay, " Michael explained to me, and I was shocked. He was Ivory.

" I will, I will protect him from all evils. He is my lover, after all. I will, Michael, you are my half-brother after all, " I said, and he smiled. He told me how I can lessen the pain that Gregory was going through. After he told what to do, he left the room. I went to my closet to grab my guitar. I grabbed my guitar, and I pulled a chair near the bed. Then I started to play the song, and sing. 

 After I finished singing, Gregory looked relax. He looked peacefully now at least. I was about to put my guitar away. I felt a hand, give my wrist and I looked back at Gregory. His eyes were half-opened, " Please stay, " he pleaded, and I nodded. I sat at his side and made sure he was okay. He needs this rest because all the pain and sorrow he was put through from his past to his future. " Of course, I will stay, love. Just get some rest, okay, " I said, and he nodded. He closed his eyes again, and I made sure he was going to be okay.

Gregory's POV:

After I closed my eyes, I was engulfed darkness and then I appeared at the last battle. Violet was about to do the spell. "Violet, don't do this," I pleaded, and she looked at me. "I have to, this is for the future of our kind. Please protect the rest of the pure souls, Goodbye Ivory. I love you, " was all what she says before she did the spell. "NOOOOOOOO!" I shouted and I was blasted away.

Then I was in Hurricane, I saw my older siblings being kidnapped and taken away. I was tried to get to them, and I wanted to save them. But something was stopping me from doing it. "No, please, " I cried, and now I was surround with darkness. " Please make it stop, make it stop, please. I want this nightmare to OVER! " I cried, but nothing works. I fell onto my knees, and I cried, and cried. But my tears were not normal, they were purple mixed with gold. I cried my pain out, my heart, my sorrows and my agony. I want this to stop happening to me.

Why do I have these visions, why is this only happening to me, why, JUST WHY? I am just reincarnated into different person body. I always been the one who knows everything. I suppose to fix everything, but I can't. Why am I still here?

 I jolted wake, and Evan wasn't in the room. I realized I was crying, when I touched my face. It was stained with tears, but my tears weren't normal anymore.  I got up, and I went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror; my tears were gold mix with purple tears. " What happening to me? " I wonder aloud, and I heard the bedroom door opened. I wiped my tears, and I went back to the bedroom. Evan was entering the room, and I left the bathroom. When Evan saw me, and he came up to me. " Are you okay, Gregory? " He asked, " The visions and the nightmares, they keep haunting me, " I answered, and he frowned.   

What is happening to me, exactly? " I guess you are not okay, by the looks of it. Your dad came by and said your abilities are stronger when your birthday or something tragic happens. Like the disappearance of older siblings, " he said, and I was shocked. My dad and Evan are right, my powers get stronger when my birthday or something tragic or trauma come back to me.

I wish this could stop, but I can't my powers are getting stronger by the minute. " I know, this is a lot to take in. But you need to understand why your parents protect from, " Evan said, and I nodded. This is the reason why I forced into the shadow of my parents, because they wanted to protect me from things, I can't protect myself from. " Thank you for telling me this, but when I am going back to work, " I asked, " After a few days, you can work. But I am worried about you, just be careful, darling, " then he kissed my forehead. He led back to the bed, and I lay down. I need to rest for a bit.   

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