Chapter 23: Working, again

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The next day...

Gregory's POV:

I woke up, and I realized I wasn't in my room. " Oh right, I was in Evan's room for the night, " I said to myself. I tried to get up, but something stops me. I looked up, and I was on top of Evan. I started to blush, but I need to get up. I tried to wake Evan up, but he was still asleep. " Evan, please wake up. We have to work, today, " I said, with frustrated groan. It took a few seconds for Evan to wake up, I was about to actually to beat Evan up for sec.

" Finally, you are up, you dumbass, " I said, then Evan let go of me after he realized the position, we were in. I was still blushing hard, " But I am your dumbass, love, " Evan flirted, and I was blushing madly. I am so going to murder this idiot, one day. But for now, I need to keep my calm. " We need to go to work again, Ev, " I said, with serious tone, as I got out of bed. I went to the bathroom, and I looked into it. I looked better now; my depression is going away faster than expected. I sighed, and I decided to get ready for work.

After I got ready and ate my breakfast, I went to the main office. I was first one to get to the main office. I guess Evan had to get some things done. Then I heard the door opened, and I turned around. I saw it was Fable. " Hey Violet, do you need something? " I asked, and I just used Fable's past life name. But she wasn't shocked at all, " I knew you were going to say my past life name. Plus, you have problem with your visions, right, " she asked, and I just nodded. She smiled, " Well, I can help, but I have to go before Evan come back. So, see ya later, sis, " she said, then teleported away.

Then Evan entered the room, but he was covered in some dust. " You just changed your clothes; how did you get dust on you? " I asked, sarcastically. He just rolled his eyes, playfully. " Oh, I hadn't to clean something. The employees forgot to clean something last time, so I had to clean it, " he answered, but then I feel like he was lying. I went to sat down on my chair, then I felt a huge sharp pain went through my head. Great, now I have migrate. I looked at Evan, he was looking at the window. Good thing, I always keep my pain reliefer pills in my desk. I took it out, and then I took one pill. Then drink water, then I remember when I get migrate is when I get a new ability.

Then I was knocked out of my trance by Evan talking to me. " Darling, you, okay? Because you were in a trance, " Evan said, and I nodded. " You were talking? " I asked, and he asked about meetings or other stuff. Because the truce party was a failure. " Well, no meetings today, just stuff about the incident at the party, " I answered, his question. Well, I guess more work to do, now. Let just hope, I don't overwork myself.

After 4 hours into work, I got email about a meeting. But it wasn't about work, it was just for me. It was about the culprit, who is trying to hurt my family. I need to figure it out, eventually. The email was from Claire and Fable. I wrote a quick email, then send it to them as fast as I can. Then Evan came back into the room, I guess he was back from his break. But I have my break in 1 hour, I still got time to get some work done.

" Hey love, can you come here for a sec? " Evan asked, and I did. " Do you need anything? " I asked, with cheerful tone. " Can you give this Susie? She forgot her assignment papers, " Evan asked, as he passed me the papers, and I nodded. Then I left the office, I need to Susie, maybe I ask Gabriel. I went to Gabriel's office, first, " Hey Gabe, do you know where Susie's office is? " I asked to him, and he looked up. " Oh, Susie, her office is at the far end of the left of you, " Gabe answered, and I thanked him. 

Then I found Susie's office, and I knocked on the door. Then I heard gentle voice, " Come in, " I entered the room. I saw a woman with blonde hair with some golden steaks in her hair. " You must be Susie, " I said, and the woman looked up at me. " Yes, I am. You are Evan's personal assistant; I can't believe you can stand him, usual all the personal assistants quit on the first day, you know what I mean, " she said with smiled. I just nodded, then I gave her the papers. " Here, Evan said you forgot these, " I said, and she was shocked. " Usual all the personal assistants called Evan ' sir.' I guess, he took a liking of you. Well thank you for giving me the papers, I forgot," she said with kind voice, and I nodded to her. 

I went back to the main office, and I entered. I saw Evan was gone again. I looked at the time, it was my break, I left the office. As I was walking down the hall, I saw a door, I never seen before. I went to tried to open it, then Evan came out of nowhere. " What are you doing, love? " Evan asked, and I jumped. I turned around, " You scared me, you dumbass, " I said to him, with angry tone. " And I wondering what behind that door, " I answered his question, and he looked serious about that door. " Oh, that's none of your concerns. Plus, that room is off-limits, " Evan said, then he left me alone. But I was still curious about the door. 

I will talk to Fable about this, I went to the cafeteria. I order a sandwich and just espresso. Then after I got them, I went to sit down. I took out my phone, and I was scrolling down on some photos of me and my older siblings. We were idiots when we were younger, but now we are older. I decided to eat my lunch and drink my espresso.

Eliza's POV:

Me and Mike were the only ones who were calm. But Evory was trying to get us out of here. " These stupid bars, " Evory shouted in frustrated. I sighed; we will ever get out of this hellhole. I hope Gregory finds out the truth about Evan soon. Oh Fable, please guide Gregory for us.      

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