Chapter 1: First meet

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16 years later...

Gregory's POV:

I need to stop hurting myself, and I need to take the advice the therapist said. But I can't stop hurting myself. I looked into the mirror; I have bags under my eyes. Then I got a message on my phone, it was Claire. She was coming, and I replied back at her. Then I put my phone in my pocket. Then I was startled by knocking on the bathroom door, " Gregory, don't you think about cutting yourself again, " said mom. " Let us in, we know you been hurting. Just please just stop, plus your friend, Claire is here, " said dad, and I opened the door. 

Mom came into the bathroom first, and she checked my arms if there were any cuts. " No cuts, you are getting there, " said mom, and we left the bathroom. I went downstairs, and I saw Claire was pacing back and forth. Then when she saw me, she grabbed my shoulders. " You idiot, you need help as f*ck. I know that I might be overreacting, but you wouldn't get yourself hurt, " she said, then she hugged me to comforted me. 

I fell into depression, a few years ago. I don't know exactly how but, after I found out I was diagnosed with depression. I was shocked and scared, when I found out. But Claire being there for me, after I fell into depression. Claire was a mage like my mom, but she is a dark magic mage. And my mom is pyro mage. " You been like this since your older siblings moved out the house. I know you are worried about them, but they are vampires. They are smart, and you are more valuable. Since you are one of the few pure souls left, " she said, and I nodded. " But, Claire, I can protect myself. But I don't why my partners are overprotective of me, " I said with somber tone.

" Because of your blood, Gregory. Your blood is rare, it will make the vampires and vamp-lusts stronger. That's why the bloodlusts are on our side, they know they are bad. We do this to protect you, " said mom, who was behind Claire. " I guess you are right, but as I have to wear illusion. I am fine, right, " I said to them. " Yes, but you need to go to your therapist in a few days, " said papa, and I nodded.

Me and Claire went to my room. My room is big, after my older siblings left the other three bedrooms were turned into guests' rooms for now. We talked about stuff like jobs or stuff. Claire as a ghost hunter because she was born with an ability to let her talk to ghosts. " There was this one time, when I was ghost hunting and the funniest thing happened. I was walking in the woods then; I thought my partner was a ghost. I almost went on full battle mode, but when I realized it was Alex, * laugh. * But I found it very scary, " she said to me. We laughed, and I wanted to get out for bit.

I asked my parents, they said yes. I put on my illusion, which was on the back of my yin yang necklace.

I put on my necklace, then turned on my illusion disc and we left the house

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I put on my necklace, then turned on my illusion disc and we left the house. I looked like a mage, because of the illusion disc. It really easy for us pure souls to blend in because of our illusion discs or we could use glamour if we wanted. But it takes a lot of our power, so we use illusion disc. There are a few hundred pure souls left because after the pure soul war. Everything changed.

We were walking and talking until I accidently bumped into someone. " Greg!" Claire shouted as she ran to me. I looked up to see who I bumped into. " Watch where you are going, mage, " said deep british accent, and I looked up. I realized I bumped into a vamp-lust, and Claire help me up. " Actually, you should of say ' Watch out' rude asshole, " scowled Claire, " Claire, please he is vamp-lust. And his friend is vampire, we should go. Sir, I am very sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you, " I kindly apologized, and he just grunted. Then he walked away, his friend turned to us, " Sorry about Evan, I am Valentina. Evan's only friend, that guy you bump into, was Evan. He can be rude, sometimes, " Valentina said, as she rolled her eyes. 

" I will accept your apology, and I am sorry the way he reacted. * Sigh * Plus, if we can hang some time. But don't call me Val, I hate it. But you can call me Vale, instead, also here if you need a job. You can be personal assistant for our company. I got to go, cya " Vale said as she gave me the paper, and she walked toward Evan.

I read about something about personal assistant to Evan. " I don't think you should with that bitch Evan. I mean Valentina seems nice, but Evan, no just no. He is f*cking asshole and bitch, " she said as she tried to get the sheet from me. But I put the paper into my pocket, " Maybe I should give it a try, Mj, " I said to her, MJ was her nickname. She was okay being called MJ; it's suited her. " Fine, but you need to convince your parents first. Especially your dad, Michael is very overprotective. Plus, I don't trust that Evan boy, " she said as we walked to the park. " But I have to tried, plus, I got the skills to be personal assistant except my mental health issues, " I said as rubbed the back of my neck.

" Okay, I just looked out for you. You are my best friend, Greg. I want you to be safe, after you fell into depression, " she said as we sit down on the bench. " I know you are right, but since we were kids. * Sigh, * You been looking out for me. Ever since I fell into depression, but Claire I want to explore the world. Even it might be hard for me, my parents protected me for so long. I think it's time for me to choose my path, okay. I am very glad you are my best friend, " I said to her, and she smiled.

I went back home, and Claire went home as well. I unlocked the door, and I saw only dad was in the house doing paperwork. " Hey dad, I'm home, " I said as I entered the dining room. Then he looked up, " Hey kid, how your day with Claire? " He asked, and I told him everything. Even about that Evan guy and his friend. Then when he heard the name Evan, dad looked serious. " Evan, that name. That is my little half-brother's name, " he said, and I was surprised. " What did he look like? " Dad asked as he got up. " Sort of like you, but different at the same time, " I said, and dad looked very serious. " Stay away from that man, he is dangerous than you think. * Sigh* Evan is wanted criminal; he is very intelligent, and I know you have paper about being personal assistant. I am letting you do that, " dad said.

" But dad, how am I supposed to learn to be independent, " I asked to him. " I would let you, but you need to talk with your mom and your other father for this. Until then, we have to wait for them!"   

~ My personal Assistant~ (EvanxGregory/Vampire au) fnafWhere stories live. Discover now