Chapter 9: Get to know

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Gregory's POV:

I was so tired, because the nightmares are getting worse by the minute. I was in the bathroom, putting on makeup to hide my bags under my eyes. I already changed my clothes and brushed my teeth. I left my bedroom, and I went to the cafeteria I went to the main office. I entered it, and Evan was talking to Vale. I ignored their conversation, and I sit on my chair of my desk. I opened my laptop, and I looked at my emails. We have one meeting today, I am happy about that. At least, I don't have to keep standing in every meeting.

I sighed, and I pulled out a photo of me and my older siblings. I really miss them, and I might not see them ever again. But I need to find them, but I don't have any leads. I went back to work on my laptop. Then I heard Vale left the room and closed the door. I just continued my work. Then I heard footsteps coming to my desk.

I looked up, I knew it was Evan. " Do you need anything, sir? " I asked with calm but tired tone. " I want to get to know you better, and learn about you, " he answered with a smirked, and I felt my face heat up a bit. I can't fall for my boss, that is just wrong! " Oh, of course sir. You can get to know me. But we have a meeting in 1 hour and 35 minutes, " I said, with sort of happy tone.

He nodded, and he went back to his desk, then he started to work again. I really am good at this job, but don't keep your hopes up, Gregory. He is different from other bloodlusts, you met in your life. I was typing away on my computer, and I was trying to do some things. I need to get some things done for Evan. I was typing and then, Evan asked a question. " How many siblings you have? " He asked out of the blue, and I held in my tears.

" I have three older siblings. Evory, Eliza and Mike, they are older than me. I am the youngest of the bunch, " I answered as I held in tears. " Oh, one more question. How are you related my half-brother, Michael? " He asked with serious tone. " He is my father, and he was there for me. For most of my life. Plus, I have another father and I also have a mom. So, my parents are ploy, " I answered as I typed away on my laptop.

He nodded, and I was typing away. But I wanted some coffee because I didn't get any this morning. I got up from my chair, then I asked to Evan something. " Do you want any coffee? " I asked, and he looked up at me. " Sure, I like espresso, " he said, with smile. I smiled back him, I left the room, and I went to the coffee room. As I was entering it, there were a few people here. I went straight to the coffee counter, and I check the time on the clock that hung from the wall. Me and Evan have a meeting at 9:35 am. Then I started making the coffee for me and Evan.

After I got the coffees, I went back to the main office. I entered it, and Evan was typing on his computer. I put his coffee on his desk, " Thanks, " he said, and I nodded for you're welcome. I went back to my desk. I drank a bit of my coffee, and I went back to type on my laptop.

At 9:35 am...

We were in the meeting room, and everyone is still shocked. How I can handle Evan's coldness. Well, it is pretty easy, actually. I just don't get it how his other personal assistants, just quit on the first day of the job. Well, I just ignored it for now. I was currently taking notes from the other members of the company. They were talking about the pure soul-vampire hybrid again. Which is me, and they don't know it's me.

" How are we going to find this hybrid? " Evan asked, " We could lure them into a trap, then bam, they are ours, " said one of the members. Evan didn't like the idea; I can tell by his expression. " I don't like that idea of yours, Susie. It will impossible, because all pure souls have foresight, " said Evan, and I felt relief, they didn't find out still. 

After the meeting of standing for 3 hours, I was tired from standing. I went to the main office; Evan was waiting for someone. " Are you waiting for someone?" I asked, and he was looking at me. " I was waiting for you, actually, " he answered, and I felt my face heat up, again. But I calmed down, " Well, do you need anything? " I asked, as I looked away. " Well, I said earlier, we can get to know each other. I really want to get to know you, actually, " he answered, and I was surprised. " Of course, we can get to know each other. If that's what you want, sir, " I said with calm tone. He nodded, " So, how old are you? " He asked with curious tone. " I am 20 years old, " I answered, happily. " How old are you? " I answered, and I saw he was sweating a bit. " I am 23 years old, " he said, nervously, and it's sound like he was lying. But I ignored it.

After some time, it's turns out we almost in common. I learned more about Evan, and he was really kind when he trusts someone. I got he has trust issues, as well as for me. Then he asked this question, that made me shocked. " Do you have any mental illness? " He asked, and I was quiet. " Yes, I do. I have depression, and I got diagnosed with depression a few years ago. My therapist said that my depression is getting worse after my older siblings went missing, " I answered with somber tone. I looked away from him, " I didn't mean to ask you that question. I just didn't know about it, and that explains why you take those meds, " he said, and I was shocked. " Did you read the vial of my meds? " I asked, and he nodded.

" I didn't know that you were going through this. But can we be friends? " Evan asked, and I was surprised by this. " Of course, sir-, I mean Evan. I would like that, Evan, " I answered, and then we spend the rest of my shift talking about stuff. Evan is different than before, he was cold, then nice to me. I like this version of Evan, and his cold side, but he had his reasons, though. I hope I can find my older siblings and get to know Evan, better.       

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