Chapter 3: The interview

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The day of the interview...

Gregory's POV:

I looked at the time, it was 1:30 pm. I need to do my therapy, though. From my last one, my therapist said I am getting better, and keep taking her advice. And I do, and I hope I will get this mental illness out of my system, soon. Currently, I am with my dad to go to find where Henry said to meet up. We were going to meet up at cafe at the square of the city. We met it and had 20 minutes to spare. Then we saw a man with ginger-sandy hair and very pale tan skin. " That's Henry, " said dad, then we walked up to him. 

" Michael, it's good to see you again. It's been 40 years, and is this Gregory? Your youngest child?" Henry asked as he looked at me. He looked kind, " Yes, papa. This is my youngest child, Gregory, " he answered Henry's question. " It's nice to meet you, Henry. My dad told me things about you, " I said, and I put my hand to him to shake. And then he took it, and he shake my hand. Then let go, " Let's sit down and we can talk about the job, Gregory, " he said as gesture to take a seat.

" So, do you have any experience with jobs? " He asked, and I shook my head no. " Well, this is going to be your first job, then. Next question, do you think you can handle with Evan's attitude?" He asked, " Yes, of course. I put up with my parents' rules for years, " I answered honestly. He hummed in response, " Did you go to any school any chance? " He asked, and I nodded. " Of course, I finished school at the age of 16 years old, " I answered, " How? " Henry asked.

Then my dad stepped in, " He has my intelligent, that's why, " dad answered for me. He knew I was shy because I has always been away from people for very long time. " That's interesting, the next question is do you have any mental issues right now? " He asked, and I was shocked by this question. I wanted to lie but I can't because of my condition cause me to tell the truth. " Yes, I do. I was diagnosed with depression, a few years ago. But I am going through therapy currently. And taking medicines for it, plus, my therapist said I am getting better. As long, I do not do self-harm, " I confessed with somber tone, and I looked at the ground. Dad comforted me for a bit, and Henry was surprised by my answer. " Well, I know what you are going through. I think Mike, your dad, didn't tell you that he went through depression himself, " said Henry and I looked at dad.

" Is that true, dad? " I asked with shocked tone, and he looked at the side. " Yes, I did. When I saw you were going through it, I didn't want you to be like me. So, that's why I didn't want you to end up like me, " dad confessed. I was shocked by dad said, " I didn't know, why didn't you tell me? ' I asked, as I looked at him. " Well, I told you I didn't want you to end up like me, " he repeated again, and I hugged him. I felt his emotion, I can feel emotion as well, it's my pure soul's power. After that and we decided to order some cups of coffee. But I am not coffee person, I am ice coffee person. So, I order ice coffee and we waited for our order.

" Now, for the last question. Do you think it's okay for you to live out your house? Because the company you will work at, will provide for you. Because of our worker have a room in the place, " he said, and I looked at dad. Dad looked sad and nervous, " Yes, that will okay. But, at least let me visit my family and my friends on my days off, and I need to get my therapy on top on that " I asked with concerned tone. " Very well, we can agree with these terms. You got the job, " he said, and I smiled. Dad was smiled as well, " When can I start? " I asked, " Maybe in a week or so, " he answered. 

Then our orders came, and I drank my ice coffee. We talked for a bit and then we said our byes. We were walking home, then I felt unfamiliar presence. " Greg, are you okay? You seem off, " said dad, and I snap out of my trance. " Oh, I thought I felt something, " I said as we walked back to the house. When we got there, and I used my keys. Then I unlocked the door, and I saw mom and papa were talking in the living room.

" So, how did the interview? " Mom asked as she stood off the couch. I explained to mom and papa everything. Then when I finished, " What, you are going to leave us? But this is what you want, so we let you, " said mom with somber tone. I know I had to leave them; I will miss them. So, I will spend the most time I can. I told them I will make a phone call in my room.

I went up to my bedroom, and I put out my phone. Then I dialed Claire's number, and I waited for her to pick up. Then when she did, I told her everything about the interview.

Gregory: " Hey Claire, how are you?"

Claire: " Doing okay, how's the interview?"

Gregory: " It went pretty well, plus, I got the job."

Claire: " What, really! How? If that Evan person hurts, you. I get my scythe and kill him."

Gregory: " No, don't do that. He is my new boss, and I am starting next week."

Claire: " That asshole is just rude. But how are you going to put up with his bullshit?"

Gregory: " I had to put up my parents' rules for years. I can do it.

Claire: " Okay, if you need help. If that Evan guy hurts you, I will beat up him for you."

Gregory: " No, no, no, no, don't! Plus, he is going to be my boss. MJ, I will okay, plus, I have a week before I start. Wanna hang out?"

Claire: " Sure, but after the week pass. Please be careful, as long you can. That Evan guy might be dangerous."

Gregory: " Oh don't worry, my dad told me that Evan is his half-brother. I know how surprising. But we are not related because my dad told me that we are 5% related in blood. So, me and Evan are not related."

Claire: " Wow, that's surprising but, please be careful. Will visits us, though?"

Gregory: " Of course, I will. I have to go to my therapy session, soon. Bye MJ."

Claire: " Bye Greg."

I hung up, I have a week to spend with my friends and family. I need to tell my older siblings, but the last I talked to them was the day they moved out. But I have their numbers, so I called Evory first, but it went straight to voice mail. Then I did Eliza, and it also went to voice mail. My last try is Mike, and I dialed his number. Then it went straight to voice message as well. I guess I won't tell them the news. I sighed, and I looked around my room. I am going to miss this room.      

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