Chapter 21: Aid from Friends

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The next day...

Gregory's POV:

After the day of the incident, I was tired because I was having nightmares of it. I was on my way to the main office, then I saw some of the co-workers were panicking. I looked what was that about. " Hey, is there something wrong? " I asked, and they looked at me. " Oh, it's you, Mr. Rose-Afton, " one of them said, and I smiled, sheepishly. " Yes, just call me Gregory. Is there something wrong? " I asked, again. " Well, Evan will tell you. When you get to the office, " they answered, and I went to the main office.

I entered it, and I saw Evan was arguing with Fable. " I want you to stay away from Gregory, " Fable argued, and I was confused and shocked. " Um, what are you talking about? " I asked, and they turned their heads. " Oh, none of your concerns, Gregory. I will go but meet me at the stone ruin gazebo. At 10:00 pm, tonight, " Fable whispered the last part. I nodded, then she took her coat, then left the room.

I was still confused what they were talking about me. And I was still shocked about the arguing. I wish I knew they were talking about. I went to my desk, and I opened my laptop. I looked at my emails. It was mostly about the truce party incident, and I looked at the news on my laptop. I saw my mom was going to give a speech about who will inherit the company. Then I heard my phone ringing. " Evan, I need to take this, " I said, and he nodded, then he continued his work. I left the room, and I answered the phone.

Lilium (if you guys don't know who Lilium is, she is Gregory's mother. She is my oc): Hey, Georgia (Only Gregory's mother call him, Georgia because of her reasons).

Gregory: " Hey mom, is this about the inheriting the company? " 

Lilium: " Yes, it's about the inheriting the company. If your older siblings will not find in the next few months. You might end up taking over the company, instead. If they are not found, please, you need to do this."

Gregory: " Of course, I can. But if we do find them. Evory have to take over the company, you know that. I don't want to take that away from my older brother, mom. I want to find them as well. I miss them as well; you are not the only one. Plus, I miss papa as well, please tell me he is okay?"

Lilium: "............................................."

Gregory: " Mom, answer me, please. Is papa going to be okay, mom? Please tell me, I need to know. * Start to cry*

Lilium: " Y-yes, he is going to be okay, Georgia. But...."

Gregory: " But what?"

Lilium: " He is in a coma, Georgia."

I hung up the phone as I soon I got the news. Then I dropped my phone, then I dropped onto the floor, on my knees. Then Evan came out of the office, " Gregory, are you okay? " He asked, as he help me up.

I sat on the chair, and Evan gave me some water. " What happened on the phone? " He asked, and I was silent. I don't like when tell people about my pains and problems. But I have to tell Evan, " My papa, my other father is in a coma. Plus, if we don't find my older siblings sooner, I will have to take over Fazbear entertainment LLC. All by myself. I don't know how to run a company. * Drinks some water* What do I do now? " I explained to Evan, as I looked up at him. He looked worried, " Gregory, I am worried about your mental health. Please, don't keep putting stress on your shoulders. Remember what you told me after your therapy session, your therapist told you, you need to stop putting stress on your problem. Or else your depression will get worse than before, please stop putting stress on yourself, " Evan said.

I didn't think about that, " I will, " I said, as I looked at the other way. " How about you get a day off? Then you can come back next day, how that's sounds, love? " He asked to me, and I looked at him. " I think that's good idea, " I answered, " I give more of our co-workers to take a day-off for a day as well. I can spend time with you during your break, is that okay with you? " Evan asked, and I nodded.

I ended my work a bit early because of the stress, I was put through. I went to my room to do some things. As I was entering it, I saw a note on my table. It was Fable's morse code messages.  I guess, I could hang out with Fable, I guess. I changed my clothes into my usual outfit I wear before I work here. I wore white t-shirt with my favorite jacket, and some pair of shorts. Then I left my room, then I left the building. 

I stopped using glamour, then I spread my wings. Then I flew into the sky, and I flew all the way to the stone ruin gazebo. When I got there, I saw Fable with some friends. I came closer, I saw it was some of my friends. " Claire, Alex, and Mark J, what are you doing here? " I asked with curious tone. " Well, we were call by Fable to help you find some clues about the incident and the disappearance of your older siblings, " said Mark J, and I wanted more help after all. " Of course, all of you can help. I am wondering if Evan can help us with the mystery, " I asked, and Fable and Claire didn't like the idea. But they agreed anyways, " Great, I will call him about this. We need all the help we can get, " I said to them.

I need to find this culprit, plus, once we do. We can stop them and live our normal lives again. But how will we find the clues to lead us to the culprit? " But there will be problem, what if the culprit is smarter than me or us?" I asked, and everyone went silent. What if this culprit is more intelligent than me? 

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