Chapter 6: Meeting room

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Gregory's POV:

I was keeping it together really well with Evan. Then I saw the time, it was almost the meeting. " Sir, we need to go, " as I stood up from my chair. Then he got up as well, I took my notebook from my desk. Then we left the room and went to the meeting room. As we're entering the room, there was a lot of agents.

Then as we entered the room, everyone went silent. I heard the whispers of the agents. " Is that his new personal assistant? " " He looks so young" and " How is he keeping it together so well with Boss' attitude." Then Evan sits down on his chair of the meeting room. I stood beside him; I avoided eye contact from him. " Everyone be quiet, what is the update? And Gregory, take notes as well, " he asked to me, and I just nod. I listened to everyone's update with their assignments as I noted everything down.

" Well, sir, the missions you assigned, the other pure souls are impossible to find. Plus, the other ' vampires' are trying to steal our ideas for their own, " said one, and I looked up, then I started jots what they said. I have perfect memories so I can memorize anything. He sighed in angry, " I don't want more bl- vampires getting into my business. Especially Fazbear entertainments, " he said with cold chilling tone. His tone sent a shiver down my spine, but I didn't show it.

" I don't want anyone get into our business, " he said, and they all agreed. " Next update, " he demanded with cold tone, and the others were scared and terrified. " Well, for our report, there is a very strong hybrid that was discovered. It is pure soul-vampire hybrid, " said the other one, and I froze, then nearly drop my notebook. " What, how is this possible? " Evan asked with he stood up and slam his hands on the table.

" Well, it's turns out they like to hide their identity and have the powers of a vampire. Plus, they are immortal, " said another, and I was shocked, but I didn't show it. As long I have my illusion disc on, I am fine. " I have question, " I said, and Evan looked at me. " Go on, " he said with cold poker face expression. " Do we know what they look like? " I asked with calm, but a hint of panic. " Unfortunately, no. We don't what they look like, but all we have is information about them, " they said to us, and I noted that down.

After the few hours of the meeting, my shift was finally over. I was tired from standing and I unlocked my bedroom door. I entered it and then I locked the door again. I changed my clothes, then lay in my bed and I scrolled down my phone. Today was okay for a first day, and I was happy about it. I wanted to call my parents but, I can't I want them to find out where my parents lived.

This company was about agents and missions. This is a spy agency, it turns out. I looked at my Calander, and my day offs are on Sundays. I can deal with that, I thought. I don't understand why my older siblings don't want to hang out with me. They changed after they moved out of the house. As well for me, but at least I get to visit my friends and family, also, I have my therapy sessions. I sighed, and I continued scrolling down my phone. Then I saw Claire's number, I wanted to call her, but I can't as well.

I wanted to tell her about my first day at work. I was very tired; I know vampires are active at night. But I have insomnia, so I can't sleep until 12:00 am at the morning. I have a lot of conditions. Then I heard a knock on my door, and I went to my door. I opened it, it was Evan, my boss. " Hey boss, need something? " I asked with tired tone. " No, making sure you were alright. I am quite surprised to make through the first day. Mostly all of them quit on the first day, but I'm here because I am impressed by your work, Gregory. Plus, see you tomorrow at 8:30 am at sharp " he said with impression tone. I smiled, then he left, then I closed the door.

I decided to sleep because I have a lot of meetings again tomorrow. I went to my bed, pulled the cover over me. Then I closed my eyes, I just hope I don't get the nightmares again about my past life.

" Ivory, Ivory, Ivory, IVORY" shouted Violet's voice, and I looked at her. " Don't do this, it will kill you, " I said with fear. " I have to, I am doing this to protect everyone. I love you, dear sister. Goodbye, " she said, then she did the spell. She used all her energy, then she screamed in pain. "VIOLETTE, DON'T DO THIS. PLEASE, I NEED YOU, " I shouted, then she banished all the deadly mortals away as well as herself.

" This is my fault, I was supposed to watch you, little sister. You were all I had left," I cried, and I fell onto my knees. Then I outbreak. I destroyed the stone gazebo above me. Then everything went black.

I jolted awake, my memory from my past life is killing me. I wish I never had these nightmares. They started after I turned 15 years old, and I was diagnosed with insomnia at the age of 15. I just wish I can get rid of it. But I can't, and then I took my phone off my nightstand. I looked at the time. It was 6:50 am in the morning. I need to get ready to meet Evan. I sighed; I remember that memory it still haunts me, her voice still haunts me. If I haven't died in the pure soul war. I wouldn't be her darkside back over 400 years ago. But I did, and I reincarnated two times in my life.

I got off from bed, and I went to the bathroom. I opened the door, and I looked into the mirror. I realized I was wearing short sleeves shirt. I saw my scars all over my arms, some were old but, most of them were new and raw. I put bandages over them, and I decided to take a bath.

After I took a shower, and I tighten my binder, then changed my clothes. I left my room and locked it. First, I went to the cafeteria, to get breakfast, after I ate my breakfast. I went to the office, the main office. I knocked on the door, I waited for a moment. Then I heard, " Come in", then I entered the office. Evan looked at me, as I entered the office. " You're early, I am quite surprised," he said, and I went to my desk. " Did you have breakfast? " He asked, and I nodded. I looked through my laptop for meetings which were send to me. " Do we have any meetings? " He asked in cold tone. " Yes, we have three. One at 11:10 am, the next one at 2:40 pm and the last one at 8:00 pm, " I answered, and I looked up.

" Hmm, I'm impressed by you. You know how to keep up, huh? I am very interested by you as well. You really are kept it together!"

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