Chapter 13: Resting

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Evan's POV:

I left Gregory in my bedroom, and I can't believe Fable is a hypocrite. I hate her so much, that of the other reasons why I broke up with her. But at least, I asked Vale to kill her. But Fable ran away. I sighed as I walked down the hallways. I went to my office, and I opened the door, to see my older half-brother, Terrance, waiting for me. " Hello Evan, " said Terry, oh boy this is going to be a long talk.

Gregory's POV:

I was laying down looking at the other direction of the bed. I need to work, but Evan said I can't. But even worse, I am his. I groaned in frustrate, and I wanted to get up. I don't know how much venom Evan injected into me. But I hope I don't turn into a half vamp-lust, and I hate that. I am already half vampire because I inherited my dad's vampire powers.

I look up into the ceiling and I was very board. Evan wants me to rest, but I can't. Not with the nightmares. They haunt me a lot, especially my past life. I got up, and I was in so much pain as I got up. I need to eat, but I felt tired. Then I admitted defeat, and I lay back down on the bed. I closed my eyes, and fell back to sleep.

Evan's POV:

" You mark Gregory?!?!?! Michael is going to be so mad at you, bro, " said Terry, and I looked at him with cold expression. " I know that, dumbass. You think I am dumb; I know that. As long Michael doesn't find the mark on Gregory's neck, we will be fine, " I said, with very cold tone, and Terry looked serious. " Evan, you know how overprotective Michael is over Gregory. Gregory is his son; he is my nephew and your soulmate. He will find out, " said Terry, and I just rolled my eyes.

" Also, Michael is coming in the next coming days. How are you going to explain how Gregory is injured to him? " Terrance asked with worried in his tone. Then I realized, I need to explain to Michael, I am so screwed. " I will think, but for now. I need to make everyone in the company take a day-off for now. I promise, I will figure it out, Terry, " I said, then we left the room. I went back to my room.

As I was entering it, I heard whimpering. I saw it was Gregory, he was having a nightmare. I walked up to the bed; this is the reason why he wasn't sleep. Plus, I knew he was hiding something. I sat on the edge, and just beside him. I started to stroke his hair to make feel better. I saw his mark on his neck, that means he is mine. 

(Just imagine it's on the neck)

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(Just imagine it's on the neck)

It was two blue rose, and one compass in the middle. It was beautiful, and I kissed his neck where the mark was. Then he started to wake up.

Gregory's POV:

I started to wake up from my nightmare. I felt kiss on my neck, and I opened my eyes. I saw Evan, beside me. " Hey darling, ~ " he purred, and I blushed. " Morning Evan, " I said as I tried to get up. But I fell a bit, and it's hurt. Evan put a hand under my back and held my hand. Then he helps me up, " Thank, Evan, " I said to him, and he smiled at me.

" You're welcome, plus, your mark on your neck is beautiful, " he said, and I looked on my neck to see what he was talking about. I saw it, it was beautiful, and it was two blue roses and a compass. I looked up at Evan, and Evan gasped, " What, " I asked. Then he pointed at my eye, " You have heterochromia irium, one eye is golden amber yellow, and the other is fiery orange, " he said, and I knew I had heterochromia. " I know, I got it from my dad, people say it's ugly. Those are one of the other reasons why I use an illusion disc " I said, as look away. Evan put his hand on my cheek.

" No, it's beautiful. They match you so perfectly, don't listen what others said, darling. You are perfect the way you are, " Evan said, and I looked back at him. " I wanted to ask you this question, will you be my lover? " Evan asked, and I blushed. " Of course, I want to be your lover, " I answered to him, happily. Evan kissed me, and I kissed back, it was passionate kiss. Evan licks the bottom of my lip for entrance. I denied it, and he respect that. Then we pull away from each other. I panted heavily, and Evan didn't, that vamp-lust. " You know, I can read your mind, right, " he whispered into my ear. That send a chill down my spine, and I was scared by him. I kind of wish I could leave this very room. 

" But you can't, because you are mine, " he said, and I was blushing really hard. " You are such pervert, " I said at him, and he was laughed. I didn't like that, and he kept laughing. I just rolled my eyes, and I lay back down. " Curse you, you made me into full vampire. I hate the taste of blood, if you didn't know, " I said to him, and he stopped laughing. " Oh, I didn't make you become full vampire. I made into a vamp-lust, actually, " he said, and I was mad as hell. " You what? " I shouted, and I tried to get up. But failed, because I was in so much pain.

He nodded his head, " Well, you usual have to drink blood if you want to survive, " he said, and I was shocked. Now, I need to drink blood to survive. " But your body react to the venom, differently, that made you half vamp-lust. It's very interesting, " Evan said, and I was in more shocked.

" What it only made me half vamp-lust? How is that possible? " I asked, and Evan looked at me. " Well, since you are born as pure soul. I guess is that your pure soul of you, is stronger than the venom I injected into you, " he answered, and I was surprised by this. " So, I will be half vamp-lust forever, right, " I said, " Yes, you will, " he answered, and I sighed. I guess is going to be my new life now.         

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