Chapter 25: Meeting with Fable

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Gregory's POV:

I woke up to the bright light, and I realized I was naked. Then I remembered the events from last night. Me and Evan f*cked, oh sh*t. My parents are so going to kill me for having sex with someone I love. Plus, my dad will kill Evan. I need to take a shower and changed. But I saw Evan was still asleep. So I need to wait for a bit.

" Hey love, " Evan said as he woke up, and I was awake for an hour. " We need to take a shower, " I said to him, Evan helped me out of bed. Because I can't f*cking walk, and I will beat Evan up later. We took a bath, and we cleaned ourselves up. We changed our clothes as well, I am lucky today is my day-off. I have to meet with Fable, today. I said to Evan, I need to meet with Fable, and he nodded. " You should go after breakfast, first, " Evan said, and I did went to eat my breakfast.

After my breakfast, I went to meet Fable at the stone ruin gazebo. I landed perfectly, and Fable was waiting for me. " Hey Fable, " I said, I tried not to limp. " Hey Ivory, so here what we found about your older siblings' kidnappers and the incident. They are all connected to one person, but don't know who. But all we know they might be working at the same company you are working at. Plus, they might be hiding your older siblings in that same building you work at, " Fable said, and I was shocked. They worked in the same company as me, but who would it be? " Who is the culprit? " I asked, with panicking tone in my voice. Fable went silent, and I remembered the door, Evan told me never opened.

" The door, " I said, and Fable looked confused. " What door? " She asked to me, with confused expression on her face. " There is a door, that Evan told me not to opened. He said it was dangerous, but maybe we can check there. We need to the others, " I said, with serious tone. Fable thought about it, " I guess, you are right. But how are we going to get to that room? " She asked to me, and I already have a plan. " Don't about that, I have a plan. But we need to get the others, " I answered to her, with confidence.

After we gathered the others, Claire asked what was the plan. " Well, I will distract Evan and all of you will get the key in the main office. Then once we have the key, we will figure out what behind that door. But we are going at night, " I explained the plan. They agreed with me, and we are going to find out who is that culprit.

We waited at Claire and Alex's apartment until nightfall. Before we need to go, we make sure no one will know about the plan. Then it was nightfall, we left the apartment at 8:50 pm. We took Fable's car to get VP. Well, Fable was driving, I was thinking, who was the culprit. Who was trying to hurt my family. " Wait, we could ask Mark J for some help, " I asked, and Claire looked at me. " What? " I asked. " You didn't see the news, Greg, " Claire said, with worried tone. I shook my head no, knowing what happened to Mark J.

" No, what happened to Mark J? " I asked to them, with confused expression. " He was found dead, a few days ago, " Claire answered, and I looked shocked. How didn't known this, another attack from the culprit again. " How did he died? " I asked, without crying, " Well, he was found stabbed to death in his job, Greg. I am sorry about Mark J, I know how much he means to you, " Claire explained to me, and I tried not to cry. My first best friend, is dead. If I haven't been putting myself into work, his death wouldn't happen. " We need to get to VP as soon as possible, " I said, with stern tone.

Fable nodded, " Let's found that culprit, and figure out what so special about that, " she said, and we all agreed.

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