Chapter 19: The truce party

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The next day...

Gregory's POV:

I have to end work early because of the truce party. I left the main office, and I went into my room. I decided to call Claire, then I heard something. I turned around, and I saw nothing. I dialed Claire's number. I waited for her to answer, and then she's answered.

Claire: " Hey Greg, do you need anything? "

Gregory: " Hey Mj, how are you? "

Claire: " I'm fine, and plus why did you call me for?"

Gregory: " Well, I wanted to call because I forgot to tell you. I am going to the truce party, and I wanted to ask you want to come? Plus, Evan will come as well>"

Claire: " I don't know, plus I am busy because of ghost hunting with Alex. Plus, I don't like Evan, he is giving me bad vibes. I think you should stay away from him."

Gregory: " I know he gives you bad vibes, but Evan is great. Once you get to know him, he is great person."

Claire: " No, I really don't want to get know him. I got to go, because of my work. Bye Greg!"

Gregory: " Bye Claire!"

 I hung up, and I went to my closet to pick out a dress. I chose the dress that caught my eye. Then I took the dress to the bathroom, because I need to take a bath. I turned on the shower, then I took a bath.

After I took a shower, I was debating should I wear my binder with my bandages on or just the binder or just the bandages. I chose to wear my binder with my bandages. After I replaced the bandages, then I put on the binder, then tighten it. I put on the dress.

(This is my au, I made Gregory trans and intersex

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(This is my au, I made Gregory trans and intersex. So don't judge me. Yes, I know Gregory is bot, but this is my au. Gregory is intersex.)

I like the dress, the last I wore this dress on Eliza's 23 birthday party. I remember that day, well, those days are gone. I looked at the mirror, I looked amazing. But what would Evan think. I used to be a girl, but I am trans after all. But I don't care what others think of me. I looked at the mirror again. I saw the scars on my arms, and I put make up on it. I don't want anyone knowing about my scars on my arms.

I left the room, and I went Evan's. I knocked on the door, and I heard a " Come in" from the room. I opened the door, and I saw Evan was getting ready. Then he turned around, and then he saw me. He started to blush, " You look amazing, Gregory. Or should I say Ivory? " He complimented me, and I blushed. The party was in 1 hour, and I looked at the time. It was 1:35pm and Evan said we had to go.

When we got Fazbear entertainment, it's been a while since I been here. The last time I been here is one year ago. We entered the building, and I saw the greeter, Anna. " Hey Anna, it's been a while, " I said, and she lit up when she saw me. " Gregory, I know, you look amazing. You still look like the same pretty boy I seen. Plus, now I am in relationship with Ava. I took advice, you were right, she did like me back, " said Anna, I missed Anna really much.

" We have to meet with my parents, for truce party, " I said, and she showed us the way. She led us to the party room. We entered it, and there was a lot of people. Then I spotted my parents, and I walked up to them. " Dad, mom, papa, " I said, and they turned my direction. " Gregory, you look amazing. You really kept the old dress, huh? " Mom said, and I nodded. " It's been a while since I been to the company, " I said, and they nodded. " I know this truce will go smoothly as possible, " said dad, and I nodded in agreement. 

Then Evan caught with me, " Hey wait for me, darling, " Evan said, and papa looked mad. " You are dating Evan, your boss, why? " Papa asked with concerned tone. " Papa, Evan is taking good care of me. Plus, he is really nice. Plus, Evan saved me once, " I said, and Papa and mom look like to spitting their drinks. " What when? " They asked, and dad doesn't look surprised at all. Then Evan started to explain, then I saw someone familiar, it was Fable. I excused myself and I followed Fable. I need answers about the person who was trying to kill me.

I followed her to the female washroom. Then she said something startling, " I know you followed me, Ivory. I know you want answers about your assassinator, " said Fable in calm voice. I never heard Fable so calm. " Fable, what is going on? Plus, you said to be careful about who? " I asked with panic tone. She turned around, and I saw she had soft green eyes. I remember the only person in my life who had soft green eyes was Violet. " I know you have so many questions, ask away, " she said, and I did have a lot of questions. 

" Who are you exactly? " I asked with a shocked tone, and she cracked a small smile. " Don't recognize my soul? " She asked, and then I realized no, it can't be, but she died over 4 centuries ago. " You can't be Violet, she's left me. All on my own, " I said with tears started to come out. " I am her, please Ivory. I had to lied about who I was because of Evan, he's not what you think, " she answered with scared tone. " What do you mean? " I asked, with curious tone.

" He is person you can't trust, but you don't have to believe me. But I know what really happened to your older siblings, " she answered, and she has answers. " What happened to my older siblings? " I asked with worried tone, and she looked at me. " I was there, when it happened. I was a friend to them, and I was just visiting them because we all work in the same department. Then ambush happened, we were attacked. I tried my best to save them, but unfortunately, they got captured. The people who took your older siblings, left me for dead. But I need to go now, see you again, Ivory, " Fable/Violet said, then disappeared into smoke.

What does she mean, don't trust Evan. Then I heard a scream coming from the party room. I followed it, and I saw something that horrified me. 

~ My personal Assistant~ (EvanxGregory/Vampire au) fnafWhere stories live. Discover now