chapter 8

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Harry James Potter's POV

I was getting ready to teach my next class because I knew it was going to be a long day of teaching today I had to first years so let's see how they're going to do so far we've been only working on a couple simple spells but see if they remember what we've been doing so far and like I said before I'm not just giving the pop quizzes to the older students every one of my classes will be so I can figure out exactly how well they're doing and if I think they're doing too well for you normal defense against the dark arts I'll put them in advance for their age group that is because I really want my students to excel

Because me and professor McGonagall was talking about my idea for Advance class for ones that's fine this too easy or not challenged enough by it or some to find that you boring nothing to be more challenging the other way around I want these kids to Excel and she understood what I was saying and she said well let's see if there's enough for that first so I'm going to see how they're all doing if there's enough for advanced classes then there will be

Just then the Frist years came into the room it was my Frist year Hufflepuff and ravenclaws

Harry: oaky I hope that you all have been working on the easy spells that I been telling you to practice and everything right now

Ravenclaw student: yes sir I know that us in Ravenclaw was

Hufflepuff student: most of us in Hufflepuff to sir

Harry: good job to here that so 20 points to each house for practicing now we're going to see exactly how well your practicing has been going cuz I'm going to get you all to do these smells now I'm going to turn off the lights and we are going to do luminous

I turn off the light and I watch the rest of the class and they did a perfect job not one of them having trouble with this ball but I have a feeling when you might be having different with the others but we'll see how it's going to go as I'm teaching the class and everything though I noticed that one and the Ravenclaw starts to tense up

Harry: are you okay Cheryl

Cheryl : yes I'm am sir it's just a bit of medical condition that I have I'm allergic to certain things and I think I made it ate something at breakfast that didn't agree with me and is making me break out sorry about that

Harry: what was that you are allergic to

Cheryl: I'm allergic to eggs well not the whole egg but the egg yolk I can eat the whites but I don't know for sure if that's what it was I feel like I can't breathe in anything because of it

Harry: I think that I should take you to the hospital wing or get someone to do that if you can make it down there

Cheryl: yes sir I can make

Harry: well maybe we should tell your head of house what's going on with

Cheryl: well it's a good thing his class only 2 doors down

Harry: yes it's a good thing

Cheryl: yeah it is

Harry: but I still don't think I should leave any of you right now cuz you're a group of first years I know what I'll do I'll send pardons to your head of house cuz from what I remembered I believe he said he had a free. This time

So I send my pardons to professor Flitwick telling him what was going on with Cheryl

Professor Flitwick: comes and Kock on Harry classes room

Harry: come in professor

Professor Flitwick: thank you for sending me that message about Cheryl I'll take her down to the hospital Wings considering I have a free period and you are teaching a group of first years right now and you said to be kind of hard to leave them so you did the right thing cuz this way we're still taking care of the medical emergency by me and handling it as her head of house and you are not leaving your students unattended which is good and that is pretty much protocol anyway when you have a group of first years to get their head of house LOL anyway I'm going to take a nap thank you

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