chapter 158

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Harry Potter POV

Soon as we gotten back to Hogwarts we put rose down to sleep in Albus Severus room with him and then I told Ginny that I was going to head to the office at the Ministry of magic to make sure the arua find out more about what had happened to Ron because I don't want anything to happen to my best mate my brother in law because nothing happens to my friends and family

Harry: I'm going to the Ministry of magic to see what I can find out about all this

Ginny: that would be a good idea cuz I really want to know what's going on with my brother and everything for sure and the more than the aura talk the more you guys will know

Harry: ya ( kiss Ginny) see later gin love you

Ginny: love you to

Then I left and head off to Ministry of magic to figure this out it's a good thing that we don't have to teach anything today and not at Hogwarts so I don't have to be too busy but I have to make sure this job to figure out exactly what happened to Ron

Harry: okay do you guys want to explain to me exactly what went wrong when you guys were taking those death eaters back Azkaban

Arua : we are still trying to figure out exactly what happened you know that it was not a Bellatrix husband that did because he put away in a very high top security cell when everything like that they never really got away or anything you were able to get them under control after it happened but when we were being put away in their cells you broke Free long enough to hit a spell not sure who it was as a death eaters but it got Ron good and we know that it was not Lucius Malfoy because we had him in a cell and we know that he doesn't want anything to be doing to this

Harry: okay will have check each of the death eaters wands and see what spells that they have been going around with right now because we need to know which one did this to Ron

Arua : where on it sir

Harry:good I want a report about all of this by tomorrow evening that should give you a bit of time to fine our who the that did it is right now

Arua : yes sir we will take good care of that right now sir because we want to get to the bottom of it as well because Ron a great team player and friend

Harry: ya that make alot of sences I need to get back to Hogwarts to get everything that I need to ready for teaching tomorrow it's hard having 2 jobs but I love it and Hogwarts as always been more of a home to me then when I was living with aunt and uncle because we all know how uncle Veron could be

Arua: ya well get report to by tomorrow evening sir say high to Ginny and your kids and have a great night

Harry: thank you I left to head back home thinking I hope that Molly and Arthur gotten the message about what happened to Ron because we know that this not going to easy but that what's going on when we are doing this kind of work we need to be ready for everything that been going on around here

Soon as I gotten home to my Chambers at Hogwarts Ginny came and kissed me)

Ginny:how did it go babe ?

Harry: it went good there trying to find everything out and have a report tomorrow evening for me how are kids

Ginny: the boys are good but I believe that rose is not sleeping good I believe that she wants her mum and dad right now

Harry: well she have to handle having aunt Ginny and uncle Harry for now

Ginny: ya and maybe uncle Harry can get her to sleep because I can't lol

Harry: oaky I'll try and get her sleep right now because I that's a good she needs and I know that when she and Albus Severus are Clos to each other she feels like she can sleep I have a feeling that they are 2 cousins are going to be very close when they get older

Ginny: ya that's a good thing because there going. To have each backs and that's all that matters right now

Harry: good idea well let's see if I can rose to sleep I head off to put rose to sleep as well me and ginny will take care of her till Ron is out of hospital and home again if need to be

Ginny : good idea babe I'm going to check on James sisrus and teddy why you get rose to sleep and check on Albus Severus because there in the same room right now

Harry: oaky beautiful

I went to see if. I can get rose to sleep for some reason I'm her favorite uncle because she seems to want me more the Ron and Ginny other brothers

Harry: hay rose let's get you to sleep we know that your daddy going to be okay just mummy needs to be with him right now till daddy gets better but aunt Ginny and are here for you as along as you need anything (start singing to rose till she falls asleep) there we go

The I up back down beside Albus Severus who is already sleeping and that a good thing because he been have. A bit of trouble getting to sleep the last few days or so maybe he been really worried about everything going on babies can tell if something going on right now and that's a good thing for sure

Soon as I went back to Ginny I took her in my arms and kissed her and sat down with my wife in my arms in front of the fireplace and that's a good thing for me right now

Ginny: ( cuddling up Harry ) I love you and I always feel safe in your arms no matter how long that we have been married it hard to believe that in few years that teddy is going to be start at Hogwarts and that James sisrus and Albus Severus and rose will all be going soon after that and it's a good thing right now but I hope that are not going to be getting into trouble alot lol

Harry: ya I know what you mean but it always seem to find me and Ron and Hermione so we where always saving the school so how lol

Ginny: yes and in way you still do that now

I laugh and kiss my beautiful wife right now I just want to have. A quiet night with her I do not have to worry about anything else right now I just want to focus on being with the beautiful woman that I love so much that I've been married to for so many years and I'm glad that I fell in love with her and back in are Hogwarts days her and parents and brothers are my family and the happens that I have been waiting for all of these years and I know that parents are watching over us and that's a good thing for sure right now

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