chapter 89

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Harry James Potter's POV

I woke up and saw that my beautiful wife was sleeping next. To me I hate that I need to be waking her up right now but we need to get up and dressed and everything for the day because we have classes to teach and staff meetings

Harry: hay babe time to get up

Ginny: moring sexy

Harry: morning beautiful

Ginny : where's my morning kiss

Harry : right here kiss her deeply and passionately I love you babe

Ginny: love you too now let's get ready for the day and. I have a feeling that we are both going to busy am I right

Harry: yes we are when I have free classes and everything like that my time to do my work as head of the arua department in my office study here and and yes I'm getting a student's test and things like that that's what I will be grading papers and squeezing in some stuff that I have to do for the ministry as well but so I'm not over doing it with both jobs I have Piercy is my assistant at the ministry so he'll be helping me out when I need things in that regard I suppose

GInny : never thought I'd save the day that you would be the boss of one of my brother is LOL

Harry: ya it can happen lol

Ginny: it's nice that we put the picture frames here so that the paintings back at our house can come and see us in their portraits LOL let us know how things are doing we have to stay here for work purposes

Harry: I just realized it's 4:30 in the morning baby I thought I was laying there haters and that you can go back to sleep for a couple hours but I'm going to go to my office get some work that needs to be done for the ministry and then I'll be ready to do my teaching 6:30 and 7:00 around there is when we have breakfast anyway

Ginny: yeah I forgot when you can't sleep you uses that time to do extra work and everything to get it done so you don't fall behind no wonder you don't have to stay on top of things and everything like that and you take a potion to keep your house up and everything which is good man I'm so glad that you were able to figure out exactly what you need for your nutrition and everything because all those years that you were living with your aunt and uncle they didn't feed you probably at least now you have a way to keep yourself from not being too tired and everything with these special potions and you're able to help design them after a while since you found out that you didn't know when you were taking lessons of you we're doing so good that you're now qualified potion master there's so many different things that you're good at and plus you're one of the most powerful words in the world now so no wonder we don't have to worry about your health as much as we used to LOL

Harry: yeah well I still need to worry about you getting the proper amount of sleep and everything where you're pregnant so we'll have to sleep for a little bit and I'll wake you up in time sorry about that I didn't realize the time I'll check on teddy too why I'm up I thought I overheard him crying and stuff like that

Just went I went to check on teddy I saw that Misty was changing him

Harry : didn't expect to see you this early Misty

Misty : I woke up early because I had to check on some other children in the schools that were not sure about her being looked after okay I'm not just a nanny Elf on the head Nanny elf so I have to make sure everything is going to be okay I decided I figured that you guys were asleep and I hurt Teddy crying when I came in to get something that I left yesterday that I needed I'll be back later when my actual shift starts with you Sir but he's all cleaned and gone back to sleep

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