chapter 143

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Harry Potter POV

Myself and Ron and some other arua are all out trying to see if we can get leads on where the death eaters can be hiding right now we.check all of the palace we where told and everything else right now but I have a feeling that left before we gotten here right now so I looked at my men and woman that work for me and told
Let's head back and re group

Harry: where going to need re group on this and everything else that's been going on around here with these death eaters getting out and stuff and it's a good thing that we all have some holidays of Hogwarts right now I mean me and Ginny because I teach dada and I'm head arua so I need to be ready for everything that been going on around here right so at least I can take care of death eaters right now that main thing for now

Ron : ya Hermione wants us to get as many as we can and I know she still finds it hard from what happened when we had second wirzad war and everything she still as nightmare's

Harry: I knew that she was and I know how she feels there because I still have my nightmares but I know as long as I have Ginny everything going to be just the way it need to be I should probably check in and see how she doing because she's been having a lot of Braxton and Hicks and everything lately so I just want to make sure everything is going to be okay to be on the safe side

Ron: yeah I know what you mean when you're talking about that and everything cuz Hermione is having them as well

Harry: you need to be a little bit more careful and everything of that because this is her first pregnancy so she might need to be making sure that there's no problems going on around there I mean this one's a little bit harder on Ginny but I don't know why I guess he or she just doesn't know when to really becoming out lol

Ron : ya well we should head back to office with the rest of the arua team because we need to see what's been going on around here right now

When Ron said that we saw a couple of death eaters and we knew that we need to be taking them down we found out that one of them was Bellatrix husband and we need to stop him and who ever is working with him before they try and case trouble and everything else right now

Harry; damn that close we almost had. Gotten them we need to head and talk to Hermione about everything because we can't make a move without her say because she mister of magic

Ron: ya your right about that and we should get back to office of head home and get the work we.need done like you had said and everything else right now

Harry: ya because anything can happen with Bellatrix husband being around and others and we know that the dark lord can't come back but we do know that there up to something right now

With that we all head back to the office to write about everything that we found out and have a meeting with Hermione because we need to really see how many death eaters are around and what's Bellatrix husband is about to do and everything else right now and after that meeting where going to be having I'm heading home to Ginny and the boys and I have a feeling that the boys are going to be up and I don't want James and teddy be a lot for Ginny to handle right now


Ginny Weasley Potter POV

When I had woke up form a nap earlier kreature has let me know that Harry need to head out to work right and try and get some death eaters and I got out Azkaban
I just hope that everything going to fine right now let's hope that being safe and I know that my brother Ron is out there as well and don't want anything bad to hat I will feel better when Harry gets home was what I was wondering about when he comes thought fireplace

Ginny: babe your back how did it go?

Harry: it was oaky but we didn't get anyone because they left before we can but we do know that Bellatrix husband is one of them and who knows what he trying because we know that he not happy that Bellatrix was killed by your mother when we had the war and it's a good but we don't know what' her husband and the others are going to be up to

Ginny : wow let's hope that you can find him and the others he with soon and let me guess you need to be having a meeting with Hermione and other arua because of everything that been going on around here

Harry: ya we did but I don't want you to worry to much because it's not going to be good for you where you are pregnant and everything and your on bed rest as it is

Ginny: I'm good now that you are home and everything because I'm worried for you when you are out there doing. Everything that you need to do with your job so we need to be ready for all that and I have though that I was having Braxton Hicks so I hate having false contractions and everything but yeah I have a feeling that it's going to be getting closer for the time that I'm going to be giving birth soon I think I should get back to bed and everything that's a good thing that kreature is so helping me with teddy and James because I don't want do more then I can handle right now

Harry: ( kiss Ginny) well I think you should get back to bed and I'll be here if you need anything beautiful

Ginny: thanks babe I love you

Harry: I love you too

Ginny: good well I'm going to lay down like you had said babe

Soon as I had said that I believe that water. Broke

Harry: babe are you oaky ?

Ginny: I believe that my water broke so I believe that babe number 2 is on the way right now

Harry: wow I'm going to be needing to get you to sait mugloes because I want everything to be oaky when the babe gets here right now

I knew that harry was right because I want the baby to get here without trouble damn this hurts right now

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