chapter 18

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Ginny Weasley POV
I woke up the next morning and smile at Harry after having my.bad dream last night it was good to wake up and know that he here when I need him the most I believe that I should get a 🚿 because it's still early and I want to let Harry sleep some more after waking him up because of my bad dream last night

I got 🚿and gotta dress and then woke up Harry

Ginny : hay babe you need to wake up ( kiss Harry )

Harry: kiss back) good morning beautiful

Ginny : morning babe

Harry: what time is it

Ginny : 7 am mum should have breakfast ready now and I believe it's all of are favourite

Harry; well we better get ready and down there before Ron eats it all lol

Ginny : ya good idea because he just might

Soon as Harry was 🚿and dress we head downstairs for breakfast

Molly: morning dears

Ginny &Harry : morning mum

Molly : breakfast is almost ready it's 🥞🥓🧇🥯☕🍳 so ya different types because I want you all to have your favorite

Harry: looks great mum

Ginny : ya it does you think that Ron and Hermione would be downstairs already

Harry: ya

Molly: can one of you go and get them

Ginny : sure mum

I ran upstairs to get Hermione & Ron for breakfast

Ginny : hay you 2 time to get up it's breakfast time and mum made a lot of stuff you would like Ron

Ron : oaky where coming

Ginny : good because if you don't I going to be right back here and coming in to get you

Hermione: oaky I'll make sure he gets up

Ginny : good

I laughed and head back downstairs and I hope there not doing anything together that I don't want to see lol I don't need to know what my brother is doing in the bedroom

Molly : did you get them dear

Ginny : yes I told get up and If there not downstairs soon I'm going in and get them up

Harry: that's good because when you said that I know they be up fast and get down here as fast as they can right now

Molly : yes because if I know you would toss water on your brother to wake him up and then I would get Hermione wet as well and don't say you wouldn't because I saw you do it before

Ginny: oaky you know me so well mum

Harry: well all do babe.

We laughed because he was right and just then Hermione and Ron came. downstairs and we can tell that Hermione hair was still a mess and we can also tell that my brother had lipstick all over his face

Ginny : well had a great smooch because I can tell that you look like your face are going to turn when I read because of all the lipstick LOL

Hermione: wow I can't believe that you didn't clean off your face Ron babe

Ron : ya well your hair is still stuck off

Molly : laughing this so funny this something that would normally happen between Harry and Ginny not you 2 so that's the difference

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