chapter 138

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Harry James Potter POV a few days later

It's been a few days when help out Janelle and her family but we are still trying to find the death eaters and everything there at around there so we been make sure that more protections and stuff was put up around Hogwarts to be on the safe side

You still have no clue how they have escaped from Azkaban so we are still trying to figure out exactly how we're going to get them back and put them there it's not easy but we'll do it we've always manage to get them round up somehow

Today is another day like any other day if we're both getting ready to go teach and stuff that goes easy and everything and it's good to know about everything that been going on around here right now

Harry: hay Ginny ready for another day of teaching and everything I have herd anything about the death eaters that's been her still some out there and we will get them all back where there going to need to be right now that's the best thing that we can do

Ginny: ya and seem my.moring sickness is starting to good down and that's good because I hate having that and never a good for it

Harry: that's a good thing I said I don't want anything to happen to you or baby right now

Ginny: ya well let's get to the great Hall as soon as the house elf Nanny gets here to watch the James and teddy so we can go to class right now

Soon as Ginny said that in popped Misty

Misty: here I'll take care of James and teddy for you why you work as always do

Harry: thanks

We head to great Hall to get some breakfast and that was a good thing right now because we where both hungry and that is the most important meal of the day

Soon as we gotta there we sat down with the other teachers and that's a good thing because we know it's going to be long day and hope that nothing going to happen to Ginny her class

Soon as we where done breakfast I asked Ginny if she was still oaky and she said that she was so we head off to class and everything that we need to do as teachers today


Ginny POV

Soon as gotten into my classroom for the day I saw that some slytherins that where picking on a hufflepuff and that was something that I was not going and I need to stop because I didn't want my students getting out of hand

Ginny : oaky what have you been doing I need you to stop so right now I need the 3 of you to head to the headmistress

Slytherin: why

Ginny : because I saw what it was that you where doing and I'm not doing it.because you are in Slytherin it because of anyone in any house that doing all of it

Hufflepuff: thanks for helping me professor because I hate when I'm being picked on around here right now

Ginny : well I'm going to be fair and help things doing to get some trouble with what there doing. So if it's Slytherin doing it then I'll help same if form your house or the others I will make who ever was doing this stuff so please take your seats and we will

Soon as they where sitting we gotten down to work and that's a good thing because we need to be ready for everything that been coming with there grad and everything I want them to do much better and that's not always easy but what needs to be done around here I hope everything going well in Harry class


Harry James Potter POV
I just finished teaching the 4 years it was a class of all the houses because of the fact that it was one of my advanced classes had defensive a against dark arts

So went to do some paperwork because it a free class and I want to be ready for everything that we are going to be doing in are next class and I want to be on top of everything that's been going on around here but I also need to make sure I check in with Hermione and Ron and others at the Ministry because of the fact that I'm also working there so after I'm done this work and everything else I need to for Hermione and the others

Why I was wondering about all of this there. Was a kock at my door

Harry: come in

Hermione: hay just came to bring some papers that I need you go over so I know what you need for the Arua department
Do you need more for the new classes you doing in arura theory

Harry:ya we need some more books for year 5 and I could use some more.arua out there trying to get a lead where there death eaters still out there

Hermione: oaky I have more out there now for you and so you have the last papers I need you to do

Harry: yes it right here

Hermione: thanks I'll get out of your hair now

With that she left and I got back to everyone that I need to be doing for minvar and Hermione because I was going. To be ready for everything that was next in are class it's th best things that we can. Do for sure right now and be on the same side

When I was done I head to teach my next class and I knew that I had the second years Ravenclaw and Slytherin I hope that it's going to be oaky because I have more then one group for each year and that's the. Best way to be making it work we need to be ready for everything that going to be happing around here right now that's thing that we all can do for sure around here right now

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