chapter 112

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Harry James Potter's POV

I checked over GInny because I gotta there just in time because soon as I came to the door I couldn't believe it but there stood Bellatrix and she was supposed to have been killed by Molly

Harry;babe are you okay what was she doing here I thought that you're mum had killed her in the Battle of Hogwarts so what the hell is going on somehow it's crazy how she ended up back here there's definitely something we need to look into for sure

Ginny: I don't know for sure but she said somehow someone got hold to the resurrection Stone and brought her back but I don't know what else is going on for sure that's the only thing I got out of her before she disappeared when you came in and see me from then at the time so we really have to figure out exactly how we're going to stop her before she tries something I guess under bridge could have brought her back I don't know

Harry: well I'm going to need to inform the minister of this new development and everything because I have to make sure that we see on top of everything if Bellatrix who else could you try to bring back I know she cannot bring back the dark Lord because how many times we destroyed his soul there's no way the stone would work with that cuz we found in a loophole about that which was good unless she's trying to be the one that's going to be ruining the world now we really got to get to the bottom of it

Ginny: please just be careful and always come back to me in one piece for sure and everything else right now

Harry : you know that that's something that I will always make sure to come back to you and have the boys cuz you James Sirius and Teddy are my life right now and we need. To step up and do everything that we can for sure right now and it's the best thing that we can do

Ginny: your right

Harry: I want a good thing this is my free period and everything right now so I'm going to go and get at the ones we need to get hold of you and tell him about this and everything then I'm going to hang back and teach my class when this lesson is over but we really got to figure out exactly what we're going to do about the whole situation of village being back

Ginny: but that is one thing I'm definitely scared of is she almost tried to take me out before and everything at the mom didn't step in and save me when she did I don't know what would have happened so we really need to be prepared cuz she is one big b**** and like Mom said I always knewish you would say it if she had to cuz it's not very often you hear those words come from her mouth but she was not enough to let anything happen to me

When my babe said that I kissed her and told her I was going to be sending a owl to the Wesley and everyone one that need to know about this for right now it's the best thing that we can do and who knows what's going on so I told my babe to stay close to me as much as she can right now we need to be ready for everything that coming are way too us right now

Harry: babe after I send the owls Kingsley is on the way here with Ron and that's a good thing we need to know what may happen next we can't let this stuff happen

Ginny: okay I'm going to stay here where it's safe right now and it's the best thing that I can do for sure

Harry : yes and I'm going to have few arua here to make sure that you are going to be fine it's the least we can do for sure

I went to meet kingsley in my office here and everything else right now that we need know we can't believe that Bellatrix is back some how and this is not going to good at all right. Now


Ginny weasleys Potter POV

I was wondering about everything that happened today because how was it that Bellatrix gotta into hogwarts there is something that is doing a big problem with everything about that right now we need see more and more about this we need to do what's best that all that we can be doing right to be ready I'm just hoping nothing bad Is going to be happing to my husband when he need to be working and all this going to be. Hard to keep up with but we need to make sure that Bellatrix or anyone else don't come and try everything over again all right now this something that we need make sure that everyone was going to be oaky right now and that

Why was thinking about all this to myself I felt to strong arms around me and turn around and kiss my husband

Ginny: kiss Harry ) hay handsome

Harry: kiss ginny back ) hay babe I love you what on your mind right now

Ginny; I'm just thinking about the fact how I look how hell the Bellatrix get in the school in the first place so I mean it's not that easy to be able to get inside the other stuff there's something going on for sure

Harry: yeah you're right about that and I'm wondering if she was brought back to life within the school so now we're trying to figure out exactly how they're going to make your next move and find it possibly it's a good thing though that we had before us covered all of the centers and the spiders are looking out to see if they can catch any death eaters and nothing might be trying to help them the pink medicine and Bellatrix are working together this is not going to be good cuz we don't know what their next move is going to be for sure so I must make sure that we can figure out how to set a drop for them and everything like that

Ginny: that would be a good idea for us to figure out exactly how they got in the stuff and we really need to figure it what else has been going on it's supposed a good idea though that you have the spider is going around trying to catch up the defeaters and everything like that so it's a good about your new plan how to work with spiders so they are going to be doing the killing of people with it to death settings instead of a demeanor now it's more humane

Harry: yes it is and that good thing and the reason why it was me that way is the best Rubicon to catch people cuz there's so much torturing and everything that's been going on and asking him and that because of the mentors we don't need to be dealing with that anymore they're crazy and everything else better not to use them to be guarding people and everything there anymore cuz it's not good on the business insanity and things like that so I'd rather be doing what we're doing to because that way we're not freaking nobody else and everything about making sure that they're at least getting no money is to be done but it is not as crazy as violent as it was the other way

Ginny: you're right they need to pay for the crimes and everything that they did but they don't need to be treated like animals and stuff like that so I'm going to make them active worse and everything so you are doing the right way sometimes a little bit of kindness to someone asked a man can go a long way when they our prisoner you don't want to be the person to have to do things and be hard on them and everything

Harry: yes well I'm going to have a few more meetings with Kingsley right now and that's a good thing and everything else right now for sure because we need to make sure that Bellatrix is the only one for sure that came back and everything else right now and we must be ready for it all

Ginny: ya well I'm going to relax and everything and your free class is almost over and I know that need to ready for everything that coming are way and it's a good thing for

Harry : ya well I'll be back to check on you babe I love you

Ginny: love you more babe

Harry: babe I love you way more then what you been going on with and everything else right now

He knew that we need to be getting to the bottom of everything that been. Going on for sure right now and that's all that matters the most

I just went to sleep as Harry left to make sure everything was okay and then he need to be teaching some classes and everything else right now and it's the best thing that was can be doing for sure if you ask me right now

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