chapter 28

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Harry James Potter's POV
It's now the beginning of another week here at Hogwarts so I'm getting ready to teach the fourth years hufflepuffs and slytherins I'm just hoping that there's no fighting between Jake and Andrew they have their first attention with me today and their second one tomorrow for what went down on the Quidditch pitch

Right now I'm grading papers and everything waiting for the class to arrive this is my second class of the day the first class I have was second years and and it went really smooth pretty bad when second years are better behave than fourth years isn't it

Just then there was a knock at the door and I looked and seen there was my beautiful fiance

Harry: hay babe what's brings you by don't you have class that you need to be in

Ginny : yeah I do I just knocked on your door cuz I wanted to come in and see if I can go back to mine your room so I can get my potions book I forgot it and I don't need to be in potions for another 30 minutes cuz this is still my free period that I have right now so I just thought I'd come back and get it so I don't be late I know your class will be in a minute but I just want to get my book that's okay with you

Harry: sure beautiful it's a good thing that you remembered your book but normally you don't forget them

Ginny : well yeah I normally don't forget them but for some reason I was rushed this morning by Hermione does she wanted to check out something about in advance class that was going to be going on the bulletin boards you know how excited she gets when she does things like that I mean I love I was excited about my stuff LOL

Harry: ya well go and get your book and I'll see you later babe I believe I have you after the fort Pierce I have a double class with them right now and then after that I have seventh years and you're in that one

Ginny: yes I know I'll see then professor Potter

Harry: see then miss Wesley ( thinking damn I love her I just wish that I could kiss her right now)

Ginny : ( knowing what he thinking because of there bond and smiles) whispers into his ear) babe you can have all the kiss you want soon as school hours are over babe I'm all yours then love you

Harry: love you too babe now go and I'll see you in class later and I can't wait for tonight so we can just relax together

With that Ginny got her book and left to go to potions so she wasn't going to be late the next thing I knew my fourth years Slytherin and hufflepuffs were coming through the door

Harry:okay class we are going to recap everything that we did last class except for the fight that happened between you two I want to make sure that any troubles from last class has not interrupting this time this is why we're recapping because I don't know how much you guys got plus we're also going to do what I had planned with this lesson as well so it's a good thing it's a double lesson so we fit all in

Joe( a Hufflepuff) - good idea for us to recap everything professor because last class I don't think we did get a lot of information cuz the last thing I remember is one of those spells that they sent at each other was flying towards me

Harry: yes I remember that it almost got you that time Joe and it's a good thing that I step in when I did I just noticed something you and Jake look similar are you related somehow

Joe : yeah we're twins I'm a Hufflepuff because my mom was a Hufflepuff our dad was a Slytherin so they had a feeling that one of us would be a Hufflepuff and the other one would be a Slytherin it's just he tries to pick fights and everything and take the old family feud that our grandfather started and use it against Andrew's family but my mother and father and me we try to get along with everybody else the same thing with everybody in the interest family is just Andrew and Jake don't click because of the way their grandfathers are trying to groom them cuz they're in Slytherin

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