chapter 172

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Harry James Potter's POV

I was working on some things that need to be done for students before we take the summer off and ginny is sleeping and everything and want her to be taking it easy now that. We know she pregnant again and everything for another thing

But for some reason I can't see to get all of this done because knowing. That death eaters got out so I need to be ready for that right now why was wondering about that kreature popped into my office in are chambers

Kreature: sorry to just pop in but I thought I should let you know that there's a mystery person in around and I overheard them talking about kidnapping people and everything's we need so you're going to need to figure out exactly who that is I'll keep an eye out

Harry: thanks Kreature that's what I'm going to be make sure I have some arua and everything put here right now that would be the best thing that we can do right now for sure

Kreature: okay

I went and fire called Hermione and told her about everything and she said it was good idea for me to make sure arua and everything where around Hogwarts because it was only going be 2 more weeks till the summer and everything else for you right now

Harry: well it's a good thing you know that someone's looking around the school and everything right now trying to figure out their next move to kidnap someone so we need double check everything

Hermione: like I told you make sure you have enough arua and if there anything else that I can do as the minister of magic let me know we need to be. Ready for everything that can happen around here right now

Harry: yes we'll I'm going to stop by get some of the Arua at the office before anything goes wrong around here right now we need to be. A step a head of everything that been going on around here right now

Hermione: good idea I need to go and try and relax because being pregnant is lot but let me know what else you need

Harry: will do get some sleep you are going to be needing right now

With that I went to tell Ginny what was going on around here and everything else right now and that's a good thing for sure we need to be ready and I want to keep her and are kids safe but we need to be finding out just who is this mystery person that's hanging around right now

I'm going to be getting the portraits to take your book around and everything for us as well to make sure that they can see stuff that we might be able to pick up on and the good thing with the house evles are as well and it's good that I have kreature misty herel because there my family elves and I paid them and treat them well and all that and it's a good thing they know what to go when we are asking about things right now


Ginny Weasley Potter POV

I woke up to Harry talking to some people

Ginny: everything okay babe

Harry: ya just talking to some arua because we know that there is a mystery person around trying to see if they can kidnap someone so we need to make sure that that's not going to happen or anything like this supposed to come and check on you

Ginny: we're definitely going to need to make sure that the boys are okay with everything like that and we hope I can get myself safe to you when I'm pregnant

Harry: you know that I'm going to keep you and the boys safe and everything else right and I can't wait till we have are next baby but right now I need to do everything to keep you and of the students around here safe as well

Ginny : kiss Harry ) I know that you will babe your great at both of your jobs and everything else right now we need to be ready for everything that going to happing right about now I love you

Harry: kiss Ginny ) I love you too beautiful

Ginny: okay I'm going to shower and everything because knowing this I can't get back to sleep and I'm sure the boys are waking up soon and that we are going to be needing to get ready right now

With that I went to take a shower and then I was going to make sure everything else was going to be ready for the day right now


Harry James Potter's POV

I wait for Ginny after she had everything ready we made sure that kids where going to be okay by having a arua that I know and trust stay with them and kreature and Misty was going to watching them like they always do why we are here at Hogwarts

Because me and ginny need to be giving the last of the exams for class and then I was going to be making sure it all okay around the school and checking in on all of the houses with the help of all the men I have right now

Harry: Ginny babe you ready?

Ginny: yes just need change Albus Severus again because he did a number 2 lol

Harry: ya he be doing that alot lately lol

After I had said that the Arua was here and the evles watch are kids so we can head out to be doing are jobs like I had said right now and that was the best thing that we can do for now then see actually where the one that hiding around here is and it's good that we have hagrid check out the grounds as well right now because we need to be a step a head right now


Mystery person's POV

Great I just happened to notice that there's more people around making sure that I can't get very close to what I want to catch right now I need to make sure that I can get what I want and I was hoping to be able to try and get closer to Ginny and kids and try and kidnap one of them to see if I can make Harry pay for putting away me and all the others for everything they did that came to taking down the dark lord

And the fact that my wife has been killed and everything like that yeah I am definitely going to be coming and trying to inventure and everyone else that I've lost because of this the dark lord should have won and because I have lost everything I need to make Harry suffer for that let's just hope I'm not spotted yet


Hagrid's POV

I was walking around the grounds checking everything out along with the people that Harry had sent to help it's a good thing that's we have all these arua here and Ron was one. Of them and he was walking the ground around here as well and when I looked I thought I saw something and I might not know just who are mystery person is I have a feeling that it's bellatrix's husband by the looks of it and if that's who it is so help us make sure we don't let him get to the person he wants right now

I'm going to have to run off and see if I can find Ron and the others to let them know to be on the safe side cuz I definitely got a glimpse this is definitely going to be crazy and everything like that why didn't we expect him earlier or something like that because we know that Lucius Malfoy is definitely back in Azkaban because we put him in a high security episode area that nobody can get to which is good cuz he's been trying to get out more than once at least we know that we have that aspect done but we really need to make sure you figure out exactly how we're going to catch lestrange cuz who knows what he is going to do next

I thought I should tell the portraits about who I saw around too to see if they could figure out anything and they agreed to help so we knew that the elves would watch even closer as well I'm definitely not going to let him make happen in the students around here either I am one of the teachers besides being the grounds keep her I am also the teacher that teaches care of magical creatures well I pretty much don't do as much as I used to but it's good to know that I have extra people that can give a hand just to be on the safe side with that in mind I think we need to be a step ahead

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