chapter 139

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Ginny Weasley Potter POV

After a very long day of teaching for both me and Harry I had it back to our Chambers because I was so tried and I knew that Harry was going to be a bit because he had been called to the Ministry to bring a few things that needed to be done and stuff like that for not coming in case he has to be able for

I definitely been worried about how much work he's been putting in in everything but that's just part of me his wife I do right here in living room for him and everything just like he is safe for me right now I need to check on our kids and everything before he comes back I just hope he can get some rest and stuff cuz he's been working hard I have a feeling that he might be a little burned out

I mean between helping me with the kids teaching and doing his job as head arua and stuff right now he as had a lot of time to himself and me and him for ourselves but we do the best we can and with Me be pregnant again on top of everything else I know that it's a lot for Harry and I have alot to do with as well because I'm teaching and everything and I I'm still on the holyhead herpes but I don't need to place yet because the season going. Be late this year and I believe by that time I should have the babe and everything so that's good soon as I gotten back to are. Chambers I saw that Misty the elf I just finished giving you a kiss their bottles and was putting them down for the night

Misty : the kids are done and down for the night for you I thought I should help with that because it seems that both you and Harry have been having a busy day

Ginny: yes we have thanks and have a good night

Misty: well it's a good thing that it's the weekend tomorrow and you should be able to get a chance to sleep in a bit

Ginny : yes that would be good and everything and I hope that I can everything ready for my classes that I need to be teaching and stuff right now

With that Misty left with a pop and I head to the bathroom so I could get clean up around here because I need it after along day and being on my feet while I'm pregnant is not easy as well this pregnancy it seems to be taking a lot more out of me than the first one I had but hopefully everything will go smoothly

Why I was wondering about everything that's been going on with pregnancy I jumped when I felt to strong arms around me in the shower

Ginny: jumps

Harry : so babe I didn't me to scare you I just gotten back form my meeting and everything and heard you in here and thought that you could use the company

Ginny : I would say know to having my husband in the shower with me lol

Harry: good to know what where thinking. About and everything before I made you jump

Ginny : just that I hope everything going. To good with me being pregnant this time it hard on me but still not as the first but I still want everything to be oaky the right way and that's a good thing for sure right now

Harry: yes that's a good thing and I know that you have been working hard and everything beautiful

Ginny: me what about you have been helping me with James and teddy and me being pregnant and working to jobs so I hope that you are not going to overdoing everything babe

Harry: I'm good beautiful but your right it would be nice if me and you could have a bit of break well it's a good thing that it's the weekend and we don't need to be teaching till Monday again and I don't. Need to work as arua this weekend so that's a good thing

Ginny : good handsome

Harry: ya

Ginny : did you eat much today? because between teaching and arua work and looking out for me you have not stopped

Harry: yes babe I did because I had lunch in office and stuff but I didn't make it back here in time for dinner

Ginny: well know I think I can make you something in are little kitchen that we have here in our Chambers it's a good thing as teachers have those type of picked up because we can get pretty busy that sometimes LOL

Harry: yes we do and that would be great love I love you babe

Ginny: I love you too

When me and harry gotten out of shower I told him go and put his feet up and I would make him something to eat because I knew that he was tried and everything and I want him to rest I mean I maybe pregnant but today is one of my better days and all right now let's just hope that me and Harry can have a great weekend without having to worry about everything and everyone

Harry James Potter POV later that evening

Soon as I was done eating I told Ginny thanks and sat down on sofa in front of fireplace Ginny sat next to me and I put my arms around her this stuff that I love just to be able to cuddle with my beautiful wife and relax and everything else right now she and the James and teddy are my happiness right now

Harry: ( puts his arms around Ginny ) this nice just me and you cuddling up in front of fire it's something that we have been to busy for the last few weeks

Ginny: yes it is and good thing that we have the weekend coming up and stuff right now because I don't want you to be over doing everything else right now because babe you work so hard and I just want you know I'm here for you

Harry: I know that you are beautiful

Ginny: I just hope that you and the others fine out where the death eaters that got out of jail and everything because it's hard not knowing where there at hopefully you and the others can put them back in Azkaban prison where they belong

Harry: that's the plan beautiful

Ginny: just be careful babe me and the boys need you

Harry: always babe

Ginny : good kiss him

Harry: I love it when your lips are on Mine beautiful

Ginny: the same for me handsome.

Harry: babe why don't we take this to the bedroom and have some fun because we
have not had that in while and I know that we can still make love for while why your pregnant

Ginny: yes it is and I'm glad because it make me so horny babe and I have more needs

Harry: then let me take care of that for you now beautiful because I know that you need it

Ginny: yes I do babe I love you

Harry: love you more

Warming sexual contact

I layed Ginny down on the bed and started to kiss down her neck working my way down to her beautiful breasts and start stuck on them and made her moan

Ginny: moaning mmmmmmmmm don't stop babe that feels so good

Harry: babe I love making you feel so good and I'm not going to stop

Ginny: good babe I love you mmmmmmm

I work my way down from her beautiful breasts to her p***and start to eat her out nice and slow and that's a good thing and she was loving and she was tasting so good the next thing I knew that I was making her come with my mouth and she was crying my name and that's a good thing for sure right now

Harry: babe so hot when you are c****like that babe but I'm going to show you how much I really love you right now

Ginny: yes babe please do

Harry: I pushed inside of my babe because I knew that she was going to be needing this right now

I start to f*** her fast and hard and I knew that my babe was loving this and she was a moaning mess and she was having so much pleasure and knew she was coming over the edge and that's a good thing because I knew that my babe was going to be needing this and I soon came right behind my beautiful wife

Ginny: damn babe I need that

Harry: so did I let's get some sleep beautiful

End sexual contact

We fell asleep and that was good because we both need it and let's hope that we are not going to be having any problems the weekend because I just want have sometime with my family right now and know there safe

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