chapter 120

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Harry James Potter's POV

Soon as we where done in headmistresses off I had to get hold to Hermione about what we found because the Mister of magic and we know right now that it's not going to be easy for manday and her sister and when her father finds out he really going to hate is brother for everything that he did to his family

Who knows maybe he had something to with is wife walking out on him and that's not a good thing at all right now

Ginny : hay babe you oaky

Harry : ya I just hate what Mandy and her sister is going thought you know what my life was like with my aunt and uncle and you know how much uncle Veron would do things and stuff me and that aunt petunia and Duley was to sacrd of him and everything on the end of things I made up with the tow of them because aunt petunia admitted to the point that she was scared and everything in jealous of my mother and stuff so she didn't know what to do so she just went along with everything her cow of her husband would make her do

Ginny: well you'll never have to deal with them ever again and stuff like that so much but at least you can actually get along with your parents and cousin now but you'll never have to worry about your uncle anymore anyway I think we should have back to our Chambers and everything and I think you're going to call remind me about what's going on with those two kids and everything like that from point of view

She knows me so well and everything like that I kissed her cuz she definitely knows I'm going to do everything in my power to try and help those kids so that's why that I can

Harry: you're right about that beautiful you know me so well and everything so let's head back to our Chambers and stuff and see her kids and stuff like that because I tell you that she is right now I just feel like I need to see the boys after hearing the way of those girls have been treated sometimes things like that feels close to home from when I was a kid and I just want to make sure our kids have everything that I never had grown up you know what I mean

Ginny: of course I always have everything that they need growing up in that Teddy may not be hours by blood but he's just as much as babe James's is and anymore kids tight we may have down the road. Because we will love them and see that never be treated the way you were years ago when everything and that before you met my family that's when you started to finally realize what love was and everything in that from my family your parents would be so proud of the man like you turned out to be a baby

Harry: kiss her) I love you

I took my wife hand and we head back to are rooms and everything to see what's been going on around here right now for sure and everything for manday and her sister because when her father finds out what his brother was doing to his girls and stuff we need. To see if we can help in anyway and that's why I'm hoping to see what's going on around here right now

Ginny: well babe I'm going to check on kids and you can have a meeting with Hermione where is the minister of magic and everything else around here right now just to make sure we know what's going on with those two kids we want to help so badly like you said

Harry: that I will do babe because we need to be seeing what's been going

I walked to fireplace and firecall Hermione because we need to include in everything about this because she the Mister of magic and it's a good thing for her to know about everything

Harry : hay Hermione I'm fire calling about something that I was told as arua here at Hogwarts there a young student in Gryffindor that worry about her little sister and her father don't know about anything that happing because when he way his brother is watching the kids. And he doesn't know what he doing and everything so form what Mandy as been telling me right now is that there mother walked out on them because she want to start over and be free and tide down and everything else with them and she was drinking all of the time and that's not right at all right now and.that her father brother as been helping out and he doing stuff to the girls and that when her father is not home and everything.because he arua that works for us and stuff but he going away on business and stuff that we need done and everything right now so we need to find out everything.and get Mandy and her little sister out of there and till there father gets back and we need to see how we can. Setup some type of help for them and all of that

Hermione: I knew that I was going to be getting call from you about that because professor McGonagall at owl about everything and said that you and Ginny where talking with her about and stuff and yes your right we can't leve there kids with there uncle and stuff when there father is working and everything else right now that's been going on for him let's see what we can be doing .the best right now so we should have the kids stay with a arua family till there father is back and I'll get word to him. about what's going on see what he wants us to do about his brother right now

Harry: good and let me know talk later

Soon as the call was done I lay down on the bed and fell asleep and that's a good because I knew that was going to be needing this right now


Ginny weasleys Potter POV

I saw that Harry was asleep on the sofa and everything else right now I woke him up and told let's go to bed because we where going to be having another long day of teaching and everything else right now

Ginny: babe let's head to bed your going to get a bad back sleeping on the sofa babe because it's not always easy to get comfortable

Harry: babe your right kiss her I love you how are kids doing

Ginny : sleeping like a babe the way that they should be handsome

Harry: well let's get to bed beautiful we are going. To be busy tomorrow and everything else because Hermione is getting a message to Mandy father and everything so we will soon be going to know everything about it right now and it's not always going to be easy for sure

Ginny: ya well we will do want can to help even if mandy and her sister need to stay with us when. There father is on assignments as arua

Harry: good you said that because I was going to be asking you about that right now and it makes me happy

Ginny : well I knew that you would want to ask me about that babe because I know you and you have a big heat and that's all that matter the most to me and everything else that he going on around her these kids need better and we will help where we can

Harry: good to know

Ginny: right let's get to bed like you said

We head to bed and fell asleep in each other arms and hopefully tomorrow will be. A better day

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