chapter 155

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Harry James Potter POV

Ginny just gotten a message to me saying that Luicus Malfoy is being made to do This by bellrax husband and he told Ginny in message that bellrax husband wants to have revenge against Molly for saving Ginny and he thought by going after Ginny and me and Ron and the others in the Weasley family that he can be getting to Molly because he wants to make her lose this close to her but we are not going. To be letting that happen because Molly is like a second mother to me and she is my mother in law

Harry: oaky Ron we now know why Bellatrix husband doing what he doing he wants to make your mother pay for killing Bellatrix he was going to be after us and Ginny and anyone else in are family we need make sure to head him off we found this out because Luicus Malfoy was being made to help him and all he wants to do is go back to Azkaban and not deal with stuff he knows. That he can't do anything about what he had done and he knows that he lost is family because draco and Ncassie don't want anything with him anymore because he made them be part of the drank lord followers

Ron: wow it's good that Luicus Malfoy want to just do his time and that because now he knows he lost everything let's just hope what he had been telling us about is something that we can do fast and get the death eaters back before they do what they want to be doing

Harry: right so let's make are move

With that we head to see where Bellatrix husband and his to try and do what he wants we need to see exactly where there at right. Now and that's not going to be easy

Harry: oaky Ron you and your team take the upper floors of Hogwarts with your team and I'm going with my team and go into the frost to see what we can do because we have a feeling that death eaters are watching form there or belledrix husband
Can be there himself

Ron : good idea mate

I watched Ron take his team and go and do what he said and I told team to follow him to the top floors and I took my team and head to where I need to be with my team in the frost I send a message to Ginny and told her to stay in are chambers with the kids because know one can get in there because of all the spells and protections I had put on there let's just hope that she and the kids are going to be safe and it's a good thing that we have spells and protection on all the houses so that will keep the students safe so the arua teams and teachers will stand ready to make a move when. We need to

____________________________________________Ginny Molly Weasley Potter POV

Soon as Harry send me a message that me and the boys should be have safe in are chambers I head right back there to make sure that I can. Keep teddy and James sisrus and Albus Severus safe and that's what I'm going to be doing around here right now

So now that I'm back with the boys in chambers I know that I will not get me and the kids easy right now and that's good but I do hope that Harry is going to safe in the Forest right now

Ginny: Kreature can you help me give James and Albus there milk and get teddy his food right now ( trying to keep my mind off what Harry is doing right now Because I want him back safe and sound)

Kreature: yes Ginny let's get the babies and teddy feed and don't work Harry and Ron are good at there jobs so they know what there doing right now

Ginny : thanks kreature

With that me and kreature got the kids to sleep I would be helping the teachers but we know that the death eaters might try and get to me so they all believe it's best that I stay safe here and that's a good because I really don't want anything to happen to me because Harry and kids are going to be needing us right now and I'm not going to be making my family safe if I can so please Harry and Ron I'm thinking to myself that they need to be safe


Bellatrix husband POV

I'm waiting for harry and his team to come my way and I don't think they know about what I'm up to and I can get the jump on them but for some reason I feel like there is something off in my plan right now

When I said that Harry Potter and his team of arua come out and point there wands at me and that's not good I knew I need to find out how he found me so fast I looked at everyone of the death eaters that was with me right now and I knew that was not good at all I have a feeling that one of them got a message but who do that to me I know that I'm making alot of them do this but I don't think they would try and stop me because they would lose everything and see to it

I noticed that Luicus Malfoy was not saying anything at all but maybe he just doesn't want to make the wrong move right now and if so what's is up to

Luicus Malfoy:( thinking good they got my message I mean I already lost everything I just want to go back to Azkaban and stay there because want to own up to my crimes because I wish. That I never had anything to do with the dark lord because I lost the one thing that meet everything to me my family)

Harry: look like you got know where to trim

I knew that he was right but how do I get myself out of this

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