chapter 154

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Harry James Potter POV

Soon as Ron came and gotten me we head out to where I needed to be cuz we had to make sure that none of the students were going to get injured and everything like that I told my wife to stay in the chambers with the kids and stuff after she told the teachers what was going on so we know that the students would stay in their dorms

Harry: oaky Ron how many do you think that are around here right now because we need to be ready for everything that been going on around here right now and if bellrax husband and Luicus Malfoy are a few of the death eaters that are here we are going to need to watch are back

Ron : there is about 20 or so around here right now and you are right we need to be ready because who knows what they can be up to right now

Harry: at least 20 is better than a hundred or more so right now we have to make sure we can clear it exactly where they're hiding out and what I'm doing here

Ron : good idea ?

Harry: oaky let's have teams of arua ready for what's going on around here right now we need. To be ready and make sure that we have hargi with us if we're going to be checking out the forbidden Forest to make sure they're not hiding out there and stuff cuz who knows what's going to happen is good for him to be able to help us when it comes to seeing the animals that we're not quite sure about

Ron: yeah especially the spiders I don't want to deal with them you know how I had that fear of spiders and that's one thing I know that will not go away

Harry: you do know I have to laugh at how you can do this job and everything of that but when it comes to spiders you're definitely someone that has a big problem with arachnophobia

Ron: yeah well you can play now a lot of things someone has to do with a big prank that was pulled on me by my between Brothers and the world when we were little but yeah you know what I mean

Harry; ya that's is how Fred and George have always been and there not day as the years go by that I don't miss Fred as much as the rest of you but we need to get back to what we need to be doing right now

Ron : ya I'm meet my team and met up with you and your team and we should check and see what the others team are doing around here right now

Soon as Ron said that we need to be getting work right way I just hope that Ginny and the kids are okay because of everything that been going on around here right now and I hope that teachers are sanding ready inside near the house and everything else right now we need to be ready for what move that going to be man right now but what move is Bellatrix husband and the others are going to be doing right now


Luicus Malfoy POV

I hate the fact that I still be made by Bellatrix husband to be doing everything that we have been. Up to right now and that's not a good thing at all we need to be ready for it sometime I wish that I was not break out of Azkaban cuz I was starting to understand that when I was the drank lord that it was not right because I learn more and more that it was not right the more I have been in Azkaban but I'm being made do everything by Bellatrix husband right now he needs to see that she gone and everything else and I don't want anything to do with this I just want to be back in Azkaban prison living with what I have done and paid for what I did

Why I was wondering about all this Bellatrix husband told us what he want us to be doing and I knew that there where going to arua around here so if I get chance I'm going to let them know about the plan and things and let them take me back to Azkaban it took me years to see that I was wrong I mean I lost my son and wife because of everything that I did they don't want anything to be doing with right now and to tell you the truth I would not want that as well


Ginny Weasley Potter POV

Right now I'm at the chambers and everything with my kids and then making sure that they're okay but then I was told I have to help the other teachers so I am out there with them I have creature and Misty making sure the kids are okay with a couple of arua that my brother left behind
From his team while he and the rest of his team around helping my husband and then I hope everything is going to go smoothly I don't want anything to happen they either one of them

Professor McGonagall: Ginny I know that you worried about Harry and Ron and the other arua out there but they can handle some death eaters I mean your husband did take out the drank lord

Ginny : yeah you're right let's just do what we have to do right now with the teachers and everything and make sure the students are going to be okay they can handle things out there

Soon as I had said that owl came in and it was form Luicus Malfoy telling us that he not helping Bellatrix husband because he wants to he's making him in a rather than he was happy with just being and Azkaban because he's already feeling like he's lost or anything than that so you just wants to live his life there and pay for what he did but he thought he should warn us about what's going on around here because he says in the letter that I'm a Target because of the fact that belledrix got kill by my mother in the war and he wants to take everything away form her and he also wants to get Harry for taking down the dark lord and stuff I knew that I need to let Harry know somehow we know that Luicus just want to be back in Azkaban because that what he knows now and everything and that place as took years on him right now

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