chapter 129

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Harry James Potter POV

I woke in the middle of the night because I hear James wake up and I thought that I let Ginny sleep so went to get James and picked him up and saw that he need a diaper change and to feed

Harry: oaky James daddy got you let's get changed and feed and let mummy and teddy sleep because we know that there tried and everything else right now I layed James down to change him and I thought I should check his fever he had and that's gone down and Ginny said so as teddy good because we hate when are boys are sick

James : kick his little legs why Harry change him and laugh

Harry: what are you doing you little cute now let daddy feed you because your going to need that before I put you back to bed

James: drinking his milk 🍼

Harry: that's drink up your going to need to grow up big and strong and soon you can have baby food like teddy and then back to bed so we can have fun again tomorrow as a family but now you need your rest babe boy

James: fall asleep in Harry arms

Harry: puts James back to bed ) night baby boy goes back to bed

When I walked back into the bedroom Ginny gotten woke up

Ginny : babe is that you

Harry: sorry for waking you up babe but James woke up and I want to let you sleep he just need a change and some food

Ginny: okay babe come back to bed

Harry: oaky beautiful yawns

Ginny : cuddle up to him

Harry: puts his arms around her night beautiful let's get back to sleep

Ginny; night handsome

Harry: goodnight beautiful

We both fell asleep I just hope that things are going to be much better in the morning and everything but I can tell Ginny might not be feeling well I wonder why she might of started to catch James and teddy cold I should check on her in the morning

Ginny Potter POV

I woke up and ran to the bathroom toss my cookies and start to feel like I was going to have a fever and that's not good I hope I can feel better by Monday and everything to teach my class right now because I don't want to make my students sick and I feel bad if I'm sick today because I want to just have a nice day with my husband and are boys

Ginny : toss her cookies and buring up with a fever 🥵

Harry: babe are you okay it looks like you got the boys cold babe it's good thing that poppy gave us enough of the potions in case we got it as well and everything she wanted us to know what to do when we took the baby so that's good to know maybe I'll get you something and you lie down in bed and I'll make you some breakfast and bring it to you

Ginny: thanks handsome what would I do without you

Harry: that's something that your not going to know about as long as I'm alive you will always have me beautiful I love you so much

Ginny: kiss Harry thanks babe l love you too

Harry: kiss her back and goes and get them something to eat and her potion for her fever and comes back here you go beautiful

Ginny : thanks babe can you lay down and hold me after I eat because I'm tried and I sleep better when you are with me handsome

Harry: sure babe and I don't care if I get stick from taking care of you because I love you and when something like this happens and that's the best beautiful let's he and take it easy the weekend because it should only be a 48 hours thing and I believe that it's a long weekend anyway so that's a good thing right

Ginny : yes because then we should be fine to teach are classes and everything how are dada classes that you are teaching going around here right now

Harry: ya well I will stay in bed with you but I'm going to get some of work I need to do for my class and some of yours for you do later why you are in bed sick and I'll take care of the James and teddy today because you need to get better and if you need to stay in bed with you and the boys are still bit sick I can put them in play pin and stuff here so I can take care of all 3 of you now let's get you comfortable beautiful and I'll take care of everything I said and be right back

Ginny: oaky handsome love you

Harry: love you too

I watched as my husband when and gotten what we where going to need and looks like it's going to be a relaxing day in bed just wish I was not so sick but that happens
Harry James Potter POV

I came back from getting everything that I was going to need I want to check on the boys as well on their fever have gone down so they are starting to feel a little bit better which is a good thing and that's what matters right now so I know the boys are feeling better I need to make sure that Ginny is better and to see she still awake means that she needs me to get comfortable again right now

Harry: finding it hard to get back to sleep beautiful here something to eat and where going tot try and get you some sleep

Ginny: ya that would be a good idea babe

Harry : and I know that you said you can't get comfortable without me so don't worry beautiful I'm right here

I gotta back in bed with my beautiful wife because I knew she need me and she cuddle up to me and I watched her fall
Sleep because I just want her to get better and she knows that only that the only time I'm going to leave her if I have to do something as aruar that I can't be getting out of it because I love her so much and my family always comes Frist

When I knew that she was asleep and the babes are sleeping I stat to do some work on my stuff for my classes to teach next week and after that I'm going to do some of my work as arua and stuff to I'm going to make sure I stay on top of everything and I believe I should get for a moment and let Hermione know what know and stuff also let her know that Ginny and boys are sick and I need to be taking care of them right now because I want to make sure I can do everything that needs to be done

Harry: fire call to Hermione) hay Hermione I have just found out that the death eaters have been somewhere close because it's seem like there spying because hargi told me that spider is another magical creatures seen them in the forest so they're up to something for sure but we haven't seen them ourselves or caught any of them but they're probably plotting to make a move I won't leave Ginny and the boys today unless that I need to because they're all sick and I want to make sure that I don't catch it myself but I'm still taking care of them and everything so I will do the paperwork and coordinate things from here I'll also do my other work with my teaching job and everything from here it's just unless it's an absolute emergency you need me in the field

Hermione: thanks for the update and everything and yes you're better off staying there until you're feeling better and that only if we absolutely need you I'll get you out in the field right now I'll have Ron in the others checking things out on that lead and get back to us

Harry: okay well I'm going to get back to Ginny because she as not been sleeping good the last few nights between her being up with the babies and me herself being sick and me working late hours because she can't sleep well if I'm not with her right now

Hermione: well I hope she feeling good because it's lot right now and we'll do what we can to help you out more in the field right now

Harry: thanks and I'll let you know how she

After my fire call I head back to bed to be with my wife I know that she needs this right now and she will always have me when she needs and I checked on James and teddy to I love my family so much

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