chapter 150

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Ginny Weasley Potter POV
It's been a few days since I have been home with Albus Severus form the hospital and Hermione as given birth to rose and I believe that she heading back to work today because she can't be away from that to long she the minister of magic

Myself and Harry need to be heading back to Hogwarts for the next term to be teaching and he also need to be in touch with Hermione and the Ministry of magic to do his job that he as there and it's a good thing for sure right now

So today I'm getting everything packed that me and harry and the kids are going to be needing when we head. Back to Hogwarts do what we need to be doing right now it good kreature is helping me as well Harry would be helping but he had a meeting that need to be at with Hermione and Ron and the other arua because they had just gotten more leads and that's a great thing for sure right now so let's hope that will be oaky right now

Ginny: kreature

Kreature: yes Ginny

Ginny: can you get James and Albus there crying and I can't get way form this right now

Kreature: yes I'll get them and teddy is ready he downstairs at the table eating some cereal till your ready for anything else right now

Ginny: thanks kreature that a big help because it only tomorrow that we are heading back to Hogwarts for Me and harry to be teaching right now and it's good that you are coming as well and Misty because the boys are use to you when need be

Kreature: love the boys like his family and will do what he needs to help look after young master teddy and James and Albus because they are family just like you and Harry I'll always be there for the potter like I had said before about all this right now

Ginny: we love you as family to kreature your more then just elf to us and that good because we knew that we can always count on you when we. Are going to be needing you

Soon as I said that I knew that kreature was happy we thought of him that way and he went and got the boys and stuff . A bit after that Harry came home form work at the Ministry of magic and I can tell that he was tired of everything

Harry: hay beautiful

Ginny: hay handsome you are beat again right now go and take a 🚿 because we know that you are going to be needing right now don't forget we head back to Hogwarts to teach again tomorrow

Harry: ya babe I know that love and your right I'm going to be needing to 🚿 because of the long day we had as arua today I was doing a if you raise and everything today because we had to be ready for what was going on and stuff when you talk to people and everything so yeah I just want you very much right now like you said I could use a shower

I watched my husband head to the bathroom so he can shower and I went to get him a towel because he forgot one I don't like it when he over tried so I'll do everything that I can to make my strong husband feel better I just hope everything is going well at Hogwarts when we get there tomorrow


Harry James Potter POV

Soon as I had my shower 🚿 and got changed and went back to mine and Ginny room as saw that she had just. Put the babies to bed and then she came and hug me

Ginny: hay handsome did. The shower 🚿 help you out babe

Harry: yes it did help babe I love you

Ginny: I love you too

Harry: let's get some sleep beautiful because we have a long tiran ride tomorrow and I believe that we are the teachers that need to make sure all the students are going to behaving themselves tomorrow on the train

Ginny: yes that's a good idea baby because you're right we have to make sure that all the kids are going to be okay and everything on the train on our way to Hogwarts when we get there I know it's going to be pretty busy too because we have to put the kids down and then we have to get ready for the feast like I said it's going to be a new year and new term and everything for us I just hope it's not as busy as I was last year LOL

Harry: well I don't know if it's going to be as busy as well as last year but I know that we're both still going to be very busy considering the fact that like I said we have two jobs I am so busy with both of them and I know pretty soon that you're going to be back to practice soon and everything with the Holy herpes so that's going to be pretty busy on you and things since you're a professional quidditch player on top of teaching

Ginny; you're right and I know one thing for sure I would never ever change this for the world because I tell you the truth is my dreams came true the minute that I met you I mean you are married to you and have a beautiful children and I can call you my husband without nobody here trying to take you away from me and you are the one that encouraged me to go after my dream to become a professional quidditch player and they will help with the teaching and everything here at Hogwarts as well so that's a good thing

I knew that she was right about that and everything I just hope that it's going to be smoothly and everything the school year it's going to be another term and everything let's hope that we don't have any death eater show up we're still trying to figure out exactly what they're going to be there next move and everything when it's time to get them and put them away I hope that they will be no problem or something

I'm just looking forward to going back and taking care of everything like I said it's going to be a good year hopefully there's no issues and stuff but death eaters like I said anyway let's see how things will go I thought it was a good idea for me and my baby to go to bed because it's going to be a long day tomorrow like she said who knows the boys will wake up in the middle of the night

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