chapter 160

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Ginny Weasley Potter POV

Soon as I got to the hospital to see my brother I saw Hermione she told me that she was waiting for Draco to come back with Ron test results to see if he is going to wake up in the next few days from his coma for sure from what he's been seeing he has been improving quite a bit

Ginny: hay Hermione

Hermione: hay Ginny I'm just waiting for Draco who coming now because he should have Ron test results

Draco : you're right I do have his test results you should be waking up tomorrow or the next day for sure according to these tests he's doing much better like I told you before and everything but when you get home he's not allowed to do anything for at least 6 to 7 weeks because he needs to take it easy and everything after what happened to on job before he can get back to work and stuff because what the death eaters did to him took alot out of him and I'm just glad that I could help him and others to be making for everything that I did in the war because I was not a death eater by choice my dad made it I had to do what he said and my mother was not one by choice Ethier it was all my father doing and stuff

Ginny: you know that because you told us everything after and stuff like that but how was my brother doing it besides what you said the best test and everything that he should be waking up in the next couple days and has to take it easy for the next 7 and 8 weeks is there anything else that we need to know

Draco: no I think you should be fine other than that and everything but he's still going to be in the hospital for about another week or so because it's going to take him some time to get his strength to be let out once he wakes up

Hermione: well I'm just glad that he's going to wait and everything soon so I don't know that my husband's going to be in one piece and everything like that and he can be home soon with me and our daughter

Ginny : which is a good thing because your daughter seems to be missing both of you and everything like that because she seems to cry a lot in that for the two of you but I know one thing for sure Harry always knows how to get her to sleep and that for which is a good thing

Hermione: well just have you that you guys were able to look after and everything for us right now because to tell you the truth I wouldn't be able to be here in the hospital if your parents weren't here to help me out and making sure that I eat and things and everything like that because there's no way I'm going to leave ron side

Draco : we understand that you don't want to leave his side and everything like that but I do make sure that you have to go and get everything cuz you're no good to know but he if you don't keep up your strength you'll definitely won't be no good to your husband or anybody so make sure that you're taking care of yourself besides being by his side and everything you don't want to see you end up in here as well

Molly: ( comes over ) he's right we need to make sure that you're taking good care of yourself for your family also you have to do whatever you can because you are the minister of magic you need to be able to do your job the best that you can without having to worry about you getting sick on top of it so just take good care of yourself you're my daughter-in-law and I don't want to see anything happen to you you're just as if you were a daughter to me all along because of the clothes you have always been to the family and I'm glad that I can call you my daughter-in-law so just take care of yourself like I said I know I'm repeating myself about that daughter card but I just wanted to get through it your head how important you are to this family

Arthur: trusts she and Harry both know how important they are to the family and everything like that they are considered to be our other children and everything

Hermione: good to know that I had you guys there when I'm not too sure about my own mother and father anymore like I said do that to be normal or anything that's the best I can but I don't get a chance to see them much and everything cuz they're in the Muggle world and I have to do everything I can here in the magical world and stuff like that but I understand that they see me when they can and I see them when I can but it'd be nice for them to be able to see their granddaughter soon I hope everything will work out smoothly

When Hermione was saying this I looked and saw that my brother was waking up and that was good because we all love him and want him to be in one piece we can't lose another brother I mean it was years ago that fred died but it still hurts and we don't want to have to be going though that feeling again right now

Ginny : hay Ron waking up

Hermione: goes to Ron side and kiss him)

Ron : wakes up) I'm going Hermione baby I love you where is rose

Hermione: I love you too and rose is at Hogwarts with Harry right now him and Ginny are both taking turns coming to see you because they are watching rose and have there boys to look after as well

Ron : oaky

Ginny: well now that you are wake I should owl Harry and let him know and maybe he can bring.rose here I mean kreature and missy can look after the boys because I'm sure that it would be good for rose to see that her daddy doing better

Ron : yes that works for me because I have not gotten to see much of her after she was born because of what happened to me

Ginny: well I will go and owl Harry and I'm happy that you are oaky Ron I love you brother

Ron : I love you too sis

I left to Owl Harry and let him know that Ron was Wake I mean the rest of family is here and it's going to be good for Ron to see rose because let's face we know that she knows something is up with her daddy


Harry James Potter POV

Soon as I gotten owl form Ginny telling me that Ron was a wake I head to hospital with babe rose because I knew that Ron was going to want to see form what Ginny had wrote and it's a good thing that Kreature and missy is watching the boys till me and ginny get back and it's good to find out more about how Ron is doing when I get there

Soon as gotten there I walked into Ron room

Harry: hay mate how you doing ?

Ron: better now that I'm wake it's kind of funny that I'm the one in the hospital this time because it's mostly you lol I had to make a joke about that

Harry: well you're not wrong it was mostly me in the hospital wing and everything you need for students at Hogwarts LOL

Ginny: you're right about that but there was always seem like something whining you LOL not the other way around you don't go looking for trouble but like you said it always used to find you

Harry: yes and now there some little girl here in my arms that wants to see her mommy and daddy

Hermione: yes your right ( takes Rose form Harry and sit next Ron so he can see her more )

Ron : hay babe girl

Rose : smile seeing her daddy is okay

I mean it's nice to see Ron and Hermione with rose I mean she my be a baby but she knew something was wrong with her daddy and it's a good thing that he okay and now we need to find out more about what happened because know one does this. To my family and that what Ron is he my brother in law and no one get way with this

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