chapter 132

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Harry James Potter POV

I gotten up the next morning because it was now time to be back to teaching classes today and Ginny woke up and said she feeling much better from her cold and now we can head back to teaching are class today and why that's good on around here misty the house elf is going to be looking after teddy and James why. We are in classes and that's a good thing

Harry: you sure your up teaching again today day beautiful?

Ginny: yes I'm fine don't worry about that baby and if I need something for my morning sickness I'll have that with me

Harry good and my and classrooms are close and everything so that good thing

Ginny: ya we let's head down to the great Hall and get some food before we have class and we need to be ready for the day

Harry: ya

We left and head down to the great Hall ans got there and when we walked into the great Hall I saw that some of the Slytherin that where in there 6 year where picking on some Frist year Hufflepuff and when I saw this I walked over and stood behind the Slytherin

Harry: what's going on around here?

Slytherin: nothing professor potter

Harry: well it didn't look like anything to me you deathon with me this week and next and if you keep this up I'm going add to more weeks also 20 from Slytherin

Slytherin: sure that's a bit much don't you think

Harry: well what I've seen you doing to these young hufflepuffs I think it's very well good and if you keep this up and everything like that I could send you to the headmistress I know that she would probably give you a bit of a bigger punishment than I am

Headmistress: well I believe what professor potter as done is a good thing and right now I believe that you need to start your detention with them after school hours because you are pushing it way to much

With that we all head up to get something to eat and then I kiss Ginny head off to classeroom why she did the same let's hope that we can. Get thought the day with out any trouble form the students in class but. There always going to a few that will do that and I'm always on top of it in my classroom well when you are teaching dada you need to be ready for everything that happens around here right now

Just then my Frist class came into the room it was second years and it ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and I know for the most part that this should be easy but it seems it doesn't matter about what house your on now because there a few bad apples

Harry: good morning class

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff; morning professor potter

Harry: today we are going learn the basics of have to protect yourself with the basic ways of disarming someone to discerning spell

Hufflepuff: what spell are we going to be doing Frist professor potter

Harry: we are going to be working with the stunning spell and see how we can stop please do try anything that I'm teaching you here right in the halls or on other students just because you are only to do this if you must

Ravenclaw: yes sir

I kept on teaching the class what they need to be doing around here right now because I want to make sure they good do it right but then one of the ravenclaw try it on someone for no reason and I had to step in

Harry: we don't just do the spell because we want to I'm teaching you this so you know how to protect yourself again from when you trying to attack me whenever not for me provoke someone I am going to have to give you detention and since I have a slytherins they are older than you in detention with me today but you will be going to see hagrid for your detention

Ravenclaw: yes sir I know I messed up

Harry: then why did you do

Ravenclaw: because someone in Slytherin said that if I don't then he would hurt my little brother.

Harry: well you should of came to teacher about that and let me help you with but I don't want to see this again am I clear

Ravenclaw: yes sir

Soon as my class was over I gotten ready.for the next group that was coming are way right now because I had the 5 years and I was going to teach them all about The pardons charm and that's going to be a step to help if need be but I don't want them using it in the wrong way we need to be a step ahead on stuff like this right now

So I went and gotten everything that I was going to be needing and Ginny as everything that's she going. To be needing in her classes because I don't want her to be over doing it right now


Ginny Potter POV

I was just finished teaching a class when I started to get some of my morning sickness going. So I took something for and hopefully I'll get thought everything today

I looked as saw that my next class was coming soon and that me and harry both have a free class next after this one so that should be good we can check in on teddy and James and see how they are doing because we need to be a step ahead. Of it all

Ginny:okay take your seats and know this i to be in class I hope it's going to be done right there any problems because everyone want anybody acting now and hearing things that are not supposed to be doing take it seriously

I just that rest oft my class are going to be oaky because I just. Gotten the bad morning sickness and called that because it can happen at anytime of the day the only thing that I don't like about being pregnant and everything else right now
I heard that my mother wants me and harry to stop by soon so that what we are going. To do let's just hope that everything will be oaky and it's going to be nice for my parents to see James and teddy again

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