chapter 10

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Harry James Potter's POV

when all the classes were over with for the day I headed back to my office and everything to get some work done because I didn't want to have anything major to do over the weekend I wanted to be able just to spend a bit my beautiful fiance

Why I was doing my homework Ginny came into my office

Harry: hay beautiful

GInny: hay babe do mine if I get some of homework done in here because the house evles are busy giving are common room a good cleaning

Harry: yes you can babe let me guess the library is full and people trying to get their homework done in the Gryffindor common room is too noisy in my right

Ginny : yes I have three tests coming up this week that I have to study for so I have one in transfigurations one charms and one in potions

Harry: I kind of know about those three tests myself because I have to study for them too you know I'm in the same year as you besides being a teacher baby so yeah go ahead and study I'm just trying to get this homework done and everything so I can study a bit as well it's just I want to be able to relax the weekend after the long week ahead of teaching and dealing with those couple of stupid things that happened plus those nightmares with we're trying to keep me up and everything like that so it's good to know I can still get things done

Ginny: we will I'll help you sleep later by giving you a massage and everything and stuff like that so you can relax in another reason why I want to get my homework done so I can spend it with you and so I can go to the Quidditch practice and everything the weekend when I have no problems and stuff like that and I'm glad you put that new rule I'm trying to tell everybody to keep their grades up if they want to stay on the team because it makes them work harder and things

Harry: which is a really good thing cuz there was a lot that we learned when we were on the run looking for those hexins something that I wish we never had to do but if we didn't go hunting for them I wouldn't have learned so much to know that you have to be fair and so I take my job very seriously

GInny: well good idea and I'm going to get my homework done while you're getting your stuff there done

Harry: yes ma'am love you

Ginny: love you too

With that we went back to doing your homework and everything just like that professors McGonagall walked in

Professor McGonagall: good to see that you two are trying to get some of your work done and everything like that I just came in to drop off some more stuff that you're going to have to learn for when your test comes up with transfigurations they're hurry cuz you never got the notes the last two classes and things like that you are going to need and he was the stuff that you need for potions and charms as well just so you can keep it from when you go to do the tests

Harry: thank you

Professor McGonagall: let me guess you're studying in here in his classroom and everything Ginny because of the house I was doing apparel cleaning through the whole castle right now they're currently doing the head boys and head girls dormitory in my right

Ginny : yes you're right and we're also trying to study in here and that too because of the fact that the library is full of people studying for the three tests it's coming up next week and I didn't want to go to Gryffindor or common room because that is full most people that have to do those tests as well studying and of course the regular noise and everything that just the students hanging out

Professor McGonagall: well nothing wrong with you coming here to get some studying done and everything at least you know that you can do that without having anybody bothering you and stuff I mean after all Harry is your fiance so if he wants to let you to use his office or classroom to study and everything I'm all for it because at least it helps you keep your grades and things up and I like the new rule that he put in for all of you on the Quidditch team if you don't keep your grades up you miss so long games and if you missed too many because of it you're off the team makes sense because I tell you the truth it keeps you guys and your toes and your education is number one while you're here

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