chapter 178

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Harry James Potter POV
Ginny came woke up me to let me know that Hermione called and said that rose as been kidnapped

Ginny: babe what are we going to do help Hermione and Ron to get there daughter back

Harry: well I'm going to get team to be looking and everything right now and you should make sure the boys are oaky and we will send Hermione over here so she not alone and everything else right now because that would be good. For her right now she going to need us right now at the moment for sure

Ginny: your right babe

Harry: okay I'll head over Hermione and Ron right now and see if I can find any clues and everything else right now that's been going on around here for sure right now

Ginny: your right you need to know where to start and that's a good thing for sure right now we need to be step a head of everything

Harry:ya kiss Ginny see you later babe I love you

Ginny:kiss back be safe babe

Harry: I will

With that I left and head over to Ron and Hermione house to see what it is that we can find right now we need to be ready for everything that been going on around here right now

Harry: Hermione Ron I'm here let's see what we can do find rose and get her back safe and sound because we know that there not going to be getting far with here and we need to be ready for everything that been. Going on around here right now

Hermione: well I hope that you are right here because we need to be ready to find her cuz I want my baby back safe and sound and everything like that you've ever take my daughter is going to pay

Ron : you know we're going to stop until we find her and everything baby we'll have a backup for you know what right now is it you need to be ready for the next things that can happen like Harry said we have to find every lead that we can right now

Hermione: I know but I'm a mess and everything right now and I don't know what to do

Harry: why don't you go over my place and stay with Ginny and the boys just in case they try and come back here we need to make sure that you are safe as well right Hermione because you are the mister of magic and we need think about your safety and everything else as well

Ron : he's writing everything about that baby so you go to his place and see you there and everything so well that you're going to be safe and sound until I can get back and everything about stop until I find our daughter

Hermione: ( kiss Ron ) fine her please

Ron : ( kiss Hermione) we will and I know that Harry as teams out there now seeing what it is that can be done and everything else right now

He was right I did have teams out and everything we're looking right now for them to try to figure out exactly where we're going to find my niece because Rose's family to me just as much as everyone else's we will make sure that she's back safe and sound where she needs to be I'm having every single team after looking top to bottom because there is no way I'm about to let the Bellatrix husband get away with what he did there's no way I'm going to let a little innocent baby be harmed


Ginny Weasley Potter POV

I already in nature the boys are okay and everything like that to make sure there was going to be no issues and everything and I put up some more special spells and everything that Harry told me to do to make sure nobody is going to get in here there's no way I'm about to let the boys get captured and I'm going to do everything in my power to help my brother get his daughter back

Just then Hermione came thought the fireplace and I hug her because I know what been going on around here for sure right now that's the best thing that can be done right now we need to be ready for everything that been going on around here right now

Ginny: everything is going to be oaky Hermione you know that Harry and Ron will not stop till they. Fine rose and bring her back safe and sound and that's the best thing that been going on around here right now

Hermione; you're right I need to be here to make sure I calm down and everything to keep from going crazy and everything cuz I just want to get my daughter back safe and sound and I have to be safe and I have to keep my head on straight like you said I am the minister of magic so I'm going to have to do the best just not knowing that my daughter has been kidnapped

Ginny: I understand how the feels and everything I mean not knowing what's going to happen from one day to the next when it comes to having those death eaters out there and everything like that I mean I've been through a lot and everything when I was younger as well and stuff like that just because I'm with hairy so I understand what you're getting at and we will get those back one way or another and we will make sure nothing goes wrong why don't you try and take a rest or something and everything will ever hear boys are down for their nap and stuff like that I'm going to try to get some work in that done that I need to get prepared for when it's coming for the next season of the harpies

Hermione: you're right I definitely should try to get some rest and everything like that because I have been sleeping since I knew that my daughter's been kidnapped and stuff like that and going out of my mind and everything and if I'm not 100% arrested and that half and I focus on trying to get her back and stuff like that I just hope that Ron and Harry fine her it what we are going to be needing right now

With that Hermione went to get some rest in one of are guest rooms and I had kreature and Misty make sure everything was going to be okay for her in the room

I just hope that Harry and Ron get close to bring. Rose back


Harry James Potter POV

I had to ask Ron if he was able to keep his head on straight because where looking for his daughter and her kidnapper we need to make sure that he doesn't do something that he will regret

Harry: so you're sure that your head is on tight and everything like that and you're going to be able to handle this and stuff just don't try to let your emotions get in the way I've done that before and it's not a good when that happens

Ron: your right does happen a few times before when you're living that when it comes to stuff but we will try to do our best to keep her head on board and do the job I am trying to do my best to make sure that I can stay strong for my wife and everything as well I can't afford to break right now she is breaking is no good for the both of us so I will do whatever I can within the law to find my daughter just like you want me to do we'll follow the rules my team and I will check out this Ally way and everything that I can get back to you

Harry: that seems to be a good plan and everything my team and I are going to check around here and everything then we'll get back to you and everything was wrong we know make sure nobody leaves anything on turn will do everything we can to find your daughter and bring her back the way it's supposed to be

But I had a feeling that we were being watched and everything like that let's just hope that everything is going to be okay and we will find rose


Bellatrix's husband's POV

I'm now hiding with Ron and Hermione daughter I will not hurt she a babe I'm not as crazy as my wife was but I will use the babe for leverage

But I think that I need to move because I seen Ron and Harry and there teams around here and I know that Hermione is not where I can get to her yet but I will Frist change that I have and they all will pay

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