chapter 182

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Ginny Weasley Potter POV

Harry sent a  🦉  to let us know that he and Ron and the other arua  are working late because They may have a lead on where a rose can be  That is a good thing because I know that it's taking a lot out of my brother and  Harmony  wondering what they're going to do next because they just want there daughter back safe and everything that's not to much for them to want so Hermione is staying here at mine and Harry's so she not going to be alone  because me and her are both pregnant

Ginny : Hermione to check on my kids.You should try to get some sleep and everything you  need it

Hermione: Okay.Just let me know if you hear anything about where Rose could be.I really just need to know that she is safe

Ginny: You know, as soon as I  hear anything about want, it has been going with Rose from  Harry and Ron
you will be the first person I tell know get some sleep you and I both need so winky the house elf and others that elves that work for me and Harry will help us thought the night if we need it but like I said I want to check on the boys before I head to bed right now I mean have 2 young sons and teddy keep up with I need to make sure there where they need to be

Hermione: Well, it's a good thing that you teach Quittage
And hogwarts.And play professional Quittage lol

I laughed.I'm going to make sure that everybody was going to be o k for the night

Just hope that Hermione will get the sleep and rest she needs, and it's a good thing we have arua around here to be on the safe side of everything that's been going on around here right now

Harry James Potter Pov 

Ginny sent me back 🦉 telling me and Ron and the rest to be safe and bring Rose back as soon as we can right now it's the best thing that we can. Be doing right now

Harry: Hay Ron, the girls want us to be safe?Why are you on the job?I everything to make sure that I would get Rose back safe

Ron: we will, and it's a good Hermione with Ginny. Now let's do
this because the more we stay here, the less chance we have to find my beautiful daughter right now

I knew that Ron was right and moved out and followed every lead that we have caused.We could not leave any stone. On trun Ok, we are going to have to see exactly where that hiding place we were told about is

I told all of my men, and we headed out to where winky last saw them hiding  and everything because we needed to find Rose. Before it's too late


Hermione pov

I was trying to get some sleep.And everything like I was told to do but I couldn't.I kept telling and turning and I'm rising.One drawing where my daughter could be plus the fact that I am pregnant and everything.I feel like i'm going to be up half the night talking my cookies again

Hermione:she gets out of  🛌 and headed to the kitchen for a drink because I need it, and I know that the baby inside of me is not asleep so that's keeping me up, and I can't sleep without Ron right now and I have a feeling that ginny is feeling the same thing without  Harry right now

Hermione: sits downstairs in the kitchen, drinking her water when a house elf pops in

Binkley:The house elf is Miss  Hermione. Okay, can I get you something to help you sleep because it's not okay for you to be up and stress out with your pregnancy

Hermione: I'm OK, just can't sleep or anything right now.Because the baby won't stop tossing and turning  right now and that's not easy

Binkley: I could give you something to help you sleep and everything and help come the baby down

Hermione: Thanks, but I just wish that Ron was here to help me slee,  and I just hope that they are close to finding Rose. Soon

Binkley:I'm sure that master Ron and master Harry should be back soon you need to take good care of You are self  because of the fact that you are the minister of magic and everything you need to be safe

I found how  sweet that even the house elves are worried about me and it's a good thing that house elves now get paid and are treat better by the ones that own them and everything because there living and breathing just like us and that's the way they should be treated


Ron Weasley POV

Myself and Harry have been heading up teams to find my daughter because I can't wait to have here back and safe and sound but we need know who as here we know that it's a Myster.
Y person who is also a death eatter We know that much for sure and everything from the fact that we learn things from the house helps

RON : Hay Harry have  you seen where they can be hiding and everything else right now because Rose is just  a baby she needs to be home safe and sound with here mother and me right now because she going to be needing us right now

Harry: Well, the area that we just checked out and everything seems like the left so we need to figure out exactly where they could be. So we will check the other leads that we have and everything right now because we can't give up.But I still think we should call it a night and everything and try to look again tomorrow.Will because right now we can't concentrate.We're foggy and tired and everything like that.And it's not going to be might miss something

Ron: I know that you're right and everything So let's go home and try to sleep , then everything and try to write group put out a new team For now to look around and everything is like you said we're right

I knew that Harry was right if we where going to have  a chance at finding my daughter we need sleep and food because we are not good to her if we don't take care of are ourselves

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