chapter 156

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Harry Potter's POV

Soon as we were able to round up the death eaters in the forest I was able to lay down Bellatrix husband myself because of the fact that he was going to go after all with us and I was definitely going to make sure that he would not touch anyone in my family especially anybody that I really love the most Molly my mother-in-law and she been there for me since I was 11 and I'm proud to have her and the Weasley because there where more of family to me then my aunt and uncle because Veron was hell

So there no way that I'm about to let something happen to know the person who's been the closest I have to a mother I am not a let Bellatrix husband win

Harry: you have know where to go Ralph Dolphins lestrange

Lestrange: I can see that but who was it that gave me away because I thought that I can count on all of the death eaters here

Luicus Malfoy: I was the one because I told you I did not want any part of this and everything he's done enough I turned away from everything after I was in ask of them and I found out that I lost my wife and my son they don't want nothing to do with me I'm going to pay for what I did and if that means I have to live my days Azkaban or get the kiss then I'm going to take because I have cause my Draco and his mother eough pain and I realize that too late revenge don't get us anything

Harry: you see even Luicus Malfoy as seen what he done and is now willing to do his time because he had been wrong and he see that following. Drank lord as gotten you anywhere

I could see that lestrange was staring to see what we where saying but he was so blinded by him because of the fact that he lost the love of his life and he knew that he will never get her back but he was staring to cry and break he was about to send a spell at me when Ron gotten behind him and took him down and now we could send these all back to Azkaban where they belong right now

I hope that Ginny and the kids and the students are all safe right now and that Ron and his team got the death eaters that where inside of Hogwarts before anything could happen right now

Harry: Ron did you and your team get all the ones that where inside of Hogwarts

Ron : yes we did and we now can get them all to Azkaban

Harry: good you and your team get there why I make sure everything is okay here

Ron : good idea and I checked on Ginny and your kids there safe in your chambers where you want them and make you should show ginny that you are oaky as well right now

Harry; yes I will see you later

With that Ron and Auras on his team did what I asked and took the death eaters to Azkaban and I head to make sure everything was going to be good here and get back to Ginny and teddy and Jame sisrus and Albus Severus because I don't want worry more then she is right now

Ginny Weasley Potter POV

I was wondering how Harry and the others where doing when Harry came into are chambers

Ginny:( runs and hugs Harry ) babe are you okay ?

Harry: you need why I'm fine beautiful and everyone else that we are after is all round up and I have Ron and his team taking them to Azkaban as we speak so that's good and it was a big help that Lucius Malfoy just want to go back to Azkaban do his time or what ever it is that needs to be doing right now

Ginny: good and I'm so happy that you are oaky teddy was worried about you and asking if you where oaky and everything else right now

Harry: well ill check on him so he can see I'm okay and I'll check on Jame sisrus and Albus Severus because I missed them and you and was worried that something was going to happen to them are you so it was a good idea for me to get back to as fast as I could

Ginny: ya it is ( yawns )

Harry: beautiful go to bed I'll be right behind you beautiful after I let teddy see I'm okay and see the babies

Ginny: okay I'm going to shower Frist

Harry: oaky be there in a bit

I watch ginny head to the bathroom and I went to see teddy so he can see that I'm oaky

Teddy: Harry ! You okay ( he about 2yearsold )

Harry: I'm find and everything.

Teddy: did you get the bad guys

Harry: yes me and Ron and the others gotten them

Teddy: is Ron oaky ?

Harry: yes he is teddy now get some sleep that you know I'm going to be okay right now

Teddy: oaky night night

I watched teddy head back to sleep and head to see how Jame sisrus and Albus Severus are doing in there rooms when I saw that they where fine themselves I went back to mine and Ginny room and it's good know that my family is fine and everything and I glad that molly and Arthur okay as well I just want to make sure that nothing happens to anyone in my family and I mean that

Harry: gets ready for bed ?

Ginny: there you handsome how did go with teddy and the babies

Harry: teddy was happy I was oaky and that Ron okay and went to sleep and that babies where sleeping so that good

Ginny: ya it is

I could tell that Harry was tried and lead him to the bed and lay down next to him and kiss him and snuggle talk to him because I just want to be able to get some sleep in my husband Arms and I know that he needs it as well because going after the death took alot out of him

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