chapter 161

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Harry Potter POV

Soon as me and ginny where done seeing Ron at the hospital we took. Rose and head back to Hogwarts and it's good know he is awake right now that a good thing for sure and he should be getting out in a few days time and that's a good thing for sure right now

Harry: well see later mate getting. Late so where going to rose back to Hogwarts with us

Ron : oaky be a good girl for uncle Harry and aunt Ginny rose

Hermione: yes be a good girl and thanks guys

Ginny: anytime

We took rose and left soon as we gotten. Back we put her to bed and me Ginny asked kreature how the boys where

Harry: kreature how was teddy and James sisrus and Albus Severus

Kreature: the young masters where good as always anything else that you are going. To be needing sir

Harry: yes can you get me and ginny some tea

Kreature: yes sir

With that kreature went to make me and ginny some tea and I hope rose down with Albus Severus and then me and ginny got comfortable on the sofa and that was a good thing because it's nice to get a moment like that and after that I need to be getting some work done and that's a good thing for sure right now because I have to have everything ready for the class that I need to teach this week and make sure that everything going okay at the ministry because I'm the head of my department and everything it's not always easy being. A. Professor and head arua but I love both jobs so much and I know that Ginny love being a professional quidditch player and professor as well and that good and I'm just happy that me and her and boys can have this life together and I'm truly happy now

Ginny Weasley Potter POV

When me and harry had done are tea we made sure that boys where ready for bed and then we gotten down to the work that we need to be doing for this week of teaching and I know that when the school year is going to be over in a few months I'm going to having training again for the new quidditch season that is about to start so it's a great thing that both of my jobs do not clash

Ginny: ( in her office working getting everything ready for when she is going to be teaching her next class) start to yawn

Harry: ( comes in after doing his work and see that his wife is about to fall asleep at her desk right now walk up behind and kiss her head ) hay beautiful it's getting late we should get some rest I mean that it's only Saturday so we can finish up the last bit about work tomorrow for Monday and everything because right now I have a feeling that you're about to fall asleep

Ginny: you're right about that handsome I don't think I've had to keep myself on staying awake much longer and everything but I don't even know if any of the energy to walk back to our Chambers

Harry: well it's a good thing that our Chambers is just behind our offices and everything like that so come here baby let me carry you back to our room you really need to get some sleep and remember the doctors did say after you had Albus Severus not to overdo it

Ginny: you're right I guess it's just trying to make sure we have everything done and dealing with everything about Ron being in the hospital and help out by taking care of rose for him and Hermione and it's good to know that he going to be heading home in the next couple of weeks

Harry: which is a good thing but he's still not going to be able to get back to work and everything for a while and I'm going to make sure he does what the heater tells him to do whatever they were mad because I don't want him coming back to work too premature and everything me being his best mate and also his brother-in-law and his boss I'm going to make sure he definitely does not overdo it

Ginny: well we do that he know he will definitely not be overdoing it and everything like that because after all his wife is miser of magic LOL and she will keep him line if we know Hermione for sure

Harry: yeah you're right about that but we should get some sleep and everything now beautiful like I said I don't want you over doing and everything with the healer said get some rest and everything like that after you gave birth you're going to be needing it you're still supposed to be thinking easy for the next part 6 to 7 weeks or so I think

Ginny: yeah I know that and I'm also allowed to work in everything that but I got to make sure I don't overdo it so yeah I got what you're saying and everything so come on but you said you can carry me back to our room was like and get some sleep and I think you need to get some sleep too because you sometimes been burning the candlelight both ends with both your jobs here lately and helping me

Harry: you're my wife of course I'm going to help you with everything the best I can right now when I have to keep up on top of my jobs and step up it didn't work and everything around here now with Hermione being busy with Ron and making sure he gets better I'm next to make sure everything is going to be the way that it should be around here right now

I knew that he was right and I was so happy when he carried me to bed and got ready himself because I can't seem to sleep well without him and I need to feel his arms around me it's the most comfortable place for me and where I feel safe and at home the most in my husband Arms I hope Ron and Hermione can have a good night rest because I know how worried she is about him and I'm just happy he awake again


Ron Weasley POV

I looked at Hermione and saw that she was not getting comfortable on the chair that she was sitting on

Ron : babe your not going to get any sleep there why don't you point your wand at my hospital bed and make it bigger so you can lay down here with me right now

Hermione : good idea babe I'm so tired because I have not left here to go home or anything like that I've always had to change your clothes and stuff here with me cuz I have been so worried about you the last week or so

Ron : well I'm going to be fine and we are both going to be heading home in few days I mean it should not be more then 2 weeks that I'm going to be here right

When I had said that Draco came on to see how I was doing right now

Draco: I ran so more test and you doing. Better then I thought so you might be getting out of here in week

Ron: that's good to know because to tell you that truth I feel more comfortable being home in my own bed

Hermione: that's something that we both feel comfortable about and everything but right now you're right we should get some sleep and everything the night like you said

Draco: no I just wanted to bring you a few potions that you're going to need to take and everything before you go to sleep Ron because it should be helping you with the weather for pain you have left

Ron : thanks and I'm just glad I'm going to be able head home soon and be with Hermione and rose and everything for a bit

Draco: which is a good thing I know one thing though for sure when you get home you're going to be taking it easy for the next 7 or 8 weeks or it could be more depending on everything that you've been through you're not to do any heavy work or go back to work for quite a while till I tell you otherwise we need to make sure that your fit to go into the field again

Ron : it's going to be very boring being home most the time and everything and I'm being able to be out in the field

Hermione: you're going to do everything that you're told to do and everything before you hang up after in the field and everything like that I'm not just saying that to you as your wife I'm saying that you as the minister of magic which means I'm definitely one of your bosses LOL

Ron : yes love

Draco: well I'll let you both be

Soon as draco let my beautiful wife got in bed with me and soon we both when to sleep I'm just happy that I'll be going home with in the week

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