chapter 148

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Ginny Weasley Potter POV

After we all saw Hermione and her babe myself and Harry and are kids head home to give Hermione and Ron. Sometime alone with there daugther I was happy to have a. Niece and I knew that my brother's where as well and I know that Ron will be a great father he just need to remember everything that are father did for us and are mother because we always had great parents to show us the way .soon as me and harry got home myself and Harry put the kids down for the night and we keep Albus Severus in are room because he only a few days old we did that with James when he was a bit small as well because we just want to make sure that everyone and everything is fine around here

Then me and harry got ready for bed then we heard teddy crying so Harry when to check on him and came back with him

Harry: it seems teddy is having. A bad dream so he wants to sleep with us tonight so I told him that he can

Ginny : yes he can come here teddy and sleep in the middle (kiss teddy forehead)

Teddy: ( moves closer to Ginny and Harry and cuddle up to them and head off to sleep)

Ginny: kiss Harry ) well let's get some sleep ourselves handsome

Harry: ya food idea because I'm going to have a long day tomorrow at work at the Ministry making sure everything is okay because we know that Hermione going to be home for the next few days because she just had baby rose

Ginny: ya and we know that Ron going to need a be with her and everything and my sure the family will help when they can just like us right now it's the best thing that we can do

Harry: ya your right beautiful goodnight

We head off to sleep


Harry James Potter POV

I woke up the next morning and saw that teddy was sleeping next to us because of his bad dream yesterday and that Ginny was still sleeping as well because I believe that she was up a bit with Albus Severus and James both last night and it's a good thing that we can both be here for them right now but I thought that I get up early and let the kids and Ginny sleep because I need to be heading off to work right now at the Ministry of magic I know between that and working at Hogwarts I am very busy man but I wouldn't change anything for what I have because I have my family and I have this jobs I could ask for and the best friends

Harry: morning kreature did not expect you to be

Kreature: I know that you have to work today and that I believe I should help Ginny with masters teddy and James and Albus Severus because she got alot to do with them and she and you both need to get everything ready for when you have to teach at Hogwarts again soon as well

Harry: it's good that we still have you because your are a much of are family as anyone else Kreature because you have always been there when we need you and we trust you because of how much you have been here

Kreature: has changed a lot because of the way you treat him I'm not so grumpy anymore because I have been show that I'm more then just a house elf and that feels good everything that blacks did not made me feel safe the only ones that made me feel out of them like I was more was master Sirius black and is brother but the rest made me feel like nothing and now I know everything that believe in was wrong so I'm happy to to serve you and Ginny for the rest of my life I'll serve the house of potter

Harry: when you're glad that you feel that way so that's what you know that you are willing to do everything that you do and thanks for breakfast I had to get ready and have to work so just make sure everything goes smoothly and help Ginny with the kids

Kreature: yes I'll do that have good day at work master Harry

Harry: remember we told you to just call us Harry and Ginny because your more then are House elf your family like we said see you

I left for work and it's good to know that kreature is there to help Ginny out today

Soon as I gotten to work I asked some of the Arua if they had anything on the death eaters that are out there right now because I want to make sure that we. Are going to be getting Bellatrix husband and the others before it's too late right now

Harry: do you have leads ?

Arua: we have a few leads sir and we will know for sure when we have the team that we had send out right now

Harry: good the mister will not be in the office the next few days because she had gave birth so her Ron will be busy with there daughter for the next few days and stuff and they should be back to work before we know it right now

Arua : oaky so if anyone finds things out we will come to right about it sir

Harry: good idea ?

I head to my office because I knew that I was going to be needing alot of work done right now I just hope that everything is going well with one we have out into the field so everything is going to go smoothly I do know that this is going to be a long day at the office

After a few hours of working in my office I didn't know that it was lunch till Arthur came knocking on my door

Arthur: hay son it's lunch time and ginny asks me to make sure that didn't over work and forget lunch and that today it's my lunch time to let's head to the cafeteria and have lunch together

Harry: ya good idea dad let's go ( yes him and Molly have me calling them mom and dad since I married Ginny )

Arthur: good so how are things coming with finding the death eaters

Harry: we have teams out there now and let's hope we can get them all back soon right now because that would be a good thing for sure and everything

Arthur: yes and it's looks like you have a bit more work to do be doing before Hermione and Ron come back because your next. In line when she not around and the assistant mister of magic is not here as well right now

Harry: ya well it's only going to be a few days or weeks and Hermione can come back and on top of this I'm still teaching. At Hogwarts and helping Ginny with the boys we have and I will not change anything for the world because I'm finally happy and everything because this is all a walk in park compared to everything else that I had to deal with when it came to going up against the dark lord

Arthur: Yes it is and where all so proud of you for doing that son

Harry: thanks dad and before we know teddy and James are going to be heading. Into school at Hogwarts and Albus Severus a few years later and who knows that maybe one day me and ginny can have a daugther and then that would fill out are family but for now we got the boys

After lunch I head back to my office and got what works I need to do done for the day right now and that's a good thing for sure

Let's hope I can go home and just relax with my family soon because it's been along day for me

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