chapter 179

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Harry James Potter POV

After looking everywhere for hours and everything this to see if we can get a lead on to where Rose would be I knew we really have to go back and check over everything that we checked out and stuff if you want to be able to make sure we have her back so we can sound

I don't know where Ron right now but I have a feeling that he's probably trying to figure something out for sure

Harry: oaky we need to try and get some more teams out here and everything because we need to do everything that we can find rose and get her back safe and sound with her mother and father right now

Arua team: where on it and there are some fresh teams come out so the other can get some rest to be at there best and helping finding her

Harry: good do anyone of you know where Ron went

Arua : he need to take a minute because he worried but he is keeping his head on straight and doing everything that he can just trying to be the strong one for Hermione and doing what's best to find rose right now and bring her back in one piece

Harry: good to know that he's taking the time because this must be hard on him and I think that he should be getting some rest as well right now if he wants to be strong to keep helping with everything right now and I have a feeling that he might also found something as well

When I said that Ron show back up and seems like there something he saw or found out

Ron : hay mate I need to get my head on straight and everything and I might of found out something just know

Harry: what was it that you found?

Ron : I found out a few things one someone said that saw a man carrying a baby and he was looking like he had the drank mark and someone else said that they thought they look like bellatrix's husband but if he is behind the center right there why would he want to do that and everything I have a feeling that he's trying to learn us out or something like that and I just don't like the idea of the fact that he's using my daughter as bate and everything else right now

Harry: well now we know that that would be on the office and everything else you have a good idea of what the person is and stuff but we need to figure out exactly where he was in the type of the leverage she wants to use her for

Ron: you're right but now we have to figure out exactly where they went and everything like that at least we picked up on some leads but I think I'm going to have to head back home and everything to make sure that I'm okay for something crazy

Harry: yeah Hermione is going to need you and everything to make sure your husband and you need some rest and so do the rest of our sit right now so it's a good thing you have some fresh teams coming here to look

With that we all head back to where. We need to be and the best thing that I could do was also be there for best mate who is also my brother in law and everything else right now


Ginny Weasley Potter POV

Hermione is getting some rest on the sofa and that is a good because she a mess and I just hope that Harry and Ron and the others can make sure that get rose back soon I hate seeing Hermione and Ron having to be going thought this right now and I know that it's not always going to be easy right for them but the best thing that me and Harry can be doing. Is be here for them I just hope that we are going to be word from both Harry and Ron soon because we need to be ready for everything and everyone that going to casus more and more trouble for us right now

Just when I was wondering about if Ron or Harry gotten a lead In trying to get rose back Ron and Harry show up

Ginny: hay have you had any luck trying to find rose and bring her back safe ?

Harry: well we did have a few leads the case and trying to find rose and bring her back safe but as we where getting close who ever had her took off again and that's not good at all so how is everything here and I'm guessing that one. Of your brothers or Molly is watching the boys right now

Ginny: you're right about that the boys are going to watch by George right now till we can find out what going with rose

Hermione: wakes up) well now that Ron is home and everything why don't you go and get so rest I believe that we will all see what we can do to find my babe girl tomorrow

Ginny : that's a good idea and everything because we know that Harry and Ron and the others will do everything to find rose and. Bring her back I just wish we knew who took are you guys going. To be oaky and everything because I need to get back and. Check on my kids and stuff so I'll see you soon

With that I left and everything to head back and check on my boys it's a good thing that my mother is watching them right now because I don't know what I would do if anything happens to I'm going sick worry for babe rose so we know it's really hard for bother and sister in law and I how that Harry comes back home to rest soon as well because we know that he going to be needing it.

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