chapter 165

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Harry James Potter POV

After my class of 4th years I was going to be getting ready to head my meeting with Hermione because we need to be ready for everything that we been doing with the last few death eaters we gotten and to fine out how much better Ron is doing right now because of everything that he as been doing because he is in bad shape because of them

Harry : hay Hermione how is Ron doing around here right now

Hermione: he doing alot better now because he been getting the rest that he needs right now and doing everything that Draco as been doing everything that he needs to do as healer for him and that's a good thing for sure

HARRY: well that's good because he can get back to work soon because he my assistant head Arua department when I'm busy at Hogwarts he next in line and we need to do everything we can. To be ready and that best thing but let's get everything that we need done for this meeting so I can try and get back to Hogwarts soon because I Ginny is going to be having a extra long practice today with all holyhead herpes so we're going to have to be ready for everything that's going on right now so right now but Kreature and Misty are taking care of the boys how little rose doing

Hermione: rose is doing good she loves having daddy back home and that a good thing and your right we need to get this meeting done so we all can get back to are kids and stuff

So with that we gotten down to business and. Everything so that I could get back to Hogwarts and be with my family and get everything ready for the upcoming exams that been going on around here right now so let's hope all the reviews and everything for exams are going to be doing. Great and that's because we need be ready for everything


Ginny Weasley Potter POV

I just gotten done with practice with the Holy Head Harvey so I'm heading back to Hogwarts and everything right now because I have to make sure that the kids are doing okay and stuff like that and prepare for everything for my lessons and that tomorrow and I'm glad the practice went good cuz our first game is coming up in a few weeks there's not much left to school season and everything so pretty much it's going to be me working as a professional quidditch player for the next little while

Ginny : well I'll see you at the next practice Gwendolyn have a good day

Gwendolyn: see you next practice and everything and don't overdo yourself and everything I mean you're doing two jobs lol anyway I can't believe that our season starts in a few weeks and stuff but we're going to have to be prepared for the first game because you know how some people can be

Ginny: you don't need to worry so much about that we got this and everything well like I said I have to head back to Hogwarts and everything now and get stuff ready for when I have to teach tomorrow on things like that and help the kids get ready for their exams and make sure my boys are not getting in over their head LOL I mean they're being watched by a couple of house elves right now

Gwendolyn: you do that until your husband that we say hi and everything like that and I hope that your students are going to pass their exams and everything and I mean it's good to see that you are all getting to have the life that we all want and stuff like that I mean ever since your husband defeated the dark lord everybody's been able to do what they want to do

Ginny: well there's still a few loose ends tying up there every now and then he still picking up strangler deaf eaters and stuff that's been around on people just doing other things and stuff so yeah but other than that nothing major just the normal criminals LOL I'll catch you later and stuff with that I mean it's hard to believe that he has two jobs as well I mean he's also the head of his department at the ministries and he's also making sure that there's no troubles so you understand things like that so yeah it's good to be able to do what we need to do anyway like you said the practices over time for us to do what we have to do

With that I head back to Hogwarts when I gotten there saw that Harry was back and everything form. His meeting with Hermione so that's a good thing because they need to be doing everything that they can right now to tie up those loose ends and everything that's been going on around so it's a good that they're doing what they need to do it right now I feel like I need a shower after a long day of practice

Ginny: hay babe I'm back I'm going to getting a shower because I need it

Harry: you do that and everything like that baby you know how some supper and stuff waiting for us and everything because I know that we are not here when they had the food in the great Hall and everything because we were so busy with our other jobs but they understand things like that so it's because we have our own kitchen and things like that here in our Chambers and the boys are all taking a nap and everything cuz boy they're tired of kreature said that teddy is a handful when you have to chase them around LOL

Ginny: yeah it's not so easy when they start to walk and everything anyway I'm going to get ready e and have my shower so anyway you mix up for anything that will be great thank you baby appreciate it

Harry: want her husband's for I'll do anything for you you know that baby anyway you go take your shower and everything in your food she'll be ready soon like I said the boys are already down sleeping because they are so tired and everything after the long day because I think they missed us too much and everything anyway you get ready and move them well relax for the rest of the evening I think that's what we both can use after the long day of work

I kissed him on the cheek and went to shower and everything like that that's one thing I can almost listen I have one of the best husbands in the world and I know that he will always be there for me no matter what and it's a good chance that we get to relax and everything right now cuz I tell you that she was after the day that we had who knows how much peace we're going to get sometimes when it comes to working at our jobs and things like that I mean I'm glad we have peace in the world and everything sometimes you just want to relax

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