chapter 131

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Ginny Weasley Potter POV

I woke up and saw that Harry was back safe and sound in my.arms after being out last night looking for death eaters what's ron in the other people over their teams and stuff like that making sure that there was nothing you need your issues and everything they didn't come across any of them because they've already left so now they have to regroup but I get worried about them every time they have to go out and do this kind of work that's because of that and it's dangerous I don't want anything to happen to any one of them specially Harry or rone because they're my love of my life and brother

I ran to the bathroom cuz I was feeling kind of sick so I have a feeling that it's definitely more than just a cold I am feeling more and more like I could be pregnant every time I look at it so the fact that I feel the way I felt when I had jeans but this time I feel like the morning sickness is going to be a lot worse that's a good thing than me and Harry are planning on going to see the school nurse today to verify everything

Ginny: tossing her cookies

Harry : wake in the morning and run to the bathroom because I hear Ginny tossing our cookies and it doesn't make me feel good knowing that my wife is not feeling very well on everything like that need to make sure that it's just a cold but from the sounds of it I'm starting to believe that she's more and more pregnant like she said and I think that we're going to get ready and had to see the poppy

Ginny : toss her cookies more

Harry: holds her hair back) I think we need to see poppy right now or do you want breakfast Frist

Ginny :ya your right handsome I feel like I need to be. Ready for everything that going on around her

So we left to get some breakfast and then I thought it was a good idea to go to to see Poppy in the hospital being able to make sure everything is going to be all right because if I'm pregnant again I ain't taking no chances and it's a good thing that it really doesn't think seasonally for Quidditch in the professional league is going to go postpone for a while because they want to make sure everything's okay with some stuff with some of the feels and things like that so I know for now that I can just concentrate and that's around here

After breakfast we walked in the hospital wing Mistry the house watching the boys for us because she a nanny elf

Harry:let's hope that everything is going to be okay around here right now

Ginny : ya good point

When we walked into the hospital wing I told poppy that I think I could be pregnant again and that Harry thought the same thing as me

Poppy: well let's see if you are pregnant again and if that what it is along with your cold I'll make sure that are good things that you need. To be taking and everything else right now

Ginny : good idea because I want to make sure that I'm careful when I'm teaching my class and stuff and it's a good thing but this year's quidditch season is being delayed and everything with the herpes cuz of some stuff that has to go on in the fields and everything that needs to be fixed so that's a good case and everything so that shouldn't interfere too much but that stuff if I am as well

Poppy: yes because if you turned out to be pregnant and everything you wouldn't be able to do too much during the game time anyway so let's just make sure everything is going to be okay and stuff so you can be out of interviewing what you need and you should have no problems with teaching classes and stuff and I want any of these tests I just did you are definitely pregnant again you knew the signs because you were pregnant before so be careful and here's the stuff you'll need and you're cold should be taking a little bit more out of you should be fine

Ginny: that's poppy

With that me and harry head back to are chambers so I could rest and that's a good thing right now

Harry James Potter POV

When we gotten back to are chambers together I told Ginny to sit down on the sofa so we can take it easy because I don't what here to over do it around here and I told misty thanks for watching the boys and I got the fire going and sat down holding Ginny why the boys are sleeping

Harry: well it looks like James and teddy are going to be having another silbing soon and that's going to be nice and everything for them I just we can soon fine all of the death eaters that we are after right now because we need to be putting that part behind us right now and I don't want know or thing about everything that been going on around here right now

Ginny : good because I want them to be locked away and everything I don't want the boys to have grow up in time of war and darkness or anything like every like we haven been thought

Harry: James and teddy and any other kids that we are going to have will be taken care of and everything is going to be perfect because we see that they don't need to live in a dark time everything. That I have for in that war was so everything and everyone can live in peace and that all that matters right now and we will stay on top of it all

Ginny: ya your right and that's a good thing

Harry: ya I love you babe lets get you to rest and everything because of the fact that you have the cold and your pregnant on top of it

Ginny: ya I'm tried can you hold me till I fall asleep

Harry: sure beautiful

I got into bed with ginny and she head back to sleep and that's a good thing because she needs her rest and I'm worried about her but I'm going to be here for everything and that's a good let's hope that we can get the sleep that we are going to be needing and I know that we are back to teaching

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