chapter 152

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Harry James Potter POV

Well the day as been going. Good so far and we have not seem any death eaters around here right now and it's a good thing that Ron watching the kids as arua right now why me and ginny are teaching and it's good kreature and Misty are taking care of them as well it's good that Ginny as got her breast milk in bottle for the babies and baby food there for teddy and James teddy older now so he doesn't need baby milk so much and James need both breast milk and baby food right now but Albus Severus is not that old so he just need the milk right now

I have taught a few classes on Dada and that's a good thing because we all need to know how to defend ourselves against the dark arts but some of the Slytherin fifth year where acting out and I had to send them to the headmistress but other than that things were going pretty good around here with these courses I just want the students to know whether they have to remember everything they learn and the owls are going to important for the 5th years and the Netws are going to be good for the 7th years so let's hope they know that much we need to ready for everything that's going to be coming up

It's going for lunch so me and Ginny are going to check on the kids and then get something to eat I have a free class after lunch and so do Ginny so we are going to sit with the kids and stuff for that and everything else right now because we don't want to overwhelm ourselves

Soon as walked into are chambers I saw that kreature had food made for us so we can take it easy the headmistress knows that sometime me and Ginny like to have lunch in are chambers to check on teddy and the babies and she believe that a good thing right now

Harry: hay beautiful how was your Frist few classes this morning

Ginny: they were doing good handsome

Harry: good and thank for make sure the kids are okay as arua Ron why we are teaching

Ron : no problem I'm going to go and grab something to eat and give you guys some time to yourself and everything right now and I'll be back to check on everything when you're in class is teaching again so I'm here with the kids then and the elves are doing a good job lookin after them

Harry: good and why are getting something to eat check and see how the protections and everything are holding up that we say in the great Hall and that to make sure all the students are going to be okay in case I need death eaters come around we don't want to have to deal with them right now but you never know what they're going to plan to do because who knows exactly what they're up to for sure for sure we know that Bellatrix husband is involved somehow and so is Luicus Malfoy and others so what are they really doing and hopefully we will have them back in Azkaban soon

Ron : your the boss mate I'll check into everything right now

, that Ron left are chambers and me and ginny stay with kids and ate are food and spend some time with our kids to make sure everything was going to be okay and have some fun with them for our free class so we don't have to be around any students in the next 2 hours

Harry: this nice how the next 2. Hours are free for us today because of double free class we have and it help to have time a family

Ginny: yes it do I believe that Albus Severus needs a bath because we only been a bit that he been with us before we came here it was only a few days at are house and about a few here so he going to be getting used to right now

Harry: ya well it's a good thing that we have the next couple of classes of because it are free and then after that we only have one more classes to teach today and then where done till tomorrow and I can get the report that Hermione needs about the. Fact that we seem death eaters around here

Ginny: yes and after you do that report where going to relax because you promised me that you wouldn't over do anything and I did not want to have you getting sick from overdoing and stuff you to push yourself too much sometimes baby with your work

Harry: don't worry about me baby I will push myself so much and everything like that that's why I enjoy this free couple classes right now so we can just have some time as a family and everything before I do that report after the last class so it's good to get these breaks in between

Ginny : yes your right about all of that handsome

Harry; I do know that you have some practice for professional quidditch coming up in the next few weeks so that's going to be during your weekends that we have long here at school to wanted to fear and that so that's good

Ginny: at both jobs don't interfere with each other which is good and I'm glad that we can figure it out to work on either to watch the kids when I have to be at either one of them when you're not doing jobs LOL it's good to know that we have kreature and Misty to help out as well so it's a way for us to keep ahead on everything that's been going on around here and my parents will help out with me be so yeah we pretty much cut it all covered

Harry: well like I said it's good that we have the three boys and everything right now but one of these days when it gets to a good point I would like for us to try for a girl and then everything should be complete because I just want to make sure that can have a little girl to call me daddy and be daddy princess cuz I believe the boys are more like Mama boys LOL

Ginny: and there's nothing wrong with that but yeah I can understand you want to have a daddy's girl anyway we'll figure that at one time comes but right now let's just handle the fact that I just gave birth to one of these boys not to go under the LOL

Harry: ya good idea

After we ate lunch we got around the fireplace as family me my beautiful wife and the kids it's just what I need at. Time that get so busy around here and there are times that I wish my mother and father was still alive around here right now so my kids could meet them

Ginny: babe what are you thinking about ?

Harry; just sometimes I wish my parents were alive so they can see their grandkids and things like that it's just strange the fact that I grew up without them and I never want the boys to feel like they'll never have either one of us so yeah when you come from losing Your mother and father when you are little you do everything for your kids when you come there dad

Ginny: you're right and you are doing the best you can for our family and everything they will not grow up like you did not having the love and everything they deserve because the way your aunt and uncle and I'm treating you will make sure that these kids know the difference and everything and you are definitely going to be one good father you already are with the way you treat the boys and everything like that all together they deserve and everything from you and I wouldn't trade it for anything else because I love you so much baby

Harry: kiss ginny) love you too beautiful

Ginny: look James and Albus have went to sleep I gust it nap time again for them

Harry: yes it is but we try and have them all down at the same time so let's just hope that teddy will go to bed

Ginny: when he knows that the babies are sleeping he'll probably follow suit because we just want to make sure that everything is going to be okay and they get to proper rest and while they're taking their nap and get to have some alone time with you handsome if that's okay

Harry: I never say never did anything a long time with my beautiful wife you know that

Ginny: ( kiss Harry) good to know be right back babe when I put them to bed

Harry: I think I'll give you a hand cuz three of them is a bit much LOL

And I was right about that it took us a little bit to get Teddy to go to sleep but we were okay when everything went their naps there's this time for me and my wife to have a little bit of Peace for one another and I'll have to deal about anything else for some reason I felt like we were still being watched and why is that feeling I can't shake we'll figure this out for sure but definitely something needs to be beefed up around here

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