chapter 118

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Ginny weasleys Potter POV

I heard my husband and the headmistress talking to his class and I can tell that there not happy with the way that there acting and everything else right now because it's seem there trying to figure out who did and stuff and it's a good thing that I'm helping teaching and stuff when it comes to flying. And the Quidditch and other things I can tell as well and everything else but right now I'm trying to get my.class to read about what they did the last few classes and stuff and I want them to be ready for a test

I told them that I was going to get something that we need to have for are next class for sure and that's a good thing
Because I didn't want to get out of hand and I hope that there going to good and not cause problems maybe I should ask the teacher next door to keep a list and I believe that is my husband class lol

Ginny: hay professor Potter can you keep a listen to my.class why I get something that I'm going to be needing for my next test

Harry: yes I can professor weasley Potter

Ginny: thanks

I went to get what I need why Harry smile at me let's hope that my classes don't act up like his was and that's a good thing for sure right now and everything else

I have a feeling that there going to be alot going on around here to day and we need to be ready for everything that can happen right about now and it's good that we are

A few hours later I was glad my class few classes went oaky because I was beat it my Frist few classes that I was back for so I'm still a bit tried right now because I'm not used to being back in the classroom teaching these few weeks where I just had baby James not to long ago

It's a good thing that we are heading to the great Hall for lunch because I'm hungry after along morning of classes and teaching

Ginny: ( Sits down at the staff table next to Harry ) hay handsome

Harry: hay beautiful how was your classes this morning being back after a few weeks

Ginny: most of them went good and that's great but the one I asked you to check you know how that went and I hear you had trouble with one of your classes this morning as well

Harry: ya there students that are still trying to get away with everything that been going on around here and we need to be ready for it all

Ginny : yes we do

Just then professor McGonagall came to great Hall she must o been helping someone because she was a bit late and everything right she must of been busy or something

Ginny : hello professor McGonagall

Professor McGonagall: hello professor weasley Potter and professor Potter

Harry : are you okay professor McGonagall you seem a bit tried and everything else right now

Professor McGonagall: oh just dealing with some students that where doing things that they should not be and everything else right now and then I had a meeting with the Mister of magic about what was going on around here and everything

Ginny: oaky I get you there it must be hard bing the headmistress and dealing with students that are always trying. To be getting away with stuff right now it's the best thing that we can do for

Harry: she right professor McGonagall

Professor McGonagall: yes she is and you both have alot on your hands teaching and everything else right now

Ginny: yes we do but we do are best

Harry: ya we do but there times I feel like Ginny is super mum or something between her to jobs as teacher here and quidditch player and taking care of kids I don't know how she does it all

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