chapter 127

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Hermione POV

I was working in my office when I gotten a owl from Harry that he picked up on some death eaters being around Hogwarts and that's not good right that there trying something I believe that I need to send a few aruar to school and have. Them look into everything that's been going on around here right now

Hermione: Ron can you get in here right now

Ron: what's up ?

Hermione: Ron I need you took take a team of arua with you and head into Hogwarts Harry said saw some death eaters and you and him need fine out what there doing around here right now

Ron: on it

I watched as Ron left we always keep are home and work life balanced which is a good thing so we can understand everything that we need to do when it comes to our jobs and stuff but soon as we go home he doesn't have to call me Minister like he does at work let me try to stay as professional as we can right now I'm really wondering what's going on with those death eaters hanging around Hogwarts

once we know more and everything like that I'll be able to figure out what to do next I must get ready for a meeting and everything like that and I'll send them out to Harry and telling him that I'm sending some arua to assist him to search for them


Harry James Potter POV

I just gotten owl from Hermione telling me that Ron and some more arua are coming so we can check out where the deaths eater are and what there. Up to right about there doing

Harry : hay gin babe there are arua coming to help me see why death eaters are Ron one of them so me and him are going. To be making teams of 2 and see who we can help around here you make sure that teddy and James are doing okay in are chambers

Ginny : oaky babe just pleas be careful when you are doing that because we don't know what there up to

Harry: ( kiss Ginny ) I will babe I love you

Ginny: I love you too ( kiss back)

With that I head outside of the castle so I can meet up with Ron and the others I told the headmistress about it and she said that she going to make.sure all of the students stay inside that good because we don't want them to be getting hurt about it or not

Harry: hay Ron mate you didn't see anyone around

Ron : I I did not see we need make sure we can be ready if they come out of know where right now

Harry: oaky let's check and see what we can find that's been going on around here right now

Ron: okay I'll take my team and go into the frost with harig and you can do the areas that saw them in if that find with you

Harry: that's a good thing because we need make sure there not hiding anything or anywhere else around Hogwarts we can let anything bad happening to the students and teachers around here or anyone of us that working this so all arua keep your eyes open for any reason that we need to make a move

Ron: yes we willy team come this way

I watched as Ron and is team head off in the frost to make sure there are know death eaters hanging around the school right now to be on the safe side


Ron Weasley POV

I went to get harig to see if he can help me and Arua in the frost

Ron: hay harig I'm here as arua and I have a team with me.where going into the frost make sure there no death eaters hanging around can you come in with us so we don't have trouble with magic creatures and other dangers that we don't know about

Hargi: sure Ron I'll come with you and your team let me get Harry and another team are checking the school am I right

Ron : yes and we need to make sure that we have more spells and everything around now because we cant be around all time and stuff so let's see what's going on in the forest or around the school or anything like that we just need to make sure that we're step ahead of the next moves that they're going to be making

With that hargi and myself and my team got to work doing what we need to do for sure right now it's the best thing that we can do

Harry James Potter POV

Myself and my team just did everything that we need to we saw a few deaths but they gotten away then we saw that left something behind and we need to make sure about so I called Ron into my office here at Hogwarts

Harry: okay Ron we need. To find out what they have left behind is because we don't know if muggle or magic but it do look like it's something that we are going to check and we need to let Hermione know about it

Ron : oaky I'll take and let Hermione know and you let's us know if fine out more around here and it's a good thing that me and you put more protection enchantments and things like that around the school the nation nothing's going to happen and everything like that well I guess I'll let you get back doing work and stuff cuz you never had no classes to teach earlier but you got some this afternoon you said so let me know what you need me to do later after all you are my boss

Harry: will do but right now go and take care of what I asked you just to do and everything and tell Hermione to tell me what you think she needs us to do next she is the Minister of magic and wants to make sure that we do not go over anything that she does not want us to do

Ron: you got it and I will check in with you guys later and everything like that when we're not on the clock see you

With that Ron left and I got ready to teach my next class because I'm still the dada teacher here and I going to be doing both of the best way that I can be for sure right now

I checked to see what class I have now and it's 6 years Slytherin and Gryffindor let's hope that it's going to be as it needs to be because we don't want any trouble now do we

Harry: okay class we are going to do a review of what we did so far this year because we all know that have exams at the end of the year and we want to make sure that your ready for that and next class I'll teach you the next spell that you need to know and be ready for

Slytherin: oaky that makes sense I was just wondering about the cutting cruse what can we do if someone trying to use it on us I know I'm Slytherin but try and keep out of trouble when I can and saw someone saying that there going to use it I know it's just him saying but what if something like that happens sir

Harry: well it's good that you told me that and you also need to be careful because there have been some death eaters around the school and that's not good at all we need. To be ready for everything that been going. On around here right now

Slytherin: yes your right

Harry: well if you see someone going to try and use cutting cruse try and block and get out of there and get me if you get hit by I'm going to have team you all counter spell cuz I know how bad that curse can be I used it once and I regret it that and then it's been used on me a couple of times so I know how the receiving end and the one casting it both feels anyway we're going to learn how to defend against that next week is one of the things I was thinking of teaching you anyway

With that class gotten back to work and I knew that we where going to need to be ready for when it comes are way right now it's the best thing that we can do for sure around here

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