Chapter 1

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Macaque pov

I was walking around the city, my face deeply hidden inside my scarf. Where I suddenly over heard some lower demons talking about an ancient artifact, while holding something in there hands. I hid in the shadows to get a closer look. It was a map leading to the hideout where the artefact was hidden. Now that sounds like fun and quickly snatched the map out of the demons hand. While they try to understand what's happening I was already gone with the map in my hands and a target in view.

Time skip

"Heh finally found you after such a long time of searching" I said standing in front of an old temple. I came here to find an agent artefact, for let's say research purposes and now that I finally found it I can just shadow portal in and out. Easy right, wrong I tried to use a shadow portal but it somehow doesn't work. Strange seems like this temple doesn't really "allow" me to use my powers. "Well looks like I have to walk in there" I said and that's what I did. I walked for some time and accidentally stepped on a trap. It shot an arrow but I managed to dodge it. Although the map was very comprehend it didn't say anything about any traps. This stupid map could've at least warn me about that. I continued walking, watching my steps until I finally found it.
The artefact placed in the middle of a room, there were some weird guards and a wizard statue but I didn't really pay any attention to them. I walked up and grabbed the artefact suddenly everything began to shake like an earthquake. "Shit" I looked around, the statues began to break and suddenly move. I tried to use a shadow portal to see if I can escape this time and it somehow worked. Yes finally I thought I was about to go through a portal when one of the guards grabbed me out of the portal. "Oh shit" I said and tried to get out of their grip. I got out and tired to destroy the guards and it turned into a battle.

After an epic battle

I got wounded pretty bad and managed to destroy some of the guards but before anything could get worse I decided to leave. Before I could escape the wizard used a spell on me. I just quickly left before he could do anything else and maybe get more wounds from those guards. I left through a shadow portal and ended in a familia forest but I was to tired to even care why it was so familiar. I managed to find a cave and went in to get some rest and where my wounds could heal. It was strange cuz I never felt so tired after a battle except when I fight with wukong, the great sage equal to heaven or whatever he calls himself. I'll just sleep and after that I'll figure out what kind of spell that stupid wizard put on me  and went to sleep but I couldn't really sleep. I felt so hot like I was burning and also weak, I should maybe get some get some water but I couldn't get up. Forget it I'll just try to sleep and tried to fall asleep again.

Yeah idk what I did there I just went with it yk. Also can someone like give me ideas what I should do with that artifact

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