Chapter 7

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Macaque pov

When we arrived at pigsy's noodle shop I tried not to be that much embarrased as I already am. Everyone was there, mk, the dragon girl mei I think was her name, pigsy, the other human tang and that big blue guy. Wukong sat me down on a stool near a table. "Hey pigsy I need a glass of water for some meds" he said, pigsy just huffed at that and gave him a glass of water. "Here, didn't forgot about the meds you wanted" he said and gave me the medication. Without another word I took two pills and drank them down with water. "So now that we're all here, we can talk about the curse" mk said "WAIT SOMEONE GOT CURSED?" mei said behind mk. I flinched a bit at that sudden yell but tried to cover it up. "Yeah, that would be me" I said sounding unbothered form it. I mean I sure am unbothered from it but I would still like it gone. I still need to do something else rather then worry about that curse. Mei shook mk wild around and asked hundreds of questions but she got interrupted by tang. "Now shall we start with the curse?" He asked pulling out a book and placing in on a table. "So tell me all you know about it so far" directing that sentence at me. "Well as far as I know that curse only makes me feel weak and hot" I said crossing my arms "oh and he also somehow gives out a sweet scent of him" wukong added. I was shocked, how did I not notice that. "Mhh feeling weak, hot and giving a sweet scent, I see" tang said adjusting his glasses and opening his book. "That sounds like a curse from an ancient wizard" and opened a page. "What a wizard, really? Omg that's so cool" Mei said with sparkles in her eyes. Wukong looked at me with that kind of look that said "what did you got yourself into this time" but tang cleared his throat and said "may I continue now" and everyone got quiet and listened, signalling him to continue. He cleared his throat again and adjusted his glasses.

Once upon a time there was a very old temple build hundreds of years ago, where a very powerful artefact was hidden. A wizard and guards were supposed to protect it from the world that so desperately wanted it. Since the power of artefact can sense magical weapons and other magical objects with the help of the magic's holder, by draining the magic out of them. It can adjust the magic of it's holder and find the suitable weapon or object but since it has been hundreds of years the temple turned into ruins and the people, who were suppose to protect it, slowly became to stone. The only thing that could lead to that temple was an old map but that also got lost and it was never found ever since.

"The curse that you got hit with was a spell form the wizard that you might have awoken. The curse is making you feel weak and hot. You also attract demons which is bad since they don't know what they're doing and get addicted to the scent. The good thing is that it has some time limits but sadly can't predict when it will get active" tang finished his long story and explanation. So that means wukong didn't felt anything for me, it was all the cause of the curse...again, I got disappointed again. Of course what else did I expect he's way out of my league. I was still deep into my thoughts when I felt someone touching my shoulder. "Macaque are you okay? You've been so quiet" said wukong, he sounded worried. I was kinda glad that he worry's about me. "Yeah I'm fine, now would you get your hand off me" I said and he immediately let go. "Tang would you just tell us now how to get ride of the curse?" Pigsy asked impatient. "Oh of course my dear pigsy~" tang said teasing and pigsys face began heading up. "WOULD YOU JUST TELL US THE GOD DAMN CURE" "of course and now calm down, so in this book it's said that there is a cure. It is a flower growing at an absent mountain. We just need one of it's petals. "Great now that we know what we need we can go and get some, let's go" Mei said excited. "Hold on Mei, you have to be careful on which flower to get. There are a lot of poisonous flower around. In other words if you get the wrong one you might kill macaque" tang said calming Mei down. WHAT I CAN GET KILLED AGAIN IF THEY JUST DO ONE MISTAKE. "Uh well what if I go?" The big blue guy said "I know a lot about flowers they're often used for tea" I guess that's a trusting guy if he knows a lot he can't make a mistake. "Are you sure sandy? It is dangerous" said pigsy worried. "It's gonna be fine pigsy, you just have to trust nature and don't give them any harm. Then they won't harm you back. Besides I have such amazing friends that I can call them if I need any help" he said calming him down. Yeah friends...I thought and looked at wukong. Pigsy crossed his arms in defeat "alright then can't do anything against you big guy but you better call if anything happens" "yup sure will, now I better start packing who knows how long I will take" he said and went out of the shop. Never thought he would be that calm and positive about something, he sure trusts his friends a lot. Let's just hope that nothing goes wrong.

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