Chapter 18

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Macaque pov
We were starting to make our way back home. Wukong and I were on the ship in the living room cuddling together. When I started to have a song repeatedly playing in me head. I tried to ignore it but that obviously didn't work so I started to hum a bit to it. "Wow never thought you would hum to something" wukong said "very funny" I said and rolled my eyes. "What are you even humming there?" He asked "you know just a song I can't get out of my head" I replied. We stood quiet for a while until wukong suddenly stood up. "Since that song is stuck in your head why don't we dance to it" he said and offered me his hand. "We haven't danced together in a long time and since everything is going so smoothly now why not have one of these times again" he said with a warm smile. I chuckled "I don't see anything against it" and took his a hand. He pulled out a string of his hair and blew on it. It started to turn into a music box "now you can turn on the music so we don't have to dance in silence" he said. "You really have a problem with silent places" I said with a chuckle and turned on the music.

Mk pov
I walked down hallway for some food when I heard some music from afar. Who would be listening to music out loud now? I walked closer to inspect it when I saw around the croner monkey king and macaque together...dancing. WAIT THEY'RE DANCING TOGETHER, I have to get the others here to see this. So I took out my phone and texted redson and mei to get to the livingroom. I was still staring at them dancing being amazed by it "hey mk we're here" I jumped but calmed down when I realised that it was mei and redson behind me. "Wow they really are good at dancing" said mei amazed "yeah I know right" I agreed "lets have a closer look" she said and stared to neek up a little closer "no-wait mei" I tired to stop her but ended up following her. "Are you two nuts?!" I heard redson whisper yelling at us further away but still following. We got closer to them till we could clearly see them and I could clearly see macaques ears twitch as we got closer. "Hey kids you don't have to sneek up to have a closer look" I heard him say. I jumped "w-well we weren't planning to" I said quickly coming out of my hiding spot. "Bud what are you doing here?!" Monkey king said and they stopped dancing. "We wanted to have a closer look at you two dancing" mei said with an innocent smile. "I said it was a bad idea" said redson angily "oh no we don't mind you watching us" said macaque with a smirk to monkey king. He gave a nervous chuckle and started blushing a little before taking his hand again and again I was amazed by their dancing. At first monkey king was nervous a bit and wasnt really moving but after some time he completly forgot about us and was focused on macaque. Seems like the others do too since they don't give any comment on it and are just completly staring at them. They were holding each other moving to the ryhthem of music. Monkey king was having one of his hand on macaques waist and the other one holding his hand. Macaque did the opposite, one hand holding his shoulder the other his hand. They often letting go of each other but never let go of their hands. Always holding hands, spinning each other around and getting close again. The dance was so slow and calming but also showing so much pain and all the emotion. They did it so gracefully as if they were dancing on clouds, always being careful with each other.

After a while the music stopped and I couldn't help myself but jump at them. "THAT WAS SO AWSOME" I said with sparkles in my eyes. "Heh glad you liked it bud"said monkey king and ruffled my hair. "It's great and all but how did you both knows how to dance so well?" Redson asked, monkey king was fidgeting a little wit his fur. "We used to dance a lot in the past" he said with a sad tone in his voice. Macaque put his hand on his shoulder "like you said it's in the past" he said. "Aww two love birds I totally need this on camera" Mei said happily and quickly pulled her phone out. We all started to laugh a bit at her happy out burst. "Monkey king?" I asked "what's up bud" he replied. "What kind of dance was it you were dancing?" I asked curious. "It's an ancient dance that was used for people that love each other and only for them those people don't have to be married or anything like that they only have to love each other to the point they would do anything for them" he said proudly. "That sounds a lot like simping" I said, macaque started to laugh in the background and monkey king was starting to turn read from embarrassment and tried to get his way out of there. "Mk I have a great idea for that dance" Mei said suddenly "why don't you dance it with redson~" she said with a smirk. I blushed at that and so did redson. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ME AND HIM DANCING" he yelled at her. "You know I'm just saying" she said and shrugged with a smile on her face. I was way to embarrassed and to shocked from what she said to even react to that but o started to imagine me and redson dancing together. I blushed even harder at that thought and tried to get rid of it but at the same time I wanted to keep thinking about it. "See who's simping now" whispered monkey king to me. "Wha-I'm not simping" I whispered back trying to calm down. "Yeah sure you don't" said monkey king. "He is right you are simping" said macaque suddenly next to me. "Would you two just quit it" I said waving with my arms fully embarrassed but they are right I do like redson but I definitely know that I'm not simping...I think.

Sorry this took so long I had a lot of school work to do and I sadly don't have any holidays anymore. I'll try to update as often as I can but some may take longer then the others.

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