Chapter 23

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I don't know why this took so long and I even had to write it again cuz it just kinda deleted itself and I have to get used to writing again anyway enjoy

Wukong pov
I quickly summoned my cloud and flew to pigsys noddles. I crashed thru the door "GUYS WE HAVE A PROBLEM" I yelled quickly. "SERIOUSLY CAN YOU NOT CRASH INTO MY SHOP" Pigsy yelled at me. "I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO ARGUE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW" I yelled back at him. "Maybe we should all just calm down and take a breath" tang said a bit nervous trying to calm us down. "Yeah monkey man whats up" mei asked a bit confused. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down at least a little but still felt really worried about macaque and what might happen to him. "The mayor is somehow back and kidnapped macaque" I said worried. "THE MAYOR IS BACK" Mk said surprise "b-but how?" He asked confused "yeah how is that mayor still here when we defeated lbd?" Pigsy asked "I dont know but he got macaque and we have to bring him back" I said worried. "Great just great, we just finished a problem and now we have something even worse" pigsy said annoyed with anger. "Pigsy my dear why don't you calm down and take a deep breath alright" tang said calm and placed a hand on pigsys to calm him down. He took a deep breath and calmed down. "Guys cmon we have to get macaque back" I said impatent, worried about what the mayor might do to him and wanting him back as quickly as possible. "Yeah monkey kings right, we have to bring macaque back" Mk said sticking up with an eager smile. "RESCUE MISSION" Mei said excited and jumped a bit. "And how are you guys planning to bring him back when you don't even know where he is" pigsy said. Suddenly the realisation hits me and I hung my head low. He's right, how can we find and rescue him when we don't even know where he is. I started to get even more worried about macaques well being while he's with the mayor. "Don't worry we'll get him back" mk said and put a hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and gave a small smile "thx bud" I said.

Macaque pov
I was threw into the portal and hit a stone wall. I hissed a bit in pain as I hit the wall and fell to the ground. The mayor came thru the portal and looked down at me with a creepy smile of satisfaction. "The hell are you smiling at" I said and stood back up. "M'lady I brought you macaque" mayor said and bowed down. I looked to who he was bowing and a tall woman sat on a thrown. "You did well mayor" she said cold. "Thank you m'lady" the mayor said with a wide proud smile. "Now to you macaque" she said coldly. "Who are you, what do you want" I said sceptical  crossing my arms. "For who I am is none of your concern" she said coldly. I scoffed "tell me then what you want" I said a bit annoyed. My head was suddenly pushed to the ground "show a  bit respect for m'lady" the mayor said with a smile "I won't forget what you did to lbd" he said and his smile dropped quickly. "And what if I don't" I said with a cheeky smile. "I'll-" he started but was cut off. "Enough" a cold stern voice said. "My apologise m'lady" the mayor said quickly and bowed his head. "I'll look over it this time"she said and sighed "you know what to do" she said coldy. "Of course" he said and pulled out a small bottle of his pocket. "Whats that" I asked looking sceptical at the small bottle moving my head away from it. "You may know it as a spell but this will be much worse" she said and I could see a smile appear on her face. "And you think you can keep me here and make me drink it" I said mockingly and opened a portal underneath me trying to go thru it. "Where do you think you're going" the mayor said with a wide smile and grabbed me by my throat pulling me out of the portal. He lifted me over the ground and forced me to drink the liquid of the small bottle. I coughed a bit after I forcefully drank the liquid. "You know where to put him" she said turning around and left. "Of course m'lady" the mayor said, I tried to get out of his grip but he just tighten it and I choked a bit. "Lets bring you to your room shall we" he said with a wide smile and dragged me around, still having a tight grip around my throat.

After a while getting dragged around, he threw me in a room. "This is your room" he said with a wide smile. I took a look around and there was almost nothing but a blanket in the corner of the room. "Do you really think that I'll stay here" I said mockingly with a scoff. "Oh you won't be able to leave even if you try to, we made sure of that" he said with a wide smile. I scoffed "yeah sure" I said not believing him. "Well have fun in your stay, get used to your new room you'll stay here a while" he said with a wide smile and he closed the door, locking me inside. I chuckled a bit do they really think that they can keep me here locked up, I can just open a portal and get out. I chuckled again a bit at that thought and tried to open a portal but it didn't work. I was surprised and cofused, why didn't it work whats wrong. I tried again but it still didn't work, I tried over and over but it didn't work. "FUCK" I yelled out of anger and hit the wall. Why do I have to get this digusting spell thing again I just got rid of it and she even said that its worse then before and why won't my portals work. I sighed and slide down to the ground leaning against the wall pulling my knees to my chest. I have to get out of here, I can't stay here.

I wrote this thing twice now, I don't really like how it ended up now and I need sleep. Staying up in the night to write this, lets go

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