Chapter 5 (smut)

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Wukong pov

I was standing in front of the bathroom door thinking about macaques reaction. Wait did he thought I would go with him inside and what was that reaction of his. A loud sound from the bathroom got me out of my thoughts. I bursted thru the door and saw macaque laying on the floor. The entire room was filled with that sweet scent again I tried to get closer but the closer I got to him the stronger the scent became and the harder it is to ignore it. "Macaque can you get up" I asked and he tried to get up "Who do you think I am" he said with a smirk on his face. He was a bit shaky on his legs and he needed to lean onto the sink. He walked towards me and tried his best to not fall. I tried my best to not smell that scent but it crawls into my nose that I can't do anything against it. Macaque was about to fall when he caught himself by leaning up against me. That's when my mind suddenly became blank and all I can think about is the lust for macaque. I pinned him against the wall and kissed him. He looks shocked and tried to pull away. "W-wait...wukong-" that's all he could say before he was cut off by another kiss. I bit his lip asking for an entrence, he refuse but I became impatient and bit harder causing him to open his mouth. I began exploring his mouth and he began moaning into the kiss. I moved my hand down his back and grabbed his tail he gasped and quickly covered his mouth and hid his face in my shoulder. That made it all more interesting and made me more lustful for him. "How about we move to the bedroom ~" whispering in his ears "You can't take care of this by yourself am I right ~" pointing at his reaction "W-well... uhm" he stuttered blushing trying to hide his face and with that I carried him to the bedroom.
We began kissing passionately again and I started to take off the clothes. Once we were both fully naked I could only think about how much I want to screw him up so bad that he won't be able to stand for days.

Macaque pov

Wukong looked down on me with lust in his eyes, I felt so weak by that glare. I don't know what has gotten into him. After that spell became active again and I became weak he suddenly became so lustful. He grabbed my legs and put them around his waist. He lined up his dick to my entrance "No w-wait-" before I could finish my sentence wukong already thrusted in. I was holding on to the sheets for dear life gasping for air and whining at that sudden pain. I can tell wukong was ready to move again. "N-no wukong please w-wait a bit" I said whiningly "L-let me...get used to it" I can tell how badly he wanted to move but he still held on and waited. After some time I gave him a signal and he started moving slowly. I held my hand to my mouth to not let any sound out. When he suddenly held my hands above my head "Now cmon I wanna hear some noises from that mouth of yours ~" he said teasingly. He started moving faster which made me moan louder. He started going faster and deeper when he suddenly hit a spot. That made my back ache and hit my head back. "Got it ~" he said with a smirk and started hitting that spot over and over again. "Ahh~ w-wukong~ " I began moaning "N-not so f-fast~" I begged him. He only moved faster and started to give Love bites all over my body. I became a moaning mess with my tongue hanging out of my mouth. I don't know what has gotten into him but I love it. I could feel I was getting close. "C-close~ Gonna c-come~" I said under my breath "Then come for me~ " said wukong into my ear and with that command I came all over. I was in pure bliss and was trying to catch my breath. Wukong pulled out, I whined at that sudden emptiness in my stomach and thought it was all over now. I was about to stand up when wukong pulled me back down. "Did you really think it's over~" he said and turned me around causing me to lay on my stomach. "I haven't finished yet~"he whispered into my ear and with that he pushed his dick back inside. He started to move again at an incredible speed. I tried to muffle my moaning into the pillow. "Ah, ah, ah I want to hear those sweet sounds you make~" he said and pulled my hair causing me to lift my head up. I don't know why but I love it when he's so controlling over me and pulling my hair or whispers into my ear. I let out all the sounds I could make when I could feel his hand sliding to my tail. He suddenly grabbed my tail "N-no...w-wait that's-..~" before I could end my sentence he started to stroke my tail "S-sensitive..~" was all I could get out of me before a pure bliss came all over me again. "Oh~ does that feel good~" he said into my ear and all I could do was nod. I became a moaning mess and couldn't think of anything else anymore my mind had become blank. All I can think of is wukong and how I want him to dominate me and use me. He suddenly began moving faster and my eyes rolled back with my tongue out when I came again all over. "P-please s-slow down~" I begged him but he just moved faster.I could feel my insides clenching onto him. "C-close" was all he said before he came all the way inside me. I could feel the warm liquid being filled into me. When he finished he pulled out which made me drop down. I haven't done this in a while. My legs are tired already and I just wanted to sleep now. "Now don't you just drift off" he said "I'm still not satisfied~" he had a smirk on his face and with that he went back in. I could tell this is gonna be a very long night.

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