Chapter 21

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Macaque pov
"Cmon mango what's taking you so long?" Wukong said impatiently waiting at the door. "Just wait a little alright" I said trying to pick an outfit. We were making ourself ready to go to the city and just shop for a while. We would need to disguise ourself as humans but that's not problem for me. As for wukong...I've never seen him in a human this would a quit a surprise when I see it. Thats why I'm even more excited then usual and I have to get the best look. I pulled out some black jeans and a black purple stripped shirt, of course a dark blue jacket just hanging lose on my shoulders can't be left out and my red scarf to top it all. I looked myself in the mirror to see if it all fits and it did quit the job. I got out to see an impatient waiting wukong leaning against the wall of the hallway. He had really dark purple pants almost black on with a white and peached coloured shirt and an orange jacked with black sleeves hanging loose on his arms, freeing his shoulder. He seem to notice me and started starring. "Wow you look beautiful" he said in amaze. I chuckled "you don't look bad yourself" he chuckled "of course I look good" he said making a pose. "Cmon you big idiot we'll be staying here all day if you continue" I said with a chuckle and started to make my way out. He was startled but quickly followed behind me. Just before we arrived at the city we transformed ourself into humans. There wasn't anything special that I expected, its just the same us but without our tail and our marks on the face but there was something different on wukong. After he transformed I noticed that his hair was more fluffier then it was before. You would notice it normally but when you look closely you can see that it was fluffy. "Mango you can stop staring now" he said with a chuckle. I didn't notice that I was starring at him and quickly looked away. I cleared my throat and said "alright lets go then" and made my way to the city. I could hear wukong still laughing a little behind me but still followed me without a question.

I was looking at some jewellery at a shop. Wukong was just close by, trying not to draw any attention to him. Although there weren't a lot of people in here, I could see that he still was a little nervous but tried to play it off. I tried my best to quickly find a good enough looking jewellery so that he doesn't have to suffer for that long. Thats when I finally saw some good enough looking earring pair. They were purple and were the shape of a peach. I was about to grab them when I noticed of the corner of my eye a girl looking at wukong. I first shrug it off cuz its just a quick look and its wukong, everyone would look at him. I took the earrings and was ready to pay for them. Wukong suddenly bummed his head into my neck. I sighed "yeah we'll go I just have to pay" I said and ruffled his hair. Thats when I noticed the same girl again starting to stare at us now but it wasn't a normal stare, there was anger I think or maybe something else but she seems upset that wukong is close to me. I was kinda annoyed by her so I pulled him closer to me and looked her in the eyes with smirk. She got even angrier then before and stormed out of the shop. I huffed proudly and paid for the earring. "Uhh mango you can let go of me now" said wukong still in my arms. "Oh right" I said surprised not noticing that I still held him close. "You know if you really wanna hold me close you can just hold my hand" he said with a smirk. I blushed a little, I didn't expect him to say that. I nervously reached out for his hand and held it. My heart started racing. He chuckled and said "see not that hard" "yeah sure lets go" I said trying to play it off.

We walked for a while until we ended up in a crowd . This is not good, wukong hates crowds and can't really handle them for long. We have to get out of there quickly. I tried finding a way out of the crowd keeping wukong close, when suddenly someone bummed into me and made me let go of his hand. "Hey watch where you're going" I said a bit angry. They apologies and only then I noticed that I let go of wukong hand. I started to panic a little, trying to find him in the crowd. I can't use my six ears since we're in disguise so I just started yelling out his name hoping he will hear me.

Wukong pov
Macaque let go of my hand and I suddenly felt someone dragging me around. I was dumbfounded and couldn't react quickly enough to get out of their grip. I could hear macaque yell out my name and I yelled back trying to get his attention, I didn't care at that moment about the people. I was to focused on the other person and on macaque trying to find me. After some time of yelling it seems like he noticed me and ran as quickly as he could to me but I was dragged out of the crowd and into some cafe shop. I was placed down on a seat and the person that dragged me around all the time sat in front of me. It was the same girl that stared at me in the jewellery shop. I became nervous and wanted to leave but she suddenly started talking. "Hey my name is trixy mind telling me your name cute guy" she introduce herself. "Uh its wukong but listen I gotta go" I said nervously and was about to stand up and leave when she suddenly held me hand. "Oh no don't leave please" she begged. I gave a nervous chuckle pulling her hand away from mine "listen you seem pretty nice but I don't know you plus there's someone waiting for me and I have to find them" I said starting to walk out of the shop. I guess she didn't gave up cuz she's following me now like a creep. I sighed this is just getting worse. "Could you maybe not follow me around?" I asked her a bit annoyed. "Oh I'm sorry but you're so sweet I can't leave you alone" she said with an innocent voice and pressed herself against my arm. This girl is driving me crazy. If one more thing is gonna happen I will personally throw her to the moon. "WUKONG WHERE ARE YOU" I suddenly heard macaque yell and saw him walking out of the side of a building. "MACAQUE IM HERE" I yelled back and freed my arm from the grip of the girl to run towards him. He noticed me and started to run as well, we both ended up hugging each other out of excitement. "Uh peaches who is that?" Macaque asked and pointed at the girl behind me. I sighed exhausted "this girl won't leave me alone just don't mind her" I said. She scuffed "don't mind me I'm your future girlfriend" she said proudly and pulled me away from macaque and pressed herself against my arm, again. I was dumbfounded but also angry at her when I realised what she said. I was about to yell at her when macaque pulled me away from her and kissed me. I was shocked but kissed back immediately. I put my hand around his waist and he held my head. When we separated I see her looking at us in shock and disgust. "Eww thats disgusting" she said and ran away. I chuckled "seems like you got a bit jealousy there" I said teasing him. "Who knows I just wanted her to leave, she was way to annoying" he said with a smirk. "True, now should we continue hanging around in the city or you wanna go back to the mountain?" I asked, he shrug "well I have my earrings we can go back this disguise is making me tired" he said and yawned. I chuckled "alright then back to the mountain it is" and we made our way back to flower fruit mountain holding each others hands but I couldn't help but feel like someone is watching us...

So guys here are the outfits of the two monkey boys kinda wanted to draw them in the outfits

And btw I'll probably won't post every week now cuz I have some important exams coming up but I'll post as soon as I can

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And btw I'll probably won't post every week now cuz I have some important exams coming up but I'll post as soon as I can.

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