Chapter 12

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Wukong pov

I lay macaque on his bed and I noticed him clenching the artefact close to him. I grabbed it and slowly pulled it out of his arms. As I held the artefact I looked down on him and just admired how beautiful he was in his sleep. He must have really exhausted his strenth, why does he have do to everything on his own. I was frustrated at the thought him getting hurt really badly. The door suddenly opened and the kids came inside. "Hey monkey king, is he alright" mk asked I gave him a small smile "yeah he's fine he's just needs sleep now" I said. "See I told you mk" said mei "yeah you're right as always mei" he said. "But are you sure lui're is alright, he seemed very desperate to finish the rutual with the artefact" said redson worried. I sighed "look redson he did say that the wizzard is still after the artefact. I don't know why macaque is so scared of him but all I know is that he needs a good night sleep to regain his powers" he became quiet, mk and mei seem worried for him I can't blaim them he's their friend. "Alright then I'll leave him to you but if you do anything to him, I will kill you myself" he said threatening me. "Yeah don't worry about that" I said patting his shoulder "don't touch me you ape" he said. As he was about to leave I remembered the artefact. "Oh and can you bring this to sandy so he can bring us to the location" I said and gave him the artefact. "Yeah sure" he said annoyed and left the room, mk and mei followed him with laughter. Now that's a hot headed kid. I looked back at macaque who was still sleeping and put my hand on his cheek. He made a quiet grumble but leaned into the touch. "You have no idea how bad I wanna kiss and screw you up right now" I said quietly with a smirk on my face. But sadly I can't, I don't wanna lose him again now that I got his trust back. Although I still gave him a small kiss on the forehead. I stayed with him for a long time and eventually fell asleep.

Macaque pov
I slowly started to wake up, how long have I slept. I was in thoughts when I felt someone at the edge of the bed. I looked down and saw it was wukong sleeping there soundly. Heh he looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I reached out my hand and patted his head. Even though he doesn't take care of his fur, it's still somehow soft and smooth as always. He slowly started to move his head and gave a small growl from him. I took my hand away and he started to slowly wake up. "Macaque you're wake" he said cheerful "how do you feel?" He asked "I'm much better but how long have I slept?" I asked. "I don't know but it was probably a day or so" he said. "WHAT, A DAY" I said panicking, looking around the room in trying to find the artefact. "Oh are you trying to find the actefact, I gave it to redson so he can bring it to Sandy and he can bring us there while you're asleep" he said and that calmed me down. We had a quiet moment with no talking, just being alone in a room. He started to approach me, I panicked and backed up a bit until I was met with the wall. Our faces being inches away from each other. We just stared at each other for  a moment, when wukong broke the silence "do you think we can maybe.." he took a deep breath before continueing "start over and give us or maybe me another chance" I was dumbfounded. I couldn't get a full sentence out, I only stuttered some words out like "um know" but before I could even continue the door opened suddenly and mk came in. "Hey mokey king we arrived at the.." he interrupted his sentence when he saw our position and wukong quickly got away from me. Mk gave us a look that clearly said he knows what going on. God, this  is so emberassing. "Heya bud what do you need" wukong said with a chuckle. "Oh nothing just wanna let you know that we arrived that the location but it looks like you have somthing else to do" he said with a smirk and started to slowly closing the door. God can someone please just kill me again. "NO KID ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK" wukong said out of panic and ran after him.

Mk pov
I ran to mei to tell her the tea I just saw.  Monekey king was running after me but I had a head start so I'll still have enough time to tell mei. I saw her chilling at the table with her phone so I yelled "MEI, MEI YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I JUST SAW". She looked at me comfused and asked "mk what happend?" "I saw macaque and monkey king literally being about to kiss" I said. "HAH, I KNEW IT" she said cheerful "YOU OWN ME 20 BUGS NOW" "yeah, yeah here's your money" I said and just after I gave her the money wukong caught up to me. "Kid it's not what you think it was" he said panicked "oh yeah then what was it" mei said teasing him. His face became all red, he tried to defent himself but couldn't find the right words. He was just bursting out some words that didn't make any sense, so he just gave up. Before he could embarrass himself even more, redson came in. "Are you guys done now cuz everyone is waiting for you" he said annoyed. Oh yeah right totally forgot that we arrived. "Yeah we're coming" I said and ran towards him with Mei behind me. "Wait kid where are you going?" Wukong asked "I did told you that we arrived and everyone is waiting outside so we can all go together" I explained. "Nice plan I'll get macaque then" he said and went to macaque room. We waited for like 10 minutes until both of them came out. They both had a hoodie on, wukongs being dark red with some orange stripes on the arms and macaques being dark purple. "Finally we can go" redson said "yay let's go explore the city" I said cheerfully with Mei together. Mei, redson and I went ahead and close behind us were Sandy, pigsy and tang. Wukong and macaque were at the back, making them the last. We're finally having some adventure now.

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